1907 - At about this time (certainly before 1911 when this account was first published), the following account of the state of worship at the Baptist Chapel in Bedmond Road was made:
"As to the branch at Leverstock Green, the work progressed favourably, with thankful remembrance of when the lithe cause was advantaged by the Orchard family, then resident at Well Farm and Harthall Farm nearby. At that period the preaching was mainly sustained by the three Orchard brothers - Thomas, Alfred and Stephen. Likewise brethren Wilkins, and Heling with their families, rendered faithful service. There too was in Elder Squires a fine venerable sample of village nonconformity - patriarchal in the little band, the G.O.M. of the chapel. The services were conducted by a staff of brethren and by Mr.B.T. Parris, the church secretary, a preacher much sought by many churches and the popular sector of West Herts School Unions." [ S49 ]
January 12th 1907 - This issue of the Gazette saw the following announcement:-

"Births: HARFORD, January 7th at Leverstock Green the wife of James Hartford, a son."
January 26th 1907 - Christmas was as usual extended for the children of Leverstock Green with the Sunday School Christmas Party. The Gazette reported:
"SUNDAY SCHOOL TREAT: -The annual Christmas Tree and prize giving in connection with the Sunday School took place in the schoolroom on Saturday evening. The teachers and friends sat down to tea at 4 o'clock and the children at five. After tea the prizes were presented to scholars by Mrs.. A. Durrant every child receiving a present from the Christmas Tree." [Gazette 02.02.1907]
January 30th 1907 - In what was probably the equivalent of a present day radio or television party-political broadcast, a mixed concert and political meeting was held in the schoolroom. The Hemel Hempstead Gazette of February 2nd gave a great deal of space to the event heading it with:
The initial paragraph in the paper read as follows:
"There was a large and enthusiastic audience in the schoolroom at Leverstock Green on Wednesday evening of last week on the occasion of a political meeting and concert, successfully organised by Hemel Hempstead, Boxmoor and District Conservative and Unionist Association; the local arrangements being made by Messrs T H Ford, W. Dell, A. Searle and W. Seabrook assisted by a contingent from Boxmoor."
Following the national anthem a lengthy speach was given by Mr.. Carlisle, which was reported almost verbatim in the Gazette. Mr.. Mitchell Innes's speach was also reported in great detail. Finally the Gazette concluded it's article:
"Mr.. W.C. Child proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman and a similar compliment was passed to the contributors to the musical proportion of the programme.
The speeches were interspersed with some charming songs and duets by Miss Phyllis Cox and Mr.. C. Moore, which were vociferously encored, and some capital humorous songs in character by Mr.W.Dell & Mr.. W.Seabrook both of whom are above the averages of "village comedians". Their rollicking songs were all encored." [Gazette 2.2.1907]
February 15th 1907 - The thorny question of whether or not to renew the license for the Rose & Crown in Leverstock Green was still being decided. The Gazette reported:
"REDUCTION OF LICENSES: At the Watford Brewster sessions on Friday the license of the Rose & Crown Leverstock Green was held back, this being one of the houses the justices proposed to refer to the Hertfordshire Compensation authority." [Gazette Saturday February 16th 1907]
Friday February 15th 1907 - The Gazette reported that the " PARISH HALL FUND: The banking account in connection with this fund now amounts to £119 13s 9d." and then went on to report:
CONCERT: The last of a season of concerts in connection with the Parish Hall Fund was held in the Schoolroom on Friday evening. The room was well filled, several being unable to secure seats. The programme was a very interesting one and was thoroughly appreciated by the audience and several of the items being encored. The songs of Mr.. Palmer were sung in capital style and the scarf drill and dances by the school girls were also leading features. The programmed concluded with a comic sketch entitled "On the Brain" kindly organised by Messrs A.V. Butler and F.Young (Kings Langley ) which causes considerable amusement. At the close of the concert the Rev. Arthur Durrant (chairman) proposed a vote f thanks to the committee for arranging the concerts, and also for all those who had assisted them with the programme during the season. He also mentioned that the fund was now considerably above three figures, and with a few donations he hoped the time was not far hence when the building would be in operation. [Gazette 16.02.1907]
March 16th 1907 - The Gazette reported:
THE ROSE & CROWN - At the adjourned Brewster Sessions for the Watford district Mr.. A. Clark solicitor appeared for the owners, but did not oppose reference of the lease to the Compensation Committee. Superintendent Wood stated that this was a fully licensed house owned by Linklater & Co. Bond Court as solicitors to the executors and leased to Adex & White Brewers St. Albans. The Leather Bottle was 100 yards away, the White Horse 222 yards within 440 yards there were two fully licenses houses and two beer houses. Since 1885 there had been 14 changes including the present landlord. The house was referred to the Compensation Committee." [Gazette 16th March 1907]
Friday 22nd March 1907 - The Gazette reported that:
The first annual dinner in connection with the Leverstock Green Football Club was held at the Leather Bottle on Friday evening. Mr.C.E.Moore presided and about 36 sat down to a capital spread, provided by Mr.. A. Seabrook. The visitors included Messrs C.E.Moore, W.W.Sears, Wright, J.Hallett, H.Sharp and others.
After the tables had been cleared the chairman remarked that he knew but little about Leverstock Green Football Club. Still it gave him very much pleasure to be present at their first dinner.
After the usual Royal toast the secretary Mr. C. Ingham was asked to read the report. This showed a total income of £7 14s 6d and with expenses of £6 11s 9d a balance of £1 3s 3d. The club had already played 19 matches, won 8 lost 8 and drawn 3. Mr. Ingham said he wished to thank all those gentlemen to whom he would like to propose a vote of thanks and that was Mr. D.Walters for the use of the ground. It was a well known fact that had it not been for Mr. Walters generosity there would not have been a football club, as the matter of ground had always been a great drawback to arranging a cricket club and a football club at Leverstock Green.
Mr. W. Dell in reply said that although he was not a player, he had much pleasure in being a member and was proud to hold such a responsible position as treasurer. No doubt they were all aware that this was not the first football club to be formed in Leverstock Green, but he thought they would all agree with him that it was the first club to be formed and carried on in what he called a business like manner, and he considered it was only to that the club owed its success. He thought it had been a successful season for the first, both from the football point of view and also financially. They could not boast of a great balance, but £1 3s in hand at almost the close of the season was much better than being in debt. There was not the slightest doubt that there were many clubs which had a better reputation as far as football was concerned than Leverstock Green that would find themselves in debt, so they had not much to complain of. There was another subject he would like to mention and that was with regard to their secretary. He felt sure that they would all agree that Mr. Ingham had been a very energetic worker both as a player and as a Secretary. He had spared no efforts in arranging matches and carrying out the Secretary's duties generally. He therefore had much pleasure in proposing the health of and a vote of thanks to Mr. Ingham for his past services.
The next toast on the programme was "Success to Leverstock Green Football Club" . In his remarks the Chairman that he thoroughly approved all kinds of sport, and he was pleased to know that the club was carried on in a business like manner. No amount of organisation could change a halfpenny into a penny or a 6d into a shilling, but if the club was properly organized and properly managed it was almost certain to be a success. He had known many villages, but he had never known one where the people were as energetic as at Leverstock Green. There was always something moving for the good of the place. Mr.. Moore then referred to the Parish Room Fund and wished it every success.
The toast of "The Officers" was entrusted to Mr. W.W. Sears who said that he was not a member of the club but said that hoped to be another season. Mr. A.Plowman (Captain) briefly replied.
The Chairman thanked Mr. Seabrook for providing such a capital dinner which had been thoroughly enjoyed. He was sure they all had good appetites. He thought he could speak on behalf the rest of the members that they thought themselves highly honoured to have Mr. Moore with them at their first dinner. He had called on Mr. Moore on several occasions for his assistance both for concerts and sports and he had never been refused. He therefore proposed the health of Mr. Moore.
The toast like most of the others was heartily drunk and accorded musical honours.
Those who contributed to the musical part of the programme included Messrs E.F.Brigginshaw, H.Sharp, and W.How. The singing of the National Anthem brought a very pleasant evening to a close at 10 o'clock.
Click here to view original menu card. (NB Link not yet established) [Gazette 23rd March 1907]
March 26th 1907 - A public meeting was held in Hemel Hempstead town hall in the evening to engender support for the St. Albans Pageant to be held in July. [Gazette 30.3.1907]
Monday April 1st 1907 - The annual Easter vestry of Holy Trinity was held at 11 am in the schoolroom.
"Among those present were the Vicar, who presided, Messrs A. Seabrook & W C Child Church Wardens, W Sears, R.W Wright, F Dell & W Perkins (sidesman) J K Hart, G A Finch, P Webster, W Ingham, W Dell, and G Doggett. Mr W C Child produced the Churchwarden's accounts which once again showed a satisfactory balance in hand. The Vicar again nominated Mr. A Seabrook as his churchwarden and the parishioners elected Mr W C Child. The sidesman were re-elected en bloc. Mr W W Sears was chosen to represent the parish at the Rural District Conference. A vote of thanks for the chairman terminated the proceedings." [Gazette 6th April 1907]
Saturday April 27th 1907 - The wedding took place at Holy Trinity Leverstock Green between Walter John Pitts, second son of Mr. John Pitts & Mrs.. Pitts of Apsley end, and Miss Jessie Marion Cook, only daughter of Mr. Walter S.Cook of Leverstock Green. In the write-up in the Gax the following week a complete list of those guest present was reported, many of whom were local residents and employees at Frogmore Mill where the grooms father was manager and the groom himself had worked for 18 years. There were 4 bridesmaids and 2 pages in attendance After the reception which was held in the schoolroom Leverstock Green, the bride and groom travelled by train to London and then on the Trews, Weir House, Exeter where the groom was now manager of Trews Weir Water Mill. [Gazette 4th May 1907]
May 11th 1907 - The following report appeared in the Hemel Hempstead Gazette:
"MOTHERS' UNION A meeting of the Leverstock Green branch of the MU was recently held at the Vicarage and an interesting presentation to Mrs... Durrant the Vicar's wife, on the occasion of her birthday took place. The gift consisted of a silver-mounted glass box suitably inscribed, and was supplied by Mr. J. Kimmich jeweller of the Broadway Hemel Hempstead........"
The Gazette then went on to report the speach of thanks delivered by Mrs..Durrant. [Gazette 18th May 1907]
May 18th 1907 - The Gazette for this date reported a court case at Watford Crown Court whereby Mr. Joseph Bailey of Chambersbury Leverstock Green was sued for £2 10s for damages to a van caused in a collision near Hunton Bridge. After hearing the evidence the judge dismissed the case. [Gazette 18th amy 1907]
Whit Monday May 20th 1907 - Yet again Leverstock Green was a hive of activity. The Gazette reported the following Saturday:
The third athletic sports in aid of the Leverstock Green Parish Room Fund took place on Whit Monday when success again attended the efforts of the promoters. There was, however, not such a large crowd as last year but this can no doubt be accounted for by the unpleasant weather which prevailed on the day. The sports this year were held in a meadow next the church kindly lent by Mr. J. Bailey of Chambersbury. The whole of the arrangements were excellent, and were carried out by a hardworking committee comprising Messrs A. Seabrook, W. Dell WW Sears, A. Mears, B.Sears J Hallett and J. Cooper with Mr. WWWright as hon. secretary. The afternoon's proceedings commenced at about 3 o'clock, the Dickinson Silver Prize Band being already on the ground. A sports programme of 15 events was gone through and on the whole excellent form was shown by the competitors. No doubt the most amusing of all was the climbing of the greasy pole, whilst much interest was shown in the football tournament and the obstacle race, the goal kicking competition and several others. The flat races throughout were exceedingly good as also was the one mile cycle handicap. The following were the results of the races:
The results were:-
100 yards flat handicap (boys under 12):1. J. Hallett (book) 2. A. Cripps (walking stick) 3. A. Rogers (pocket knife)
100 yards open flat handicap for men 1. A.E.Curtis (clock) 2. R.Rogers (breakfast cruet) 3. J. Williams (butter dish)
One mile cycle handicap 1. B.Cook (silver plated dish) 2. G. Spenser (clock) 3. A. Mead (lamp)
Skipping comp. (girls under 15) 1. C.Plowman (2 books) 2. B. Cooper (dolls house) 3. E. Plowman (cycle carrier)
Obstacle Race 1. L.Tidy (dinner cruet) 2. R.Rogers (umbrella) 3. M. Latchford (pipe in case)
Egg & Spoon Race 1. E. Durrant (workbasket) 2. S. Seabrook (purse) 3. A. Hart (mincing machine)
Goal Kicking Competition. 1 A. Plowman (plated jam-jar) 2. E. Rance (military brushes) 3. L. Tidy (cigarette case)
Slow Cycle Race 1. A.E.Curtis (cup) 2. G.Spenser (lamp & bell) 3. L.Tidy (cycle pump)
One Mile Flat Race 1. W.East (plated tea pot) 2. B.Biggs (biscuit barrel) 3. W. Freestone (walking stick)
Relay Race (Ladies) 11. I Plowman, (writing case) 2. Bertha Hart (case of scents) 3. S. Ford ({post}card album)
120 Yards Hurdle Handicap:1. R.Rogers (set of carvers) 2. L. Tidy (toast rack) 3. A.E.Curtis (bread knife and board)
One Mile Walking Handicap: 1. P. Wright (biscuit barrel) 2. J. Lovell (half dozen knives and forks) B3. E. Thomas (cigarette case).
TUG OF WAR - . This event between the Sports Committee and Leverstock Green Football Club resulted in an early win for the committee; the footballers being unable to stand against them. Each member of the winning team was the recipient of a clay pipe.
Greasy Pole. - In this amusing competition Jimmy Fossey "the greasy pole chap" after a very hard struggle was successful in reaching the ham at the top of the pole. He has now won this event three years in succession.
Football tournament - in three heats The winners were E. Rance, B. Mayo, T.Perkins, G.Goodenough, each of whom received a walking stick.
The judges for the sports were Rev. A. Durrant, Mr. H. Durrant and Mr. J. Nelson. After the distribution of the prizes the Rev. A.Durrant with Mr. J. Bailey expressed the hope that they'd be able to extend a warm welcome to the organisers another year.
The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing, the Dickinson's Silver Band providing the music and the gathering broke up about 9.30.
The band and the committee were then invited to supper by Mr. J. Bailey who wished them prosperity.
Refreshments were provided in the field by Mr. E. Westell of Cheapside Bakery.
Wednesday May 22nd 1907 - An auction took place in St. Albans which included four freehold cottages in Leverstock Green. The following advert placed in the Hemel Hempstead Gazette for the three consecutive weeks prior to the auction stated that:
Mr. W. Dorant will sell by auction at the Peahen Hotel St. Albans on
Wednesday May 22nd 1907 at 4 o'clock ............; also four valuable
well built FREEHOLD cottages pleasantly situated on the common
Leverstock Green, each with good garden. Let to Messrs Mayo,
Harrowell, Cooper and another at total rents amounting to £47 4s 8d.
From the schedule of title deeds belonging to Mrs. Pauline Spendlove of 4 CHurch Cottages, it would seem that the cottages referred to are what we now call Church Cottaes. (See entry for 24th June 1907) [Gazette April 27th, May 4th, May 18th 1907, S406]
24th June 1907 – Herbert Finch of Corner Farm, Leverstock Green, purchased the freehold properties known then as 1-4 Leverstock Green (now known as 1-4 Church Cottages Leverstock Green ) from Frederick Gray for the sum of £860. At the time of purchase, the cottages were known to be in the occupation of Mrs. Cooper, Mr. Goodenough, Mr. Harrowell and Mrs. Mayo.[S406]
6th July 1907 - The Gazette carried the following report:
"LEVERSTOCK GREEN - ALLEGED ASSAULT- At St. Albans on Tuesday before Mr. G.E.Marten, Charles Smith of Bennetts End was charged with being drunk in charge of a horse and cart at Leverstock Green on 1st July, and also with assaulting Pc Charles Buckle whilst in the execution of his duty. Pc Buckle said that at about 4.45pm. on the date named he saw a horse and cart straying on the highway. He went and told defendant who was in a public house and he came out but could not manage the horse. Witness then told him to go home and he would look after the horse and cart, when prisoner became very violent and hit witness in the ribs, and he had to get assistance. - Prisoner said he would have gone home if the constable had let him. A remand until today (Sat) was ordered." [Gazette 6th July 1907]
12th July 1907 - The License of the Rose & Crown (now a private residence The Elms ) was withdrawn - or rather it failed to be renewed - at a session of the Licensing Authority. [Gazette 13th July 1907]
13th July 1907 - The Gazette carried a lengthy report of the court proceedings against Charles Smith of Bennetts End, previously mentioned in an article on July 6th . It transpired from this long report that Charles Smith had threatened to shoot the Constable Buckle and that two guns and some cartridges were found in his possession on the horse cart. The defendant was obviously somewhat the worse for drink as both the landlords of the Leather Bottle and the Three Horseshoes had refused to serve Smith when he entered their pubs. Smith was also well known to both the police and the courts for drunken behaviour, and on this occasion he was sentenced to two months imprisonment with hard labour. [Gazette 13th July 1907]
20th July 1907 - The question of the proposed Parish Room in Leverstock Green took a small step forward, as reported by the Gazette:
The Highways Committee had received an application from the Secretary of the Leverstock Green Parish Hall Committee for permission to erect a building on the waste land adjoining the main road leading from St. Albans to Hemel Hempstead. The Secretary stated that the Parish Hall Committee had been unable to purchase a site for the proposed new Parish Hall at Leverstock Green and they therefore asked the consent of the County Council to the erection of a new building on the waste. It was proposed to erect the building with one side facing the highway which crosses the green and connects the main road leading to Bedmond. The committee saw no objections to the proposal as far as the County Council was concerned, provided the building was placed not less than 60 feet from the fencing on the opposite side of the St. Albans road and that the consent of the Lord of the Manor to the erection in the first instance was obtained. He recommended the County Council to resolve:
"That subject to the Leverstock Green Parish Hall Committee obtaining the consent of the Lord of the Manor to the erection by them of a new parish hall on the waste land in the parish of St. Michael Rural adjoining the main road from St. Albans to Hemel Hempstead and the consent of the County Council be and is hereby given to the erection of the building in question, provided it is placed at a distance of not less than 60 feet from the fencing on the opposite side of the St. Albans Road."
The recommendation was agreed to.
Wednesday 13th August 1907 - This was the occasion of the annual outing for the Baptist Chapel, reported the following Saturday in the Gazette as follows:
The members and friends of this society, numbering 56 took their annual excursion to Bricket Wood on Wednesday , leaving the Baptist Chapel by brake at 10 am. The day was one of great enjoyment to all, Roundabouts swingboats etc. provided in the grounds were a source of keen delight to the children and the catering for tea left nothing to be desired. "Uncle Edward" was a welcome visitor with his interesting and instructing rubber stamps. At 8.15pm the happy party returned without incident or harm.

[Gazette 17th August 1907]
Sunday 18th August 1907 - The Bishop of St. Albans visited Holy Trinity Church where the "Churchwardens, sidesmen, Choir, Sunday School Teachers and Church workers had been invited by the vicar to meet his Lordship in the schoolroom at 6 o'clock....." The Bishop greeted about 50 members of Holy Trinity and gave an address on Church work. [Gazette 24th August 1907]
24th August 1907 - The Hemel Hempstead Gazette reported:
LEVERSTOCK GREEN RECENT ACCIDENT: We are glad to learn that Mr. Herbert Finch of Corner Farm who met with an accident last week, is progressing favourably. [Gazette 24th August 1907]
16th September 1907 - PC Huckle, Leverstock Green's policeman, arrested William Freeman for being drunk and disorderly. He was later brought before the bench at St. Albans where he was fined 10/- with 8/6d costs, or a default of 14 days imprisonment. PC Huckle had testified that Freeman was constantly drinking and had been previously cautioned. [Gazette 5th October 1907]
Monday 21st October 1907 - At the County Court in St. Albans under His Honour Judge Howland Roberts, "Herbert Finch, farmer of Corner Farm Leverstock Green, claimed possession of a tenement consisting of a house & orchard in the occupation of Thomas Lay of Westwick Row near Hemel Hempstead. The defendant said he had been the tenant for 25 years and was a yearly tenant." After questioning the parties concerned the judge adjourned the case for a month so that the Plaintiff's uncle could give evidence. A full account of the case is given in a separate transcript. [Gazette 26th October 1907]
21st & 28th September 1907 - Adverts appeared in the Gazette for the sale by auction at Three Cherry Trees Farms near Leverstock Green of " all the live and dead farm stock including 120 head of poultry, 6 x cart horses, 6 x head of horned stock, farm implements, hay stacks etc..etc. as Mr. Shepherd & Mr. Robins were quitting the farms." [Gazette 21st September 1907]
Friday 18th October 1907- The following report appeared in the Gazette :
The Rose & Crown. At the Hertfordshire Licensing Authority meeting on Friday the claim for compensation in respect to the closing of the Rose & Crown was £863 13s 6d but this was considerably reduced and a settlement made as follows: Freeholder £383, lessees (Mr. Adey & White) £100, tenant £60.

[Gazette 19th October 1907]
9th November 1907 - The Hemel Hempstead Gazette made the following pleasing announcements:
LEVERSTOCK GREEN LOCAL SUCCESS - We are pleased to hear that Mr. A.G.Mears shoeing smith of this village has successfully passed the exam held by the Worshipful Company of Farriers at the Midland Railway Forge St. Pancras on the 1st instant and is now a registered shoeing smith (RSS). The examiner was Mr. F.W.Ragg (FRCVS)
PARISH HALL FUND - The fund which is being raised for the purposes of a parish hall for the village is steadily growing though donations are not coming in very fast at the present time. Doubtless the winter series of entertainment's, the opening of which is advertised in our entertainments columns, will bring a welcome addition to the funds, and it is hoped that before very long the labours of the Parish Hall Committee, which have now extended over some years, will receive the well earned reward. [Gazette November 9th 1907]
Monday 18th November 1907 - At the County court session in St. Albans before Judge Howland Roberts, the adjourned case of Finch v Lay was dismissed, with the plaintiff Thomas Lay being awarded costs. For a full account of the court proceedings, a full transcript is available. [Gazette 23rd November 1907]
