This page was last updated on: May 27, 2021
The Hemel Hempstead Local History & Museum Society
and her involvement in local history.

an in-depth history of one village in Hertfordshire UK.
Click to link to principle LG Chronicle web pages.
Leverstock Green Chronicle pre 20th Home Page

Maplinks page (for large scale and old maps of the area.)

20th Century Leverstock Green   21st century Leverstock Green   
For a variety of reasons, but mainly due to my health, I can no longer spend the same amount of time as in the past on my research and updating this website, though I DO still explore our local history and continue to find new historic items of interest. e.g.from which now publishes items online. Twenty years ago much of my research was done at HALS in Hertford, which I would find impossible today, but thanks to Broadband most museums, and other archives and individuals can be accessed via the web.

It is still my intention to update existing pages on Chronicle website and to add new information, especially as because of changes in technology and the updates Homestead has made to the tools at my disposal, many of the older pages now look dwarfed in a small corner of the page!  I have already made a small start on this, but with the large number of pages on my site, I could work at nothing else and still take a year or more to update everything.  Alongside the website, I also maintain  an archive of printed information. (Computer technology is constantly changing, but paper items in  well-kept albums should last at least 200 years).  I trawl our local paper for anything to do with Leverstock Green and its residents, and these get put in the Newspaper archive.  All other items: Photographs, posters, copies of letters/emails I am sent concerning the village past and present, the LGVA Newsletters and anything else I consider relevant go into the rapidly growing number of display books (currently 80+), and all this will go to the Hemel Hempstead Local History & Museum Society eventually. At the current time the Covid Pandemic has led to a greater number of items which I am collecting, especially where it relates to life in the village during the Pandemic and to date I have accumulated over the past year more than twice what I would normally get in one year.

Other history related "responsibilities" include being the Archivist for Holy Trinity Church, Webmaster, Committee Member and Face Book Administrator of the Hemel Hemptead Local History &Museum Society. (HHLH&MS), so I have plenty to keep me busy.

If you have any information relating to Leverstock Green's history and members of your family who lived here, including photographs, ephemera etc.please contact me so I can arrange a meeting and/or exchange email addresses so I can include your information in my archive of Leverstock Green's history, and if you agree,eventually add it to the website.  Links to both my website and the HHLH&MS website can be found at the top of this page.

        Thankyou, Barbara Chapman 21/01/2021
VERY IMPORTANT. For many months the contact forms I had installed here continued to not work correctly. That is, having typed in the "security" letters it simply moves on to another set rather than posting the message back to Homestead who would then send it to me. I tried this myself to no avail, and have contacted Homestead on several accounts, but as yet have had no reply.
  I subsequently deleted the main form and inserted a new one and also inserted a "new" contact button (yellow - marked email me). This brings up a separate form, however the space on the form is small, so please keep your message short and include your email address so I can reply.  When I tested the yellow button it worked OK, though the original form only seemed to work occasionally. In case the two routes being on the same page might be in conflict with one another, I have now deleted the separate form and just left the Homestead E-mail button. I tested it again and it still worked so I am hoping I have solved the problem.
  However, should you still have problems  PLEASE CONTACT ROY WOOD (HHLH&MS SECRETARY) :   PLEASE MAKE SURE TO PUT "TO BE FORWARDED TO BARBARA CHAPMAN" IN THE SUBJECT LINE. This is very important so he doesn’t have to take time reading through and deciding what to do.
  If after a couple of weeks you have not heard back from me, please try again via Roy, and only if you still do not hear back from me try sending a Facebook Message. (I only check for messages every week of so unless I have been notified separately that a message awaits, and Facebook no longer seem to do this regularly. Thankyou for your understanding. Barbara 20/03/2021

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