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12 January 1909 - The following was recorded by Mr. Ford in the school log book:

"The Inspector N.S.P.C.C. called re Burn and Dayton who were sent home on the 14th as they were not in a fit condition to be at school.  He says they cannot attend yet not only through uncleanliness, but they cannot be  said to be clothed." [S73]    

Friday 26 February 1909  A concert was held in the schoolroom.  The proceeds being devoted to the football club.  The room was packed, with  several persons being unable to obtain seats.  The programme was preceded by a musical sketch “presented at court” by Clementine Ward and performed by the school children. [Gazette 27 February 1909 p.8]

27 February 1909  - Following the continuous large adverts carried for months in the Hemel Hempstead Gazette, (see May 1908) in this particular issue was an article not only about the dairy, but also about a new dairy shop opened in the Marlowes.  “HEMEL HEMPSTEAD NEW DAIRY AND RESTAURANT”

The general feeling expressed in the article was that until recently Hemel Hempstead was behind the times with regard to a modern dairy and restaurant.  However since the setting up of Mr. Doult’s dairy at Bennetts End under the management of Mr. Herbert T. Doult, this could now be said to be  “ a dairy such as would do credit in the West End of the Great Metropolis”.   Mr. Doult’s dairy  was expensively fitted out with what we would now call a state of the art milk parlour, a specially selected herd of dairy cattle were brought in, and an a further innovation was the establishment of milk being delivered in sterilised bottles was established.  Other milk suppliers in the area were still using churns and dipping a jug in to transfer milk into the buyers jug!!!!  The article went on to say: 

“The Bennetts End Dairy Tea Rooms have also now been fitted up along the lines of a West End cafe, in premises in the Marlowes.  All the dairy items are from the Bennetts End Farm, but the cakes, and other sweets etc. Are purchased from “Fullers” of Regents Street.

The premises were somewhat large, including retiring rooms, bath rooms, lavatories, committee rooms and a large hall upstairs.  Thinking ahead to the summer the proprietors were beginning to lay down tennis courts behind the cafe for the amusement of their visitors.  “The Bennetts End Teas Rooms have no equal in the district.” [Gazette 27 February 1909 p.7]

1 May 1909 - FOOTBALL CLUB DINNER AT LEVERSTOCK GREEN - The Gazette carried a long write up of the dinner held at the Leather Bottle) at the invitation of Percy Webster.  Over 30 were present and it was presided over by Mr. T H Ford.  (See also LGFC)

The chairman reported that despite initial misgivings the club had had a successful year and that he put this largely down to Mr. W. Dell who was also the secretary of the cup competition.  In his responding speech, Mr. Dell said that the cup had made a profit of about 12/- over the year which would benefit the club.  After a long list of toasts and thanks the evening ended with all the gentlemen having a sing song, finally ending at about 10 p.m. with Auld Lang Sine. [Gazette 8 May 8 1909 p.3]

May 1909 - The advert shown here appeared in the Hemel Hempstead Gazette on both the 15th  & 29th May.  [ Gazette 15 May 1909]   

31 May 1909, Whit Monday. - Once again the annual Leverstock Green sports was a great success:



The fifth annual sports and fete at Leverstock Green took place on Whit-Monday and the result will probably reveal the fact that the proceedings from all points of view were the most successful of the whole series.  The gloriously fine weather made the conditions ideal for such a function and in the midst of picturesque surroundings the visitors had a jolly and health giving time.  It should be stated that the fete this year was organised by the joint committees of the village Cricket and Football Clubs and that the proceeds were in aid of the funds of these recreative organisations instead of the parish room FUND, WHICH HAD BENEFITED IN PREVIOUS YEARS.  THOSE RESPONSIBLE for the arduous work in connection with the arrangements were the following officers:-  
 Mr. T.H. Ford (Chairman), Mr. A. Seabrook (treasurer), Messers W Dell & G. Webster (hon. secretaries)  Messrs LEVERSTOCK GREEN Thomas, WW Sears, J. Hallett, C Ingham, A.M. Durrant (Rev's son Michael) B. Mayo F. Dell, G. Dell, N. Skeggs, M. Webster, T. Parkins, T. Ingham, O. Puddifoot, A.C. Odell, A. Gill & W. A. Seabrook (committee).  In addition to these there assisted on the day the Rev. A. Durrant, Mr. S. Umfreville, AND Mr. P. Webster who officiated as judges, and Mr. A.M. Durrant who was the starter.  A word or two must be said ion regard to the officials, because there is no doubt that the village possesses a few exceedingly capable men who are above the average organisers to be found in sparsely populated places.  Mr. Ford is one who makes the welfare of the village his life’s work, having been schoolmaster at Leverstock Green  for 21 years he now sees the everyday necessity for providing attractions for the rising generation rather than the that many should resort to the taproom of the public house, which is almost the only sheltered place an evening can be spent in at the present time.  With such active institutions as the cricket and football clubs there is a nucleus of a good social institute that might well be quartered in the new Parish Room - when that building is an accomplished facts.  Another who takes probably the most prominent part in all that concerns the social activity of the inhabitants is Mr. W. Dell for he is secretary of the football club, the local Cup Competition, the Concert Committee, etc. He has made himself indispensable.  And so one might go through all THE NAMES OF THE OFFICERS and find that each one has his special qualification and puts it into zealous action.  This is exemplified by the fact that the whole ground arrangements, decorations, and stewards’ work were undertaken voluntarily by the committee, thus avoiding any expense for labour.  The fete again took place by kind permission in Mr. D. Walters’s field, and an admirable spot it is for such an event, despite the fact that the track for the cyclist runners was a bit bumpy.  The programme was a full and varied one of 14 events and a striking feature was the number of entries, which totalled close upon 200, and besides bringing “grist to the mill” in the way of fees, was a guarantee of excellent competitive sport.  This was particularly noticeable in the obstacle race and the one mile flat, in each of which there were 18 entries.  The obstacles provided heaps of fun for the onlookers, the competitors having to negotiate hurdles, under a cloth, over a pole, climb over a wagon, through a cart wheel, dress in costume, and light a cigarette (two matches only allowed) and finish with the cigarette alight.  There was ample scope for the picnic parties and there were numerous family groups under the shade of the many stately oaks in the field.  There was a particularly good supply of refreshments and sweet and fruit stalls and the children seemed to thoroughly enjoy the fun and frolic of the of a battle of confetti.  The chief attraction apart from the sports programme was a series of Maypole dances and Musical drills by a number of schoolgirls who had been trained by Mrs. Ford.  The items were all excellently entertaining and there were rounds of applause as the merry little maidens responded to the directions of their instructress.   The “Green “ Maypole dances have been the subject of much favourable comment on previous occasions and all can be reiterated in regard of the occasion under notice. The children too deserve a mead of praise for their intelligence in connection with the performances.  During the afternoon and evening popular airs were discoursed by the Berkhamsted St. Peters Band, under the conductorship of Mr. T. Ellens, and after the prize distribution a capital dance programme was gone through.

The earl & Countess of Verulam graced the proceedings by their presence and the Countess distributed the handsome collection of prizes to the successful competitors.  Before doing so she was introduced by the Rev. A. Durrant and presented with a bouquet by Miss Enid Durrant.  At the close of the ceremony the vicar proposed a vote of thanks to the Earl & Countess for their kindness in attending and he sincerely hoped that they would come again on a future occasion.  Cheers having been lustily given, the Earl replied and humorously  referred to his previous visit to Leverstock Green  when they met in the schoolroom to talk about a different subject.  It had given them great pleasure to attend and they hoped it would not be the last time.  He congratulated them on having such an interesting programme and such a good crowd,  which was well deserve.  
[There then followed the list of results, but this time without the prizes they received.] [Gazette 5 June 1909, p.7] 

2nd June 1909 -  The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 43/Deceased : Greenaway, Eliza
DATE OF DEATH: 2.6.1909  NOTE: She was 74 years old and the funeral was held at Leverstock Green Churchyard on 5 June.[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

Summer 1909 – Michael A. Durrant, architect, exhibited a painting “A Rood Screen for Leverstock Green” in the Royal Academy of arts summer exhibition. [S410]

12 June  1909 : The Gazette reported the following:

LEVERSTOCK GREEN - A Local artist. Mr. Michael Durrant, son of the Vicar is to be congratulated on having his picture o f Leverstock Green Church hung in the Academy this year.  Mr. Durrant has also had on show at LEVERSTOCK GREEN     a ...... Drawing of the proposed parish hall for the village and this picture was much admired by the visitors at the sports on Whit Monday. [Gazette 12 June 1909]


A very enjoyable al fresco concert in aid of the Leverstock Green Parish Room Fund was held in the Vicarage Gardens on Tuesday evening.  The pretty and picturesque grounds were tastefully decorated for the occasion with a profusion of lags, and when the shades of night had fallen a charming scene was presented by the countless fairy lamps and Chinese lanterns., with which the ground were illuminated.  The vicar devoted much time and energy to the arrangements, and there is no doubt that his efforts were crowned with success.

The concert was another addition to the many laudable efforts which had been made to augment the fund being raised to provide a Parish Room for the village.  In the past some difficulty has been experienced through the absence of a suitable site, but the [promoters of the scheme have no virtually overcome this obstacle.  Up to the present time the villagers have raised about £140 by their own efforts, but it is estimated that £500 will be needed before the scheme can be completed.  Such a good start having been made by the parishioners, the promoters are about to issue appeals for monetary help which it is hoped will enable them to complete the work.  A plan of the proposed building has been prepared by  Mr. C. Ford Whitcombe, A.R. I.B.A. And Mr. AM. Durrant which allows of a main hall to seat 200 people, a class room to sit 50 at tea, a stage, a library, a cloakroom and a kitchen and a coal-place.  By taking away a moveable partition a view of the stage will be possible from both the main hall and the class room and there would be seating accommodation for 270 persons.  With regard to the exterior it is proposed to have a red-tiles roof and white walls with Dutch brick dressings.

There was a fairly large attendance at the evening gathering, and the proceedings commenced with an overture by the following instrumentalists: 1st violins Mrs. Durrant and Miss G. Finch; 2nd violin, the Rev. A. Durrant and Miss E. Durrant, cello, Mr. A M Durrant; pianist, Mrs. Umfreville.  The item was exceedingly well rendered and quite a pleasing effect was secured.  The instrumentalists were equally successful in a similar item later in the evening.  A glee party consisting of Miss M E Grover, Miss E. Durrant, and Masters C. & W. Parkins as trebles; Mrs. Durrant and Mrs. Umfreville as altos, Mr. W. Dell and Mr. A M Durrant as tenors and the Rev A. Durrant and Mr. W. Seabrook as basses delighted the audience with three glees, the voices harmonising splendidly together.  Miss Cox ably discharged the duties of accompanist in these items.  Miss Finch favoured with a pleasing violin solo, which was much appreciated.  A mandolin and a banjo duet by Miss Doris Cox and Mr. G. Evan-Thomas made a good impression, the artistes being compelled to respond to an encore. The misses Umfreville were also deservingly encored for their charming and graceful dances.  Miss Enid Durrant gave a pretty skipping display, which was followed by an amusing nigger duet by Mr. A M Durrant and Mr. G. Evan-Thomas.  The latter was also well received for a capital rendering of “Cheerio” Mr. J. M Allingoton figured as the recitor of the evening and scored successes in both his efforts.  Refreshments were served at an interval, and the proceedings concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.

 16 June 1909 - An accident occurred in the village, reported as follows in the Saturday Gazette : 


On Wed there were extensive rumours in Hemel Hempstead that a serious motor car accident had happened at Leverstock Green , and that a boy had been killed but happily the report was not correct.  It appears that at about midday Mr. Heartily, a gentleman residing in Taunton, Somerset was driving a car from St. A. To Aylesbury and when passing Belconey cottages a child was knocked down named Alfred Williams, was but two years old.  It had been standing with its mother and another older child, by the side of the road and just as the mother put the elder child safely onto the green, the little one ran across the road in front of the car.  There was an alarming scene just for the moment, but the child only received a cut on the forehead, and that not a very serious one.  Mr. Hartley had sounded his hooter.  He immediately pulled up and in order to be on the safe side, drove into Hemel Hempstead for the police and a doctor.  He took Ps Boarder back with him and Dr. Love had already arrived on his motor cycle.  The chid was then at play again on the green, apparently unhurt. [Gazette 19 June 1909 p.8]

19 June 1909 - The issue of supplying water to three cottages at Bunkers Farm was reported in the Gazette.  Watford UDC  were prepared to supply the water, but at a price too high for the residents of the cottages.  It was finally decided by the council to put the matter before the Rickmansworth and Uxbridge Water Co. for their observations. [Gazette 19 June 1909 p.8]

3 July 3rd 1909 : A Garden Fete at Sibley’s Orchard was advertised in the Gazette  in aid of Parish Room Fund.

Wed 14 July 1909 : For the admission of 6d. the locals were able to attend a garden fete, reported in the following week’s Gazette as follows: 

The village of Leverstock Green has for many years had a keen struggle to maintain its various institutions, and it has had to deprive itself of many necessities for the social welfare of the villagers, through the very small proportion of the very small proportion of the population who are in a position to render financial and other assistance. S  But ion the words of a popular song “Things are begging to hum!”, and progress in regard to the Parish Room Fund the cricket and football clubs, and other organisations has been very marked since Mr. Webster and his family came to reside at Sibley’s Orchard.  There is no place in the village where meetings can be held except in an inconvenient schoolroom, and a committee has been struggling with a fund for the provision of  a Parish Room for five or six years.  Such a social centre is now ell in sight, for plans have been prepared, a fair sum is in hand, a site has practically been secured, and the whole scheme generally is being entered into  by an enthusiastic and enterprising committee.  But a large amount is still required, and with the object of helping the fund, Mr. Webster kindly placed his grounds at the disposal of a garden fete for Wednesday.  Few indeed would ever dream that there was such a charming spot within a stone’s throw of the church, and the large attendance appreciated to the full extent the opportunity of enjoying themselves amidst such charming surroundings.  The well-kept lawns, flower garden and grounds were looking their best, and made an ideal spot for such a function.  There was but a small uniform charge made for admission, but with the numerous attractions, which were well patronised, it is hoped that a substantial profit will be the result. Those mainly responsible for the arrangements, in addition to Mr. Percy Webster and his family  were Messrs W. Dell, WW Sears, H. Cooper, A. Seabrook, J. Hallett, W. Wright, W.C. Child, Rev. A. Durrant.  All worked most assiduously on the day and were assisted by many friends.  A capital entertainment was given by from a decorated platform on the lawn, the contributions including some splendid songs, drills and sketches by the children of the village school under the of Mrs. Ford; songs by Miss Olive Seabrook and Mr. A.W.Llloyd; an amusing duet in costume, by Messrs  H.Lavers and A M Durrant, a dance by Miss Smuthwaite and comic songs by Mr. W. Green.  A hat trimming competition, organised by Miss May Bailey, was a great success there being 12 competitors.  The judges were Messrs. H. Lavers, and A M Durrant and the prizes were (given  by  Mr. Webster) were won by Mrs. Evans and Miss Bailey.  Some excellent side-show attractions were splendidly arranged and ably managed as follows:  Mysterious Goliwog, Miss Child; Fine Art Exhibition, Miss Woodman; Palmist, Miss H. Balderson; Ice cream stall Miss Bailey; Refreshments, Mrs. Cox Mrs. Umfreville and Mts. Webster assisted by Misses Phyllis and Doris Cox, Millicent Cook, Violet Moxsy, Doris Umfreville and Isobel Webster.  At dusk the grounds were prettily illuminated, and the Hemel Hempstead string band played selections and for dancing there being a large crowd present.  The fete was a delightful one in every respect, thanks mainly to the generous support and enthusiasm of Mr. & Mrs. P. Webster and family.   [Gazette 17 July 1909 p.8]

10th November 1909 -  The marriage took place between Herbert George Cook, aged 31, foreman at paper mill, resident in Leverstock Green, son of Walter Stephen Cook, shoemaker & Florence Annie Bedford, aged 25, no occupation given, resident at 14 Catlin  (Boxmoor)  daughter of Frederick Bedford, a cartman.  Lily Bedford, Thomas Hall, Frederick Bedford and Walter Stephen Cook were witnesses.  Marriage took place in the parish church, Boxmoor.  [Marriage certificate obtained by  Susie Journeaux ]

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