An in-depth history of Leverstock Green,
a village in Hertfordshire UK
Barbara Chapman
Select from the list below which site you wish to enter and click the neighbouring button of the same colour.

Leverstock Green's History from Pre-history to 1899

Leverstock Green in the 20th Century

Leverstock Green in the 21st  Century

Holy Trinity Church's Link Page

Leverstock Green's history as seen through maps.
This page was last updated: August 22, 2020
For a variety of reasons I can no longer spend the same amount of time as in the past on my research and updating this website, though I DO still explore our local history and continue to find new historic items of interest.e.g.from: 
              which now publishes items online.

It is still my intention to update existing pages on the Leverstock Green Chronicle website and to add new information, and I am constantly working on this. Unfortunately I cannot wave a magic wand and make it all happen "just like that"!  As outlined in the Important Notice (linked to the blue box to the left) problems created by blips in technology, whether from Homestead, Microsoft or my occasional click on the wrong key,have caused even more problems, and all together there are not enough hours in each day to bring things up to speed as quickly as I would like. If there is a webpage which is proving particularly difficult to read please CONTACT ME and let me know.

If you have any information relating to Leverstock Green's history and members of your family who lived here, including photographs, ephemera etc.please contact me so I can arrange a meeting and/or exchange email addresses so I can include your information in my archive of Leverstock Green's history, and if you agree post this information on this website.

   Thankyou, Barbara Chapman 21/05/2019 & 31/01/2020

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IMPORTANT: PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION RE THIS WEBSITE - you will be able to return back here once you have read the notice.Thankyou, Barbara Chapman May 2020