From the Hemel Hempstead Gazette, October 14 1916:
The Military Cross has been awarded to Second Lieutenant J Bessant son of Mr & Mrs Bessant of Leverstock Green . Out of four officers who live in this village, three have been at the front and all three have won the MC this year. Leverstock Green is certainly trying to do its bit. Over 80 our of a population of 750 having joined the colours, voluntarily and 7 have laid down their lives for their country. They are W Johnson, B Oakley, Sergeant Smith, G de Beggar, H G Biswell, G Goodenough and T Aldenham. Several others have been wounded and two have been discharged from ill health contracted whilst in the army. We regret to hear that private J Bisnell whose brother H G Bisnell was killed in action, has been missing for some weeks.
The women of the village have tried their best to help; the output of one of the working parties is 800 articles the other is also responsible for a large number. A war savings collection has been started, and about 50 cards have been taken up. The neighbouring farmers have been very pleased with the way the women have helped them on the land about 24 have enrolled since ? Easter, when required three girls have taken up dairy, poultry and general farm work permanently and are doing well. 27 women have earned the green armlet which is given for 30 days work on the farm, and can be obtained through the District Secretaries of the Herts Woman's War Agricultural Council. This is a good record for women, by far the greater number of whom have never worked in the field before.