1910 - Few changes had been made in the basic information given in Kelly's directory for this year, although for the first time it did mention that Hemel Hempstead Station, the terminus of a branch of the Midland Railway ( called locally the Nicky Line ) was 2.5 miles to the N.W. Arthur Evans (John Dickinson's grandson) was now the principal landowner in place of the Dickinson family, along with the Earl of Verulam. George Dogget, James Hallett, Constable Huckle and Mr. & Mrs. Ford all still held their places in Leverstock Green Society. Average attendance at the Elementary School was 116.
Some building had gone on in the village, and this was reflected in the increase in the numbers of principal residents listed, although not all were in new residences:
Joseph Bailey, Chambersbury
William Beecham, Wood Lane End.
Mrs. Bessant, Tile Kiln House
William Charles Child, Hill Side
Thomas Cox, Hill Farm
Rev. Arthur Durrant, Vicarage
Bonomy Panmure Eykyn, Orchard Lea
George B. Houghton, Cox Pond
Ivan Jackson,Woodside
Miss Jackson,The Dells
Percy Webster, Sibleys Orchard
The commercial sector was shrinking slightly and there was no longer any mention of brick making in the area. Hay dealing reappears, however, with Reuben Seabrook of Tile Kiln Lane. I'm not sure if this is the same Reuben Seabrook of 18 years earlier, or his offspring. In any case, perhaps to be in the Kelley's Directory you had to pay, and therefore not everyone would bother to do so.
The commercial list was as follows:
Jsph Bailey, farmer, Chambersbury
Fred. Chas. Boatwright, beer retailer
Thos. Childs, frmr. North End Farm
Walter Stephen Cook, shoe maker
Albert Edwards, dairyman 
Geor. Albt.& Herbert Finch, frms. Crnr. Fm.
Percy A. Garratt, beer retailer 
George Hallett, beer retailer
James Hallett, grocer & post office
James Knox Hart, frmr, Lev. Grn. Farm
Arthur George Mears ,R.S.S. smith
William Parkins, fishmonger
Thomas Perkins, beer retailer 
Arthur Seabrook, Leather Bottle P.H.
Arthur Geo. Seabrook. boot/shoe mkr
Reuben Seabrook ,hay dlr. Tile Kiln Lane
William Walter Sears, builder 
John Smith, beer retailer
Mrs. Eliz. Timson, Red Lion P.H.
David Walters, farmer Westwick
Robert William Wright, wheelwright
February 1910 - An interesting note in the Gazette for March 5th showed that rainfall for February was over twice the annual average at nearly 4 inches of rain. Whereas the previous year only .34 inches had been recorded at Picotts End in February, the nearest weather station. [Gazette 5 March 1910]
16th February 1910 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 87/Deceased : Kingham, Kezia
DATE OF DEATH: 16.2.1910
NOTE: She was 85 years old and the funeral was held at the Weslyan Church, Two Waters & afterwards 
at Leverstock Green Churchyard on 22 February. ADDRESS: Leverstock Green
5 March 1910 An advert appeared in the Gazette concerning ameeting being held in protest against the proposed Isolation Hospital at Bennetts End. (Click here to view.)
Tuesday 12 March 1910 - The first rumblings of an issue which was to occupy the thoughts of the residents of Leverstock Green for two or three years appeared in the Gazette with the following headlines:
There was an extremely long article detailing each speech made to the very well attended meeting held at the school in Leverstock Green on Tuesday. As well as those present there were letters from several, including the mayor of Hemel Hempstead saying they were sorry they couldn't attend and expressing their opposition to the scheme.
A resolution was put to the meeting "The residents viewed with great concern the proposal to erect a hospital at Bennetts End, which would tend to seriously affect the welfare and development of the district".
It is worth noting that at this time, although the whole of Leverstock Green could be said to be affected, only the Bennetts End area was within the Hemel Hempstead district, the rest were in Watford or St. Albans districts. The vicar commenting that although he lived outside the Borough he was quite in sympathy with the protest. " It seemed a pity that just as they were getting on in the parish that this new idea should come in the way. What with the budget and other nuisances they had a hard struggle to get on I their village."
There was a report of a somewhat confusing dialogue concerning John Knox Hart of Leverstock Green Farm as to whether or not he had offered the site of the land. John Knox Hart was there and the results of the write-up are confusing to say the least.
At the end of the meeting the speakers were deputised to present the petition to the Hospital Board.[ Gazette 12 March 1909 p5.]
29 -31 March 1910 - BOY SCOUTS - "The Boxmoor No 1 troupe of boy scouts encamped at Leverstock Green an Mr. Howe's farm, from Tuesday evening until Thursday last for their Easter training. Several kindnesses were shown them by the residents of the village, and interest was taken in their work. Signalling, despatch runs and physical drill, also a church parade on Sunday occupied the Scouts time." [Gazette 2 April 1910 p.8]
3rd April 1910 - Mr. Ford, the village schoolmaster, recorded the death of one of his infant pupils from whooping cough - Leonard Wheeler. [S73]
May 1910 - The weekly Hemel Hempstead Gazette carried numerous articles re the Isolation hospital and suggested alternative sites including Wood Lane end. Feeling ran high, and not just amongst the residents of Bennetts End/ Leverstock Green. Strangely to those of us who have lived in the latter part of the twentieth century, people seemed genuinely afraid that they would suffer as a result of toxic fumes from the nearby hospital. [Gazette, each week, May 1910]
14 May 1910 - As advert appeared in this and subsequent papers for an "Agricultural AND BUILDING ESTATE known as COXPOND FARM Leverstock Green Hemel Hempstead Only 1.5 miles from he market town of etc. Farm is considered one of the best in the county embracing an area o f 226 acres of sound arable and old pasture (some of the land is believed to contain brickearth) with very comfortable farmhouse homesteads and 2 cottages thereon. The whole in the occupation of Mr. W.H.Howe whose tenancy expires at Michaelmas next) at the moderate rental of £303 6s 8d."
The sale was caused by the death of Mrs. Sarah George, and the auction was to take place at The Kings Arms Hotel Hemel Hempstead Tuesday May 26th 1910 at 2 for 3 o'clock in lots. [Gazette 14 May 1910 p.4]
Tuesday 26 May 1910 - During the afternoon the auction took place at The Kings Arms Hotel Hemel Hempstead of the Coxpond Farm Estate. In the write-up in the Gazette the following Saturday, it was reckoned to be the most important farm and land sale in Hemel Hempstead in recent years. The sale was at the order of the executors of Mrs. Sarah George and comprised freehold agricultural and building land of 163 acres arable, 60 acres pasture, with two comfortable homesteads and 2 cottages.. The frontage of the estate extended over 2 miles. Farm was considered one of the best in West Herts and was for many years the property of Mr. Matthew Leno; latterly being in the tenancy of Mr. W. How of Handpost Farm who gives up his tenancy at Michaelmas. Mr. How was billed as an "ideal type of English farmer" Eventually the property was split up and sold in five separate lots. [Gazette 28 May 1910 p.5]
27th May 1910: The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Deceased : Doult, Mary Anne
DATE OF DEATH: 27.5.1910
NOTE: She was 85 years old and the funeral was held at the cemetery on 1 June.
ADDRESS: Cemmaes Lodge, Hemel Hempstead
Husband / brick manufacturer : Doult, Thomas
Summer 1910 – Michael A. Durrant, architect, exhibited a "Design for a cover for an old font in a church near Cromer", in the Royal Academy’s summer exhibition. [S410]
4 June 1910 - Leverstock Green was briefly notorious following the publicatoin of the following headlines in the Gazette.:
Mrs. Rachel Oakley found the body of her brother, a Mr. Bennett who had lived in Leverstock Green fro about 7 years -he had previously acted as butler to the Cavendish and Gladstone families. From a variety of notes he left it was obviously suicide and at the inquest held in Leverstock Green schoolroom on Tuesday, the verdict was returned of suicide, though there was not enough evidence to show what the state of his mind was at the time. He had previously suffered from depression. It must be remembered that at this time suicide was a crime, and proven suicides were not permitted burial in a churchyard. A certain stigma would have also attached to the suicide's family, in this case his sister. [Gazette 4 JUNE 1910]
Wednesday 6 July 1910 - An auction took place at the Peahen St. Albans on July 10th (Wed) at the direction of the late estate of the late Mr. James Bennett (see June 4th 1910 -suicide) The sale was for the "valuable freehold property situate near the church at Leverstock Green and facing south, two of which have not long been erected. Each house contains two rooms up and down with wood barn and good garden. Company water is laid on. Let to Messrs. Woodward, Stears and Sharp, and one in hand, the present very low rents amounting to £35 2s per annum." These were the cottages Coronation Cottages, & Mafeking Cottages (now known as No 1 & " Greenside) facing the green next to the Leather Bottle. The Woodwards had the house nearest to Leather Bottle. They were eventually sold to Mr. J. Hallet of Leverstock Green for £450 0s [Gazette 2 and 9 July 1910]
Saturday 9 July 1910 - WOMEN CONSERVATIVES AT LEVERSTOCK GREEN - report on meeting of Women's section of Unionist & Conservative Ass. Held at Coxpond House with Mrs. Cox of Hill Farm presiding. [Gazette 16 July 1910]
Saturday 30 July - 2 August - "The newly formed troop of boy scouts spent their first camp from Sat July 30th to August 2nd by kind permission of Messrs Little and McCullock the camp was pitched at Westwick Hall Farm in a meadow adjoining Gorhambury Park. The scouts were under the command of Scout Master C. Ingham and assistant scout master G. Dell. On Saturday the camp was visited by Girl Guides commanded by Captain Doris Cox who hoisted the Union Jack, and the rest of the afternoon was spent by the boys interacting a camp kitchen and settling down into their new quarters. The scouts attended Leverstock Green church oh Sunday, and during the afternoon the camp was visited by numerous friends who were entertained to tea. On Monday a most interesting day was spent in Scouting, tracking, boxing, gymnastics, etc. And in the afternoon the boys were kindly entertained to tea by Mrs. Little and the camp broke up at 8 o'clock the same evening. Altogether a very pleasant time was spent and great thanks are due to Messrs Little and McCulloch for their kindness shown by them in every way. Those ladies and gentlemen who so readily came forward with presents for the boys, and Mr. W. Parkins, who lent a cart for the conveyance of goods to the camping ground, are to be thanked for their help." [Gazette 13 August 1910 p.8.]
Saturday 3 December 1910 -A Presentation was made to Postman Thomas Wood who had been the rural manager from Hemel Hempstead to Leverstock Green via Adeyfield and Bennetts END for the previous 16 years. He was presented with a gold chain and silver keyless English lever watch. Several of the inhabitants of Leverstock Green and district met in the scouts hall to witness the presentation which was made by the vicar Rev. A Durrant who spoke very highly of Mr. Woods services as postman. Mr. Wood thanks all those present who contributed to his present, and said he should take great care of it as he prized it highly. The chain and watch cost between £5 & £6 and bore the inscription: Given to Thomas Wood by friends at Leverstock Green , after 16 years faithful service, 1910. [Gazette 10 December 1910 p.7]