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an in-depth history of one village in Hertfordshire UK.
LGVA 1962~2012
The Commemorative Booklet
As part of the celebrations for LGVA's 50th anniversary, two receptions were arranged on Friday October 19th 2012.  The afternoon reception was for those involved in distributing the newsletter who hadn't otherwise been invited to the evening reception.  The evening reception was for those who had been involved with LGVA  in other ways during the previous 50 years:
Civic Dignitaries,  past and present Trustees, Newsletter editors, Holding Trustees, Publishers, Fete & Firework helpers and anyone else who has played an active role one way and another over the years.

At both receptions a rolling slide-show of Highlights from 50 years of the association was shown, compiled by Barbara Chapman.  Clive Hill, a local resident and printer of the LGVA Newsletter suggested that Barbara create a 16 page A5 booklet based on the slide-show which his company would print free of charge for inclusion in the next newsletter.  Below are the pages from this booklet.  If you need them in a larger print format then download the individual pages in pdf.