1901 - There was a new pulpit for Holy Trinity Church, made by Maxwell Ayrton. [S2]
1901 - The census showed that there were 163 inhabited houses with a population of 649, an apparent decline. (Possibly due to how the figures are calculated.) [S 36 p.107 ] For further details on the census returns for Leverstock Green click here.
Wednesday 9th January 1901 - The annual New Year's treat for the teachers and pupils of the Sunday School was given by Mr Davis at Well Farm. The tea was superintended by Miss Bennett of Well Farm and took place Wed 9th January. The Vicar with Mrs & Miss Durrant took tea with the Teachers. Then annual prizes for the year's work were given out followed by a slide show presented by the Rev Anderson of Kings Langley of his travels in the Holy Land. [Gazette 12th January 1901]
12th January 1901 - The Gazette had two reports concerning Leverstock Green, the first being a report on an Inquest which was held at the Brickmakers Arms Bennetts End and which brought in a verdict of suffocation on the baby child of Matilda Buckland, wife of Nathaniel Buckland, licensed hawker. They had parked their van in Chalk Dell Bennetts End and the baby had been born 2 months prematurely. The midwife had been sent for but the child's life could not be saved. The second was a report of the annual New Year's Tea (see 9th January.) [Gazette 12th January 1901]
January 23rd 1901 - Queen Victoria died. Most text books and other sources held her death to be a great personal blow to everyone within her realm. However, Mr. Ford, the village schoolmaster, made no mention at all of the Queen's death in his school log book. The nearest entry in the log book to the Queen's death was two days after the event. The death two years previously of the Vicar had not only occasioned an entry, but it had been carefully framed in a black box. The demise of Britain's Queen, was obviously of very little interest to the village schoolmaster and his charges. Similarly no entry was made the following year noting the Coronation of King Edward. However the local paper, the Gazette had considerable coverage of the Queen's death, and until after the funeral on 2nd February each edition of the paper was printed showing thick black lines between each column of the paper. [S69, S73, Gazette January 1901]
1st February 1901 - The following was recorded in the school log book by Mr. Ford:
"The attendance for the First Quarter if the School Year has been - like that of last year - very low. This has been owing to the "Mumps" which went through the School and Village attacking young and old." [S73]
The Gazette carried the following report:
A the petty sessions at St. Albans, William Steers of St Michaels was charged with game trespass at Woodwells Road Hemel Hempstead on January 20th. PC Sharp saw defendant get out of a fence with something under his coat and walk down the road. Witness found he had a rabbit and on going to the place where defendant got out of the fence he found a rabbit hole had been broken out. Defendant said the rabbit ran across in front of him and went into the hole As he could see it in the hole he pulled it out and killed it just as the constable came down the road. The Chairman said the defendant would be discharged on this occasion, but warned him not to be brought there again.
It was also noted in this and subsequent 1901 editions that Mr Sears at the Post Office was noted as being the Leverstock Green agent for the Gazette. [Gazette 9th February 1901]
27th April 1901 - The new vicar of Leverstock Green, the Rev. Arthur Durrant, was obviously causing changes at Holy Trinity which some found unacceptable. The following was reported in the Gazette with further acrimony to follow at the Vestry for 1902 ( see entry for 1902):
At the recent vestry meeting at Leverstock Green the Vicar, Rev A Durrant caused some surprise by stating that he had decided to make a change in his warden for the year. Mr Davis had not always agreed with him, and thinking a little new blood would be beneficial, he nominated Mr Arthur Seabrook. Several spoke of Mr Davis' abilities, and Mr Hart, the Parish Warden resigning, Mr Davis was elected in his place after a heated discussion. Another point argued was whether the organist (Mr W C Child) was appointed annually. Mr Davis contending that he was while Mr Child considered that he was not.
Subsequently a representative of the Herts Standard was informed that the vicar and Mr Davis did not agree because of the former's high church views. Mr Davis he found very much aggrieved on the subject. He said he had been Parish or Vicar's Warden for 45 years and he thought he had been treated very shabbily by the Vicar in being thrown over by him in the way he was. Mr Davis did not hesitate to charge the vicar with having Romanizing tendencies. Asked what he took exception to in the service, Mr Davis said the vicar had introduced processional hymns, and bowed to the altar before he went into pulpit, and on other occasions, and that he had lighted candles on the alter at the early celebration of Holy Communion. "He doesn't do it at the other services, went on Mr Davis, " because he knows I should blow them out if he did." He stated that he came into office the same year as the old vicar, The Rev. Finch, and had always agreed with him, and had never had a difference of opinion with the Vicar until Mr Durrant came and introduced some new forms in the services. "I know its the tendency now" he went on, but I am an old man, and have been used to the old fashioned ways, and I don't like the other." He was taken aback when the Vicar appointed Mr. Seabrook as his warden, and thought it was hard to be thrown out after all the service he had done and with the church owing him £18.
The vicar told the journalist that the proceedings at the Vestry on the day in question were exceedingly dull, in fact more than usually so. He appointed Mr Seabrook as his warden as he had a right to do, and did not see why he should give any reason for his change.
25th May 1901- A century later, when I can look out of my window and frequently see large flocks of gulls on the playing fields opposite my house, this snippet from the Gazette caught my attention.
Last week the unusual sight of a pair of seagulls flying over the village was reported.
The following was also reported:
BAPTISTS ANNIVERSARY - Supported by a large contingent of Hemel Hempstead friends the anniversary services on Wednesday were exceptionally bright and hearty. Rev C H Sawday conducted the afternoon service and besides his address he assisted Rev Wright Robinson at the evening meeting when the chapel was well filled.
AN OLD INHABITANTS DEATH- In the death of Mrs Maria Cooper of Bunkers Cottages the village has lost one of its oldest and most respected inhabitants. Deceased, who was 88 years of age had had her full share of the troubles of life, having lost her husband and the majority of her large family, but her weight of care was totally buried beneath her genial and happy disposition, which had made many friends.
AFTER THE EGGS - William Freedman of Westwick Row was charged at St Albans with taking 6 partridge eggs from a nest on land at St Michael's on May 1st. Defendant did not appear. John Fox, Beechtree, Leverstock Green in the employ of Mr Little, whilst working on some land belonging to the Earl of Verulum on May 1st saw defendant go to the partridges nest close to where he was working, watched until the way was clear, and then put the eggs in his pocket and made across the field. Witness stopped and searched him , and found the six eggs in his pocket. He said he was going to bring them to witness. This was the defendant's first offence, and he was fined 2/6d for each egg, to include the costs of the case, or 7 days. [Gazette 25th May 1901]
Tuesday 23rd May 1901 - The Rev. Durrant conducted the wedding of his sister Marion at Holy Trinity, The Gazette reporting on the occurrence two weeks later:
Marriage of Miss Marion Durrant youngest daughter of the late Mr G F Durrant of South Elmham All Saints Suffolk and Mr Arthur Hackblock of Coltshall Norfolk took place at the parish church Leverstock Green on Tuesday May 23rd -..................... bridesmaids were Miss Lorna Durrant (niece of the bride), Miss Dorothy Heathcote, Miss Charlotte Pelly, Miss Binfield and Miss Marion Binfield....................... The bride was given away by her eldest brother Mr G F N Durrant and Mr Herbert Hackblock acted as best man. The ceremony was performed by Rev A. Durrant, vicar of Leverstock Green (brother of the bride) the service being fully choral. Mr Childs presiding at the organ. The church was tastefully decorated by Mrs Bailey. A large congregation was present.
During the afternoon a reception was held by the Rev A and Mrs Durrant at the vicarage....... (Then followed ad long list of guests)
Both bride & groom were recipients of numerous and costly presents..................... left for honeymoon in Switzerland in the evening. [Gazette 1st June 1901]
Monday 25th June 1901 - A refreshing shower fell on the village as the Gazette reported:
The villagers were particularly favoured by the "clerk of the weather" on Monday afternoon with a sharp shower of rain putting an end to hay-making operations for the day. For a few minutes rain fell in torrents and was much welcomed by the cottagers, gardeners and others. The shower seems to have but covered a radius of half a mile outside the village. [Gazette 29th June 1901]
Friday July 12th 1901- The annual Sunday School treat was held on Friday in the Vicarage Meadow, where about 80 children with teachers and friends spent a very pleasant afternoon. A plentiful supply of cake and tea, presents sweets etc. was provided. Races and games were indulged in until dusk. [Gazette July 13th 1901]
Thursday 4th August 1901 - The residents of Leverstock Green turned out to meet a returning soldier from the continuing Boer War as was reported in the Gazette later in the week:
On Thursday 4th this quiet little village was in a great state of excitement when it was rumoured that Private James Gill was coming home. Private Gill, whose home is in Leverstock Green belongs to the Hemel Hempstead Volunteers which form part of the Beds regiment) volunteered for the front soon after the outbreak of war, and would have returned some weeks ago but was seised with enteric at Cape Town and detained. We are glad to say he is now quite recovered. After reporting himself to HQ he was driven home with his parents, by Mr. Tucker, the horse covered with the Union Jack, and on entering the village was hastily cheered by his friends, in fact all the village turned out to meet him............ [Gazette 6th August 1901]
7th September 1901 - The death was reported of Herbert Ingham, son of Mr W Ingham of Westwick Row. Herbert died in Auckland New Zealand, aged 28. [Gazette 7th Sept 1901]
10th October 1901 - The latest epidemic disease to effect the village was Scarlet Fever, with Mr. Ford recording that two children - Ernest Thorne and Lily Vaughan had been admitted to the Isolation Hospital, many more children were placed in quarantine. [S73]
1902 - Coronation Cottages were built in the centre of the village. Several other properties were built at about this time.
The first entry in Kelly's Directory for the new century was much the same as in previous years, but noted that the net yearly value of the living of Holy Trinity was now £271, and was held since 1899 By the Rev. Arthur Durrant of Emmanuel College Cambridge.
The post office had lost its postmistress and now had a new sub-postmaster in William Walter Sears. Mr. Sears was also the village grocer. The post itself was later than it had used to be, arriving at Leverstock Green at 7.45 a.m., although it was still dispatched at 6.20 p.m. Two new post-boxes had appeared in the area; a wall letter box at Bennetts End, which was cleared at 6.40.p.m.; and another in High Street Green, which was cleared at 9.20 a.m. and 6.40 p.m.
The National School was still run by the Fords, with the average attendance dropping to 96 children.
According to Kelley's, there were now only two principal residents: The Rev. Arthur Durrant, and Joseph Bailey of Chambersbury. Thomas Daniel Cox having been relagated purely to the commercial sector under the heading apartments. Presumably he let accommodation to others. William Davis had also been relegated.
The full commercial listings were as follows:
Joseph Bailey, farmer, Chambersbury
James Bishop, blacksmith
William Charles Child, brick maker ( he had apparently given up the wheelwrights business)
Thomas Childs, North End Farm
Walter Stephen Cook, shoe maker (presumably the previous Walter's son, as the name Stephen has been added.)
William Cooper, shoe maker
Thomas Daniel Cox, apartments
William Davis, farmer, Well Farm
Thomas Dubbury, beer retailer and shopkeeper
John William Fade, beer retailer
Mrs. Jane Finch, farmer, Corner Farm
James Knox Hart, farmer, Leverstock Green Farm
George Howlett, beer retailer
Matthew Leno, farmer and pheasant and poultry breeder, Coxpond Farm.
Matthew Leno junior, farmer, Westwick Farm
Edgar Leno, farmer, Hill Farm ( The Leno clan were spreading their wings further.)
John Martin, Rose and Crown P.H.
William Parkins, fishmonger
Henry Pedley, beer retailer
George Pilcher ,beer retailer
Arthur Seabrook, Leather Bottle P.H. and shopkeeper
Arthur George Seabrook, boot and shoe maker
William Walter Sears, grocer and post office
George Timson, Red Lion P.H.
William Woodward, farm bailiff to Joseph Bailey esq.
Robert William Wright, wheelwright
It would appear that there was now only one brick maker - William Child. Had the industry started to collapse, or were the entries now listed under Hemel or Apsley?
2nd January 1901 - The traditional New Year's Tea & prize giving took place for the Sunday School children. Tea was given by Mr Davis of Well Farm and prepared in the school room by Miss Bennett & other ladies. There was also a large Christmas tree donated by Mr AH Longman, decorated with toys sweets and presents by Rev & Mrs & Miss Durrant. The Vicar dressed up as Father Christmas to distribute the goodies. A good time was had by all. [Gazette 11th January 1901]
11th January 1902 - The Gazette reported an outbreak of smallpox in Hemel Hempstead necessitating two cottages on the sewerage farm (Bennetts End/Elephant Farm) going to be used as a temporary hospital. [Gazette 11th January 1901]
10th February 1902 - Sybil Leno was taken into the St. Albans Isolation Hospital with Scarlet Fever, and the village school was closed for 3 weeks in order to try and reduce the further spread of the disease. [S73]
22nd February 1902 - smallpox epidemic was mentioned again in the local press. [Gazette 22nd February 1901]
31st March 1902 - A census of Leverstock Green was undertaken, reported upon as a special entry in the school log book for July 31st. The results were as follows:
Ecclesiastical ParishInhabited homesPopulation
Abbots Langley (pt) 42 173
Hemel Hempstead (pt)61 248
St. Michaels Rural (pt) 60228
TOTAL163 649
5th April 1902 - for the second year running, the Gazette published details of arguments taking place at the annual vestry meeting. However, Holy Trinity was not the only local church to air their greivences publicly at the begining of the 20th century; around Easter 1903 the Gazette reported even more acrimonious and somewhat explosive confrontations at the Hemel Hempstead Vestry meeting.
To have been held on Monday in the Vestry room, but owing to an unusual number of parishioners congregating it was adjourned to the schoolroom. There were present Messrs. Jos. Bailey, J K Hart, W Davis, A Seabrook, ( churchwardens) W C Child D Charge, W W Sears, W. Parkins, WS Cook, F Goodenough, W Cooper, A Spacey, G Doggett, Greenway, Timson and many others. The vicar ( Rev. A Durrant) having taken the chair read the minutes and asked that they might be confirmed. Some dissent was expressed as the accounts of last year were not shown. The vicar then proceeding, said the business of the meeting was to elect churchwardens for the year. Several parishioners asked that the accounts might be shown and several uncomplimentary remarks were used towards the chairman. When order was restored he said he would ask Mr Arthur Seabrook to again be his warden. He had helped him all he could during the past year and he believed he had the good of the parish at heart. Mr Seabrook accepted the office. The chairman said the next business was to select a Parish Warden, but before doing so he would read a letter from the Archdeacon, which would he thought be of some guidance to them, as there was some common belief that the incoming churchwardens were responsible for the outgoing warden's debts. They were about £20 behind. The letter was to the effect that the newly awarded churchwardens were in no way responsible for any debts which their predecessors had contracted, and could refuse to pay them, but might as they saw fit pay out the old wardens as soon as funds allowed.
The letter was received with cheers and uproar. When silence was again restored, the chairman asked them to elect a warden for the parish. Mr Goodenough proposed Mr GH Dell, Mr Sears seconded. Mr Bailey (Chambersbury) proposed Mr W C Child, This was seconded by Mr W S Cook, The chairman having put names to the meeting, a show of hands was taken and Mr W C Childs was elected. Mr Child briefly thanked the vestry for his election. Another call was made for the accounts which were then produced by Mr Davis. An attempt was made to examine them, but owing to the prevailing disorder no satisfactory conclusion seemed to be arrived at. There appeared however, to be a deficit of about £20 which Mr Davis said was due to a great extent to the falling off of subscriptions. He mentioned a few who he said had refused to subscribe any more.
The sidesmen were elected en bloc Mr WW Sears was appointed to represent the parish at the rural decanal conference. Mr Bailey proposed a vote of thanks to Mr Davis for his service as Churchwarden, which was seconded by Mr Hart. The meeting broke up while this was being put.
May 16th 1902 - Mr. Ford, the village schoolmaster, noted in the log book that Scarlet Fever was once again spreading in the district. New cases were recorded frequently over the following month until Mr. Ford that there were "no fresh cases of sickness" on July 11th. [S73]
Wednesday 28th May 1902 - The Baptist Chapel celebrated its anniversary. For the first tome the honour of Eldership was confirmed on a member of this church - (Mr Isaac Squires). [Gazette 31st May 1902]
31st May 1902 - The Gazette published details of the Borough's plans for Coronation celebrations to take part in Hemel Hempstead finishing at Gadebridge Park on June 21st 1902. Major proceedings included a carnival procession organised for Hemel Borough starting at Two Waters, and ending at Gadebridge park with lunch, sports and prize giving in the afternoon and fireworks at dusk. Amongst the long list of festival ideas was the following information:
Although not a rich district the inhabitants are not going to let the occasion pass unnoticed and a capital programme has been arranged. There will be services in the church at 9 and 11; At 12.30 a dinner will provided at Northend farm for men and boys over 13, Athletic sports commence at 2 pm, and a tea will be given to all inhabitants at 4. At 9.30 there will be a procession to the green and a bonfire will be lit at 10. Entries for sports close on June 21st.
[Gazette 31st May 1902]
2nd June 1902 -The village school children had a half-holiday to celebrate the Proclamation of Peace at the end of the Boer War. There was presumably some general public rejoicing over this in Hemel as Mr. Ford noted the following day that school attendance was low "on account of the demonstration at Hemel Hempstead last night." [S73]
24th June 1902 - This was the day set aside for the King's coronation, however, unfortunately the King contracted appendicitis and by the day of the Coronation was only just recovering from an operation to rectify the problem which had developed into Peritonitis. Despite the specific request of the King that the various feasts, and celebrations around the countryside should continue, most such arrangements were in fact cancelled. Unfortunately this in turn led to riots in Hemel Hempstead and Watford ( and possibly elsewhere in the country) as special dinners had been laid on for the poor who were disappointed at the last moment. Leverstock Green residents, however, bucked the trend and continued with its celebrations despite the postponing of the Coronation itself. The following is the report of these activities which appeared in the Gazette:
Unlike the large majority of towns and villages in West Herts. the inhabitants of Leverstock Green proceeded with the celebration of the Coronation in accordance with the official programme as arranged, and on Thursday the village was en fete from early morn till dawn. AZ right royal time was spent buy old and young and the day will ever be remembered by those who shared in festivities. At 9 am there was a celebration of Holy Communion in the church, the school children attending to sing the choral part to Morbecke's tunes. At 11 o'clock matins and an intercession service took place with special psalms and hymns. After this a procession was formed of school children, decorated arts, cycles etc. And some of these were evident proof of much taste and labour. The feeding arrangements were a very important part and these began at 12 noon when all men and boys were given a hearty dinner in the barn at North End Farm. Tickets for refreshments to the value of 4d and a ¼ oz packet of tobacco were distributed to each man. The school children were given a meat tea at 4 o'clock and the women and girls sat down to a similar meal afterwards. There was an abundance of estables and no one was allowed to go short in this respect during the day. In the afternoon a series of athletic sports took place and these created considerable interest. The results were: 100 yards race for boys under 15 1st J Seabrook, 2nd G Solesbury, 3rd B Wilson, 100 yards for girls & women over 15: 1st L Durrant, 2nd M Hart, 3rd E Sharp; 100 yards for girls under 15: 1st H Hart, 2nd P. Cox, 3rd S. Cole; Wheelbarrow race: 1st M Latchford, 2nd F Barnes; 100 yards for men over 40: 1st S Solesbury, 2nd W Freeman, 3rd J Winch; 100 yards for men and boys over 15: 1st W Wells, 2nd, S Perry, 3rd M Latchford; quarter mile handicap 1st W Wells, 2nd F Taylor, 3rd M Latchford; Sack race 1st F Taylor, 2nd M Latchford, 3rd A Dell; One mile cycle handicap 1st W| Parkins, 2nd L. Seabrook, 3rd W Leno,; Stone picking race for men and boys: 1st H Hall, 2nd A Turner, Obstacle race: 1st M Latchford, 2nd G Wheeler, 3rd, W Dell. Quoit tournament. 1st A Woodwards, 2nd A Romsey.
There were also a number of races for the children, and sweets etc. were freely scrambled for. One of the prettiest scenes during the day was the Maypole dancing by the school children and ribbon dances and flag drill were equally attractive. N The Children had been trained for this by Mrs Ford for this pleasant and enjoyable past time for themselves as well as the onlookers. While at teas the children were presented with Coronation Mugs. A piano organ was engaged for the day and those kept the children lively, while in the evening the Marlowes Drum & Fife Band visited the field and played for dancing. The festive occasion wound up at a late hour and with an illuminated procession for the Green.
Much praise is due to the hardworking committee and willing band of helpers, and special mention should be the Vicar, Messrs Ford, Child, Sears, Finch, Leno and Hart. Mr Cartwright sent a large bag of sweets, and Messrs W E Bailey, and W Reeves generously gave a quantity of cakes etc.
[Gazette 26th June 1902]
9th August 1902 - The postponed Coronation of Edward VII took place on August 9th and there were huge celebrations in Hemel Hempstead. As no further comments were made about any Leverstock Green celebrations I presume that this time, having enjoyed their celebrations on the original date, the inhabitants of Leverstock Green contented themselves with joining in the Hemel Hempstead jollifications.
Thursday 4th September 1902 - The annual Sunday School treat took place in the vicarage grounds. [Gazette 6th September 1902]
6th September 1902 - The following headline appeared in the Gazette:
And an interesting sketch of the career of Matthew Leno of Coxpond Farm Leverstock Green which had appeared in the Illustrated Poultry News was published at length and giving details of his main points of his career as a poultry breeder. Having been born on June 14th 1830, he was now 72 years of age.
The full transcript of the text reads as follows:
“For more than a quarter-of-a-century,” says the writer, “the name of Mr M. Leno can be found on schedules and catalogues as a judge of poultry at many of the leading shows throughout Great Britain and Ireland. No man who ever handled a judging stick can boast a higher or more well-deserved reputation both for honesty and ability. Born on June 14, 1830, he has watched the growth of the fancy from its infancy, kept himself perfectly acquainted, with the various changes of breed and fashion, and never becoming fossilised, but always ready to judge the standard of the times. He has proved himself not only one of the soundest all-round judges, but also one of the best friends to the interests of the poultry fancy at large.
For many years Mr Leno’s career both as a breeder and an exhibitor was a most successful one, and in his time he has kept nearly every variety of fowls, ducks, geese and turkeys, besides pigeons, canaries, rabbits and cavies.
His first fancy, when only seven years old, was some common blue pigeons, and when, three years later, his father, in company with a friend, took him by coach to London, his first question on arriving at the city was, “It is fair day?” This in consequence of the keen eye of the young fancier having spotted, as they passed along the Euston road (then called the New road), a pair of curious looking red pigeons hanging for sale in a basket. Pulling his father’s coat, young Matthew begged paterfamilias to buy them for him; the reply was ‘Come along boy!’ The appeal, however, had seemingly impressed itself upon his father’s friend, for, greatly to his surprise; the following week he received by coach from town a pair of red Jacobins from this same friend, sent as a present.
This was a real start in the fancy, and from 10 to 16 years of age he amassed quite a large stock of fancy pigeons, including Carriers, Barbs, Pouters, Owls and Fantails. But at that date there was no encouragement in the way of shows. The Sebright Bantam has always been one of Mr Leno’s great favourites. His original stock was presented to him by the late Sir Thos. Sebright, Bart, who was a son of the late Sir John Sebright, who originated the breed, and whose name they bear. His first show was at the Surrey Zoological Gardens, where he sent some of the aforesaid bantams and secured a second prize. This was somewhere about 1854. There he also exhibited a trio of Silver-spangled Hamburghs of his own breeding, which won first, and were claimed for £5, a good price for a start and in those times. ‘My next venture,’ says Mr Leno ‘was at Hitchin Show. There I exhibited several pens of what I styled Silver Hamburgh-Bantams. They were bred from a Silver-spangled Hamburgh cock and a Golden Sebright hen. They were of pure white ground colour and well laced. All were claimed at the show at catalogue price. I never knew who bought them and never bred any more, as they were too large to please me. On Mr Leno’s subsequent successes we need not dwell. His name had figured predominantly at all the leading shows and he still exhibits some of his favourites at a few exhibitions, and is as fond of the fancy as ever, though he has discontinued the acceptance of judging engagements for some time now, with the exception of two local events, which are within easy driving distance. One of the red letter days of his career as a judge was when, in 1878, he had the honour to judge at the Paris International Show, and was presented with an etching of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales (now King Edward VII) who was president of the British Commission and whose own autograph was attached to the etching; also a handsome medal, presented by the French Minister of Agriculture for services rendered. Both these are naturally greatly prized by our old friend.”
[Gazette 6th September 1902]
1st November 1902 - The choir, vicar, wardens and helpers at Holy Trinity Church had visited the hippodrome on their annual treat, coming home on the midnight train to Boxmoor. [Gazette 8th November 1902]
6th November 1902 - was the 53rd dedication festival of Holy Trinity Church. The evening service was presided over by the Bishop of Colchester which was finished up with a parochial tea given by the ladies of the village in the schoolroom. [Gazette 8th November 1902]
November 21st 1902 - Mr. Ford noted in the school log book that:
"A sudden outbreak of Measles has lowered the average attendance from 107 to 72." [S73]
December 5th 1902 - The Measles had obviously taken a firm hold on the village children as Mr. Ford noted that there was a "further decrease in the attendance..... 63 children absent the whole week." [S73] text.
19th October 1901 - An advert appeared in the Gazette as follows:
1 mile from Hemel Hempstead
2 from Boxmoor
MESSRS. RUTTER will sell by auction at The Mart Lothebury EC on Monday October 21st at Two O Clock precisely, the Freehold Cottage 20a 1r 20p situate at Bennetts End Hemel Hempstead with possession. Extensive frontage to main road from Boxmoor to St Albans, ripe for building
[Gazette 19th October 1901]
Wednesday 6th November 1901 - Members of the church choir accompanied by the vicar (Rev A Durrant) and Churchwarden (Mr. A Seabrook) and sidesmen had their annual excursion.. " Starting at noon from Boxmoor the afternoon was spent at the London Hippodrome where the performance of "Tally Ho" was much enjoyed. The party returned from Euston in the evening with safety." [Gazette 9th November 1901]
2nd December 1901 - The Scarlet Fever epidemic continued with Sybil Seabrook from the Leather Bottle reported to have the disease. Other children were to go down with it over the next two months. [S73]
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