10th January 1913  - The school log recorded that Mrs Durrant (vicar's wife) gave the County Council Prizes of two watches and 27 books to the recipients.  A photograph in one of the local books on Boxmoor of a pupil of this time receiving a watch, suggests that these prizes were given for 100% attendance. [S73]

1 February 1913 - "A very useful sum" was raised as a result of a concert which included in its programme "A Fairy Play" given in order to raise funds for the 1st Leverstock Green Girl Guides. [Gazette 8 February 1913, p.8 - full transcript available.]
28th February - 31st March 1913 - Leverstock Green School was again closed by the Ministry of Health due to an outbreak of Scarlet Fever. Further cases of Scarlet fever were reported later on in the year as well. At the time of an announcement in the Gazette on 15 March, there were four confirmed cases who were being treated in Watford Isolation Hospital.  [S73; Gazette 15 March 1913]

Monday 24  March 1913 - Holy Trinity's annual Vestry meeting was held, attending by the Rev. Durrant (in the chair) and Messrs Webster, Hart, Child and Seabrook. The last two were re-elected church wardens.  Mr. Child presented the accounts, showing a deficit of £20 2s 7d., the expenditure of the year was £52.  Mr. W. Dell was appointed to represent the parish at the Rural Deanery Synod. [Gazette 29 March 1913]

Wednesday 26 March 1913 - The 1st Leverstock Green Girl Guides held a sale of work at the Green Schools in aid of the Club Room fund.  An address was given by Captain Birch, of the 1st Watford guides whose troop attended the sale.  Miss Birch was presented with a bouquet by the Leverstock Green troop.  There was a miniature camp in the schoolroom, where demonstrations of camp cooking, nursing, ambulance. Laundry work, camp fore and sewing were given. The schools had been decorated by the Leverstock Green troop and a very useful sum was realised.  [Gazette 29 March 1913]

Friday 25 April 1913 - DEATH OF MRS MEARS - The funeral of Mrs. Eleanor Mears, wife of Mr. William D. Mears of the forge, Leverstock Green took place at Leverstock Green church. The chief mourners were Mr. William D. Mears (husband) Messrs Arthur and Freddie Mears (sons) and Misses May and Beatrice Mears (daughters)..................Mrs Mears had lived at Leverstock Green for ten years, and had previously lived in Norfolk.  For a long time she had suffered from bronchitis and died of pneumonia. [Gazette 26 April 1913]

10 May 1913 - An advert in the paper drew attention to the sale by auction of "The Cot" & Rose Bank" Tile Kiln Lane.  Each contained 3 bedrooms, 2 sitting rooms, and one had brick built stabling and a bath.  They were let at the time for 15/- and 20/- per annum, but were to  be sold with vacant possession. [Gazette 10 May 1913]

31 May 1913  - The Gazette carried the following report:


A number of members of the 1st Leverstock Green Girl Guides, in charge of their captain Miss Cox, attended the Empire Day gathering in Hyde Park on Saturday and were very much impressed with the ceremony.  Altogether some 9000 boys and girls were drawn up in columns and afterwards inspected by the princess Royal, Lord Roberts and Miss Baden Powell.  The Leverstock Green Girl Guides journeyed to London by Motor Bus accompanied by some members of the committee and the chaplain the Rev. A. Durrant.  Near Marble Arch they joined the  Laughton company and marched to the Park.  Captain Cox was marker of the 6th section, which comprised some 80 girls. It is interesting to note that the Leverstock Green Company was one of the first to be formed in the country, the movement having being initiated about 4 years ago. [ 31 May 1913]

10 July 1913  The annual school treat took place in the school itself rather than the Vicarage meadow owing to a thunderstorm. After playing games etc. Each child was presented with two toys. [Gazette 12 July 1913]

15 - 22 July 1913  - GUIDES ANNUAL CAMP  1st Leverstock Green Guides held their 4th annual camp in theVicarage meadow. It was reported that they had "a thoroughly nice time."  Click here to view photo of Guides. [Gazette 26 July 1913]

15 November 1913  - The Gazette reported in a long article headed: ABBOTS LANGLEY AFFAIRS  - LEVERSTOCK GREEN SEWERAGE, the entire conversation held at a recent Abbots Langley Parish Council meeting at which sewerage for Leverstock Green was discussed. (Houses along Bedmond road were in Abbots Langley Parish at the time.)  There was considerable discussion over who would be made to pay for the sewerage work. (i.e. Abbots Langley, St Michaels Rural or Hemel Hempstead) Although no firm decision was made, there was general agreement that there was a very deficient sanitary arrangement in Leverstock Green. [Gazette 15 November 1913]

20 December 1913 - As for the previous year there was a report of the Slate Clubs dinner from the Three Horseshoes PH.  This year 43  took part. [Gazette 20 December 1913].
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