First OF all thank you for viewing my website The Leverstock Green Chronicle. Many of you will have viewed one or many more pages on the site before, and have been very complimentary of what you have seen. However over the time running up to New year 2020 I have realised that there are major problems in the presentation of many of the pages, and I would first of all like to apologise, and secondly try and explain what appears to have happened.
Much of last year (2019) I spent researching in depth the life of Sheila Macqueen MBE. She had lived in the village from 1947-2008, and she was a very gifted Flower Arranger. In November, my researches as complete as I could find, I presented a talk to the Hemel Hempstead Local History & Museum Society on Sheilas’ Life. In the week running up to Christmas I began posting this information on line, finally finishing this immediately after Christmas. Should you be interested, you can find the initial part at
I did however, have a great deal of trouble in getting the software to save and publish what I was posting, which was not only very time consuming but also very frustrating. I thought it might be connected with many people trying to order last minute items on line etc. and decided to first of all split the new webpage into three, so as to reduce the upload and download time. That helped, but not completely. Nevertheless, having finally managed it, I needed to post links to the new site on the main index page, and also on one or two other relevant pages such as 20th and 21st Century Link pages. It was at this point that I realised there was another major problem, and that the pages which I had constructed and added to in the past, had now become at least partially indecipherable, and were not as well put together as they had been initially. I soon found that in about 80% of cases, text was in HELVENTIA font @ 10 points. I almost never use this font on my website, but nearly always use either COMIC SANS as I find it easily readable, with the individual letters and lines well spaced.
To cut a VERY long story short, it became apparent that every page I went to in order to update in any way – needed virtually every text item on it re-formatted. This in turn led to the necessity to move things around so as not to overlap things. All of this takes a great deal of time, but up to the present I have managed to update a few important jump off pages. (They will all show a last update note between 27 December 2019 and dates in 2020.)
I have 4 principle named websites which form the Leverstock Green Chronicle.
Bacchronicle: ( ie the period from Pre-History to 1899
• which is everything in the 20th century
• - which is everything in the 21st century and
• which contain lots of maps.
Altogether that is well over 300 individual WebPages.
To go through each one is going to take me many hundreds of hours, and even if I could devote all my time to this, not every page is affected. Some still have the originally posted fonts and are completely OK; some although still with the original fonts and for the most part legible are grossly overlapped in places, and squished to the left. Others, are completely messed up. I suspect too that although the font problem is obviously part of the trouble, what is visible to you individually may depend on your computer system, (Windows or Mac) and also whether you are using a laptop, tablet, mobile phone or desktop computer. Homestead (my website provider) have updated their software from time to time over the past 20 years since I started using them, and occasionally this too can lead to problems which I may not necessarily become aware of for a long time.
I can only update one page at a time as time permits, and it doesn't always permit!! I have several major health issues which means that a certain amount of my time (and that of my husband, and when necessary professional NHS staff) is taken up as a result, or at the very least slowed down. And as I bring this up to date, we are also all coping with the Covid-19 pandemic. Although so far we are fit and well, I asked local residents to post photographic records of their gardens, Bunkers Park, the village generally etc. so as to record the village whilst it is "quiet" and also to record the way life changed as a result. I wont go into details now, but this has been very successful, but not unnaturally it has also taken and continues to take up a great deal of my time.
Despite all that I will endeavour to update as many pages as soon as I possibly can. And YOU can help......
Importantly IF YOU COME ACROSS A PAGE ON MY SITE WHICH NEEDS A LOT OF WORK DONE ON IT TO RESTORE ITS LEGIBILITY ETC. PLEASE CONTACT ME STRAIGHT AWAY VIA THE CONTACT ME BUTTON. It may be that simply altering the percentage view in your browser, will make it far more legible to you. And although I cannot promise to update anything you have brought to my attention straight away, I will make a note of the page, and do my very best to put it right as soon as possible.
Thank you