1911-1952 – “Tilekiln” (demolished 1950's) is known to have been the property of the Bessant family. [Letter from Dennis Bessant 28th June 1998.]  (See section on Durrant family which shows the angels carved by Brenda Bessant)

1911 - Population was given as 649, or 697 depending on which Kelly's Directory was consulted!

1911 Census Returns. – The 1911 census is now available online from the National Archive http://www.1911census.co.uk/ . Sadly for me as a local, as opposed to a family historian, each downloadable page only contains the entries for one household; making the downloading of all the entries for Leverstock Green too expensive for me to undertake, though I have downloaded a small number of entries to date, mostly htose of the better-off families and the Public Houses.

I currently (August 2009) have information on the following Heads of Household, together with the size of the property, and their co-residents:
Joseph Bailey Senior, Chambersbury – 14 rooms – 8 persons (7 x family+ 1 x servant)
Charles Bessant, Tile Kiln – 11 rooms – 11 persons (9 x family+2 servants)

Frederick Boatright and family, at The Plough PH, - 10 rooms
Mary Cox, Hill Farm – 10 rooms – 4 persons (3 x family + 1 servant)
Thomas Childs, Northend Farm – 4 rooms – 5 persons (all family)
William Child, Hill Side – 7 rooms – 2 persons (WC + housekeeper (sister)
Jesse Dury, Stables coachhouse, Orchard Lea. – 1 room – 1 person
Rev Arthur Durrant, Leverstock Green Vicarage – 11 rooms – 9 persons (5 x family, 3 x staff + pupil)

Frank Edmonds, Homeside, - 4 rooms – 5 persons (3 family  + 2 boarders.)
Evelyn Eykyn (widow), Orchard Lea – 9 rooms – 7 persons ( 5 x family + 2 servants)
(This of particular interest as she was the very young (25) widow of Bonomy Eykyn, and she was herself an American, from Alabama.  Her 3 children were all born at Orchard Lea, and we have a record of them on a postcard from 1905, which no doubt got sent to the States at the time by the family.) 

Jane Finch, Corner Farm – 9 rooms – 4 persons (3 x family + 1 servant)
George Houghton, Cox Pond House – 8 rooms – 3 persons (All family)

John Martin, Westwick Row Farm – 6 rooms – 6 persons (3 x family + 3 x boarders)
Thomas Orchard, Woodwells – 7 rooms – 8 persons (all family)

John Smith, The Masons (Arms PH) Belconey. – 6 rooms – 2 persons (Both family)
Elizabeth Timpson,The Red Lion – 6 rooms – 6 persons (5 x family + 1 boarder)
Percy Webster, Sibleys Orchard – 9 rooms – 4 persons (All family)

Samuel Umfreville, Well Farm – 10 rooms – 4 persons (3 x family+ 1 x servant)
Sidney Walters, Westwick Farm – 7 rooms – 5 persons (All family)

Interestingly, the information contained in this census was hand written by the head of household, (a fact I can confirm because I have seen several documents written by the Vicar Arthur Durrant); and includes, as well as age, relationship to head of household, occupation, place of birth etc. Details concerning a marriage, which includes the number of years of the marriage, and the total number of children born, still living, born dead, and born alive.  It is also interesting to note that under the marriage details, no suggestion is made of the possibility of anyone being divorced, though of course it was possible at this time to obtain a divorce.  

If anyone reading this has collected additional census information from Leverstock Green in 1911, perhaps they would be so kind as to share it with me, and help me paint a picture of Leverstock Green in 1911.  Barbara Chapman

7 January 1911 -   The Gazette carried an advert as follows: 
Visitors since  August 2003
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Leverstock Green ChronicleMaplinks page (for large scale and old maps of the area.)

20th Century Leverstock GreenGlossary
Tile Kiln
Cox Pond
Woodwells, with the Orchard's ploughing engines  in front.
Sibleys Orchard
Rev Arthur Durrant, and the Vicarage.
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“Sale of live & dead stock and effects at Bennetts End Farm comprising two capital cart horses, Kerry Cow, shorthorn steer (a show animal), Seven farm carts, carts, galvanised water cart, and dog cart, also a good assortment of implements, rick cloths, weighing machine, &c &c 25 qrs. oats, in sacks, two ricks of straw, and ten tons of mangolds, to be sold by auction by Mr. Orchard upon the premises Friday January 20 1911 at 12 for 1 o’clock, by order of Mr. Thos Doult.”
Interestingly there had been no adverts for the Bennetts End Dairy or its shop in the Marlowes for some time, suggesting that possibly the dairy and Mr. Doult were facing hard times. However, it could also be that he decided to go into a slightly different branch of farming. (See entry for Thursday 6th May 1920.) [Gazette January 7 1911 p 4]

21 January 1911 - The question of the proposed Bennetts End Isolation Hospital rumbled on and a lengthy article appeared in the Gazette.   After considerable debate and opposition from residents of Bennetts End and Leverstock Green the Hospital Board decided to adopt the site at Bennetts End for its new Isolation hospital. [Gazette 21 January 1911 p.5]

4 March 1911 - A further very lengthy article appeared in the columns of the Gazette concerning the Isolation Hospital, the headline of which ran: DECISION TO PURCHASE BENNETTS END SITE - 

The article gave details of a meeting, which ended in the resolution to purchase four acres of Mr. Orchard’s land at Bennetts End for £600 - votes were 5 for and 2 against. Earlier in the right-up Mr. Orchard had said that he was happy to sell provided his tenant (Mr. Doult) was given 12 months notice. The meeting itself had been interrupted by a deputation from folk from Bennetts End and Leverstock Green  - there was quite a scene as another deputation against the sale was also introduced and all the protagonists were loud in stating their case.  However, in the end this had no effect on the outcome. [Gazette 4 March 1911 p.5]

4 March 1911 
 There was laid to rest in the peaceful churchyard at Leverstock Green on Sat afternoon the remains of the late Mr. W H How of Hand Post farm, Hemel Hempstead  .............
There continued a very long eulogy on Mr. How who was also an Oddfellow.  The funeral service took place at St. Paul’s Church Hemel Hempstead and then the burial took place at Leverstock Green.  Rev Durrant although attending didn’t officiate. [Gazette 11 March 1911]

16 April 1911 - Easter Sunday.  Holy Trinity’s Sexton, George Doggett died. The Gazette the following week carried this report:
On Easter Sunday there passed away, after a months illness Mr. George Doggett at the age of 63 years.  The deceased was a highly respected native of the village and he had been clerk and sexton for the long period of 20 years.  He leaves a widow with one son to mourn his loss.  On Thursday there were touching scenes at the largely attended funeral.   A choral service took place in the church. The body was met at the churchyard gate by the clergy and choir, headed by the cross.  The officiating clergy were the Rev. A. Durrant and the Rev. Lawrence GEE (vicar HEMEL HEMPSTEAD)
.................(There then followed details of the hymns sung and a list of the chief mourners and the messages on their floral tributes.)  [Gazette 21   April 1911]  

21 April 1911 -- The Isolation Hospital Question arose again with a small notice in the Gazette to the effect that a Local Govt. Board Inquiry would be held in the council chamber the following Wednesday and that anyone could attend to show whether they supported or objected to the idea. [Gazette 21 April 1911]

25th April 1911 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
  Ref 175/ Deceased: Charge, Ada
DATE OF DEATH: 25.4.1911
NOTE: The funeral was held at the cemetery on 29 April 1911. Wife of William Charge, brickmaker.
ADDRESS: Flint Cottages, High Street Green, Hemel Hempstead
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co ]

27 May 1911 - the Gazette carried a report of a concert given at the schools by the Leverstock Green Boy Scouts for the benefit of the troop.  A total of £3 was collected for the Leverstock Green Scouts troop. [Gazette 27 May 1911 p.8]

22 June 1911 - Coronation of George V   - Celebrations of the Coronation took place all over the district. It is unclear from the Gazette report of those which took place at Leverstock Green whether they occurred on the day or at a later date, as they weren’t reported for two weeks.

A long list of successes in regard to Coronation celebrations in the villages in this district has been chronicled, but few were more thorough and passed off more harmoniously than those of Leverstock Green.

This little village proved its loyalty by highly creditable displays.  The committee, with the Vicar, the Rev. A. Durrant, on the bridge, and the schoolmaster Mr. T H Ford on the helm, spent many hours of careful thought and discussion in arranging details, with the result that the celebration proceedings were carried out without the slightest suspicion of a hitch, and in a manner which reflected the utmost credit on the organisers, and gave every satisfaction to those who participated in them.

At 9 am there was a choral celebration, and two hours later a goodly number attended a special service conducted by the Vicar.  A procession was formed on the green soon after on o'clock and in it were included boy scouts, girl guides, schoolchildren and others dressed in costumes both elaborate and delightfully humorous.  The “Pied Piper” headed the procession, which wended its way to Northend Farm, where a meadow was at the disposal of the officials and also a barn, in which the feasting took place.  In the meadow all kinds of sports were indulged in by the more youthful members of the community.  There was a diversion in the form of a May (pole) dance by sixteen school children, who showed evidence of careful and very considerable training at the hands of Mrs. Ford.

Tea began at 4 o’clock.  The guests were arranged in batches according to seniority, and nearly 600 were entertained at 8 p.m..  Mr. O. Webster distributed the prizes to the successful competitors in the sports, and those who had gained awards in the fancy costume competition.  Dancing was indulged in for an hour to excellent music by a string band arranged by the Vicar, and composed of local performers, and who gave an exhibition of their owners during the afternoon.  After the National Anthem had been sung and vociferous cheers given for the King and Queen and adjournment was made to the village green, where a huge bonfire was lighted and blazed away merrily for some time.  Amongst the officials who worked so energetically may be mentioned: Chairman the Rev. A. Durrant; hon. treasurer Mr. W C Child; hon. secretary Mr. T H Ford; general committee, Messrs P Webster, C. Ingham, Wed., R W.Wright; W W Sears, Mears, J. Bailey, junior, A. Seabrook, W. Parkins, T. Parkins, Goodenough, T. Perkins, and J. Hallett.  A sum of about £40 was collected for the celebration and it was unanimously agreed that the money had been spent in the best possible manner. [Gazette 8 July 1911 p.7]
24 June 1911- The headline in the Gazette: ISOLATION HOSPITAL BENNETTS END SITE OFFICIALLY SANCTIONED drew attention to the fact that despite opposition, the Bennetts End Hospital was to go ahead.  The very long article reported a meeting at which it was agreed a loan could be taken out to purchase the Bennetts End site for a new Isolation Hospital. [Gazette 24 June 1911]

21 July 1911- A fire in the centre of Leverstock Green caused the following headlines and story: 

A FIRE OCCURRED AT LEVERSTOCK GREEN ABOUT 3 O’CLOCK YESTERDAY (Friday) AFTERNOON AS WE WERE GOING TO PRESS, AND TOTALLY DESTROYED A BARN AND STABLING ADJOINING THE THREE HORSESHOES PUBLIC-HOUSE.  It is supposed that the heat of the sun caused the conflagration.  Smoke was seen issuing from the barn and almost immediately the whole premises seemed to burst into flames.  The alarm was 

And in a  short time numerous villagers were on the scene, and at once set to work with buckets   of water.  It was obvious that nothing could save the buildings, and attention was then concentrated on keeping the fire free from the licensed premises, and the numerous workers were successful in their objective.  Assisted by the breeze the flames

And within half an hour the buildings were completely gutted.  Fortunately there were no animals in the stables at the time, but a number of agricultural implements and a quantity of straw suffered destruction.

A message was wired to the Hemel Hempstead fire station, and the Brigade under Captain Hancock, turned out smartly and was quickly on the scene with the steamer (presumably steam fired engine!!!! (like a traction engine.)  They fixed the hydrant and commenced to take the hose towards the premises, but found they had 

For the distance, which was considerable.  Dr. Gilroy, who had motored over, brought a fireman back to Hemel Hempstead with him for a further supply.

The inn is the property of Mr. Finch and the lessees are the Chesham Brewery Co. Ltd. Mr Perkins is the tenant.

We understand that the damage is covered by insurance.

The police on duty include Superintendent Frogley, Sergeant Bowyer and the village constable. [Gazette 22 July 1911]
This photo of the Hemel Hempstead Fire Brigade was taken in about 1910.
21st July 1911 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 2/ Deceased : Dell, Sarah
DATE OF DEATH: 21.7.1911
NOTE: She was 92 years old and the funeral was held at Leverstock Green Church on 25 July.
ADDRESS: Sebright Road, Boxmoor     [DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co  ]

25 July 1911 :
THE BAND OF HOPE had their weekly meeting ... at Chambersbury, when Mrs. Bailey gave the children a splendid tea on the lawn  Games in the meadow were afterwards indulged in. The ascent of several balloons during the evening called forth cheers.......”. [Gazette 29 July ]
21 October 1911-   A wedding took place between two well-know Leverstock Green families, the following week being reported in the Gazette as follows:



A pretty wedding was solemnised at Leverstock Green Church on Sat by the Rev. Arthur Durrant, the parties being Miss Beatrice Emmeline Sears, daughter of Mr. William Sears, and Mr. John William Dell, son of Mr. & Mrs. J. Dell of Leverstock Green.  The service was fully choral....... Which were rendered by the choir with which the bridegroom is connected..  The bride was dressed in cream delaine and wore a veil with orange blossoms, and carried a beautiful bouquet of chrysanthemums and lilies.  She was attended by four bridesmaids, Miss Beryl Dell, Miss Hilda Dell, (sisters of the bridegroom) Miss Gladys Sears and Miss Queenie Sears (cousins of the bride).  They carried bouquets of yellow chrysanthemums and wore brooches the gift of ht bridegroom.  Mr. Greenwood was the best man.  Mr. W C Child was at the organ and played some pretty music.  The bridegroom is the secretary of the local Scouts organisation, and many of the members in uniform were present.

The bridegroom has been connected with the Church choir for a good many years and the members presented him with a handsome eight-day clock.
Seabrook, who can boast the proud record of having been a member of the choir for over 40 years, and is now the Vicars Warden, handed over the gift.

Mr. Dell has also been presented with the Swastika medal by the scouts. The owner of the medal can call upon a Scout to help him at any time should it be needed.

16th December 1911   A note concerning the school accommodation was entered into the logbook by Rev. Arthur Durrant:  [S73]
The Board of Education (Whitehall, London SW) have now further considered the question of revising the accommodation of the school on the basis allowing not less than 10 sq. feet of floor space for each older child and 9 sq. feet for each Infant.

The accommodation as so calculated will be 59 Mixed and 52 Infants, and the Board propose to bring this reassessment into effect as from Jan. 1st 1912.

The average attendance should be brought within the limits of the revised accommodation as soon as possible: but if it is shown to the Board’s satisfaction that this would be impracticable or inconvenient, The Board will be prepared to allow a slight excess of average attendance over the numbers mentioned in the last paragraph as a temporary expedient until other arrangements can be made for the reception of the surplus children.”
21st December 1911 - The following special entry was made in the school logbook by Mr. Ford: [S73]
Prizes were given away in the School after attending Church.  Mr. Durrant presented the prizes six of which were watches.  Dorothy Dell, Gertrude Buswell, Joseph Latchford, John Sharp, F. Wilkins and Harry Matthews received the watches.”