January 2nd 1915 - In the Gazette for this date not only was there a Punch cartoon of The New Army going to the front -  there were also reports in the Gazette of gales floods and snow causing havoc throughout the area and indeed the whole of the SE. [Gazette January 2nd 1915]

Monday 4th January 1915: Another different Slate Club Gathering was reported:

Mr Halliday presided at a meeting held at the Red Lion in Leverstock Green on Monday evening to consider the advisability of restarting the Hand in Hand Slate Club.  After some little discussion it was decided to hold the club again this year.  The business being concluded a smoking concert took place, where songs were contributed by Messers Halliday, J Seabrook, H Child,  G Wheeler,, S. Lawrence, J Timson, W Dell and A Lawrence.  Recitations by T Parkins,  pianoforte solos by J . Seabrook; concertina solos by Mr J Martin, and a vocal trio of Messers J Seabrook, J Timson and H Child.  Accompanists Messers J Seabrook and W Dell. [Gazette January 9th 1915]

16th January 1915- An advert  for the  sale by auction on January 27th of Household furniture at  COXPOND FARM on the instructions of the executor of the late Mrs W H How was in the Gazette. Further details were to be given in the future. [Gazette January 16th ]

23rd January 1915- Full details were given in the Gazette of the household effects to be sold by auction at Cox Pond farm, the auction was being conducted by Robinson & Mead. [Gazette January 23rd]

6th February 6th 1915- A new list of those men who had joined up appeared in the paper:

SERVING THEIR COUNTRY (See seperate webpage)

The following is a further list of those who are serving their King & Country from Leverstock Green making 33 in all:
F Aldenham - Kitchen's Army
HC Bessant - London Scottish
B Bessant - anti aircraft
G Cull - Kitchener’s Army
A.B Ford - British Red Cross
Lance Corporal Glazier - reservist
Hoare - Kitchener’s Army
C Ingham - Queens Westminster Rifles
F Johnson - Kitchener’s Army
B L Shapcott - Kitchener’s Army
S Simmons - Army service corps
Warren - army service corp.
R Webster - Royal Fusiliers
18th  February 1915:  This was the date on the deeds transferring land at the corner of Pancake Lane and Leverstock Green Road to the Trustees for the Parish Room. The land had been the property of John Knox Hart of Leverstock Green Farm, for which he received the sum of £100.  A full transcript of the deed is available. However for some obscure reason this was not apparently made generally know in Leverstock Green at the time. ( See entry for 25 December 1915)  [Buglass Archive L20]

18th February 1915 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 298/ Deceased : Ginger, Sarah Ann
DATE OF DEATH: 18.2.1915
NOTE: She was 68 years old and the funeral took place at Great Gaddesden Church on 22.2.1915.
ADDRESS: Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead
[DCHT Undertaker's Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

24th February 1915  - There was a report of a local funeral: FUNERAL OF MRS EDWARDS
Fanny Edwards had been the wife of Mr John Edwards and had come originally from Waddensden .  She had been a regular attender at HT for 20 years and was well respected.

27th February 1915 - It was reported that the opening ceremony of the new isolation hospital at Bennetts End was postponed, contractors had been delayed by "war & wet". [Gazette 27th February 1915]

17th March 1915 - A special entry was made in the school log book:

"Colour Sergeant Benjamin Grant Briggs, 2nd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers was killed in action on March 11th 1915 aged 34.  Received the above news this morning from the Senior Chaplain who requested me to convey the sad news to the relations.  Ben Briggs was in the Boer War.  He attended this school from 6.10.91 t0 14.11.93." [S73]

Saturday April 3rd 1915- The wedding took place between Miss Annie Hobbs, second daughter of the late Mr & Mrs Hobbs of Leverstock Green and Mr A J Mears of the Forge Leverstock Green. Arthur Mears was to take over as Blacksmith in the village after his father William.  [Gazette 17th April 1915]

1st May 1915 - The Gazette carried a letter to the editor concerning  housing and drainage schemes in Leverstock Green - arguing that the postponement of installing proper drainage and sewerage in Leverstock Green was not due to the war as had been previously expressed, but due to the tardiness of Watford Borough Council. [Gazette 1st May 1915]

8th May 1915 - Further announcement of those who had joined up was seen in the Gazette:


The following is the third list of men serving with the colours, making 51  in all

S Beger - Kitchener's Army
H C Bessant - London Scottish
Brinklow - Kitchener's Army
F Charge - Kitchener's Army
P Dell - 1st Herts
Fitzjon - Kitchener's Army
F French -  Kitchener's Army
W French - Kitchener's Army
H Grimwood - artists rifles
Haggar - Army Service Corps
G Little - 1st Herts
W Parker - Cavalry Brigade
D Sears -Marines
H Sharp - RN
W Sharp - RFA
W Stears - 1st Herts
F Stears - 1st Herts
Sergeant Thorn - RFA
[Gazette 8th May 1915]

8th May 1915 - The Gazette carried a long account of the formal opening of the Bennetts End Isolation Hospital, including the visit of J H Lewis MP. [Gazette 8th May 1915]

15th May 1915 - A further and somewhat confusing list was posted in the Gazette concerning those who had joined up. Confusing because many of those listed had already been included.


The following is a further list of men serving their king and country from Leverstock Green making a total of 54 of about 750.  Several of the names should have been on previous lists

G de Beger - Kitchener's Army
W Brinklow 1st Herts
F Charge Bedfordshire Reg.
P Dell - 1st Herts
A Fitzjohn - Bed Reg.
F Freeman - Royal Navy
F French - Bed Reg.
W French  - East Surrey (wounded)
Liet H Grimwood - Manchester Reg.
A Haggar - Army Service Corps
J Hallet - 1st Harts
W Hill - Royal Field Artillery
Sergeant Major Little - Herts yeomanry
W Parker - Cavalry Brigade
D Sears - marines
F Sharpe - RN
H Sharpe - RN
W Sharpe - Royal field artillery
W. Steers Bed reg.
J Steers - bed Reg.
Sergeant Thorn - Royal Field Artillery
W. Webb - Army Service Corps

24th July 1915 – Holy Trinity Church was granted a faculty to remove pews and create a side-chapel at the East End of the South Aisle.  [HTLG 59] 

17th October 1915 - Leverstock Green School was once again closed on the order of the Ministry of Health due to  outbreaks of Scartlet Fever. [S73]

30th October 1915 - The Gazette reported that the Ladies war committee had organised a house to house collection in Leverstock Green and had handed over £18 to the Herts Red Cross Fund.  The district included Adeyfield and Cupid Green......the amount did not include the collection in the church or chapel. Additional details concerning fund-raising were given. [Gazette 30th October 1915]

11th December 1915 - The Gazette reported the following:

A  pretty wedding in which a great deal of interest was evinced was solemnised at Ht Leverstock Green on Sat.  The bride was Miss Hilda Dell, the youngest daughter of Mr & Mrs J Dell of Mafeking Leverstock Green....The vicar  the Rev Arthur Durrant officiated.  The bride, who was given away by her brother Mr WJ Dell was charmingly attired in ivory satin and lined with veil and wreath of orange blossom and her pretty shower bouquet was composed of chrysanthemums and Madonna Lilies.  She was attended by her two nieces as bridesmaids, the Misses Sybil and Olive Seabrook, (see photo) who were dressed in Saxo blue satin, and hats of black velvet relieved with pink camellias, and they carried shower bouquets of pink carnations.  The best man was trooper F J Chambers, Herts Yeomanry, brother of the bridegroom.  During the signing of the register and as the bride and bridegroom left the church Mrs A Durrant played a wedding March on the organ.  After the ceremony a reception was held at Mafeking, which was attended by many relatives and well wishing friends.  [Gazette December 1915]

25 December 1915 - The Christmas Day edition of the Gazette  carried a report of the purchase of the land for the parish Room, which had taken place earlier in the year (See entry for  18 February 1915)


The Inhabitants of Leverstock Green will probably be interested to know that one of the obstacles which has been facing the Parish Room Committee has now been removed. For some years past the landowners in the district have been frequently approached with regard to the purchase of a site, but until now all efforts have been unsuccessful.  On Tues. evening in last week a meeting was held under the presidency of  vicar ( ) Mr Percy Webster reported that he and the Vicar acting on a resolution of the committee had completed the purchase of a splendid site of half an acre between the Church and the Vicarage, the purchaser's covenanting with the vendor that the site should only be used for the purpose of a  a parish room, club or institute for Leverstock Green.  It was further resolved to execute a deed conveying the property in trust for the committee, of which the Vicar and Church Warden were to be ex-oficio members, and in the event of any member deceased or resignation another to be elected by the remaining members.  It is understood that building operations cannot take place at present, but now that a site has been obtained and the scheme founded on a firm basis, its hoped the donations will be forthcoming to enable the committee to carry out the work as soon as possible, which will undoubtedly be a great boon to the village.  The sec Mr. W Wright gave an interesting account of the great struggle it had been to obtain sufficient funds to purchase the site, the movement starting with a concert, organised by a few residents, and by these and similar means a plot of ground has at last been acquired, leaving very little money to start the building.  The following promises towards the building fund have been received; Messrs J Dickinson & Co. £25; Mr T W Toovey £20, Mr WC Child, £10, Mr Percy Webster £10. [Gazette  25 December 1915]
Bridesmaids Olive & Sybil Seabrook
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