1919 - Leverstock Green was a small separate community extending beyond the Borough Boundaries.

[ S1 - p. 151 ]
4th January 1919 - Leverstock Green W.I. had held a social evening. [Gazette 4/1/1919]
11th January 1919 - The Gazette reported on "The Military Wedding" of Corporal Sidney John Simmons and Miss Nellie Brigginshaw at Holy Trinity Church the previous Saturday. [Gazette 11/1/1919; S248] Their Golden wedding was commemorated 50 years later and details given in the Gazette together with a photograph. [S250]
14th & 21st January 1919 - Miss Bourne, "a Missionary from Corea" gave lectures to the village school children. She had reportedly made a journey around the world; "Liverpool, Queenstown. New York, San Francisco, Honolulu, Yokohama, Corea returning Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore, Ceylon, Port Said, Marseille, Boulogne, Folkstone, London." [S73]
18th January 1919 - A very successful children's treat was held in the school on the previous Saturday. "After tea a beautiful Christmas Tree was provided for the children and each had a present given by Father Christmas from the tree." [Gazette 25/1/1919]
24th January 1919 - Leverstock Green W.I. were given a lecture on Serbia by Miss B. Bell. [Gazette ]
25th January 1919 - The Gazette reported that Leverstock Green had a new distinguished resident: Colonel Low, the Chief Constable of Hertfordshire, who had taken up residence at Homewood. [Gazette 25/1/1919]
25th January 1919 - The Gazette reported on the scheme for the proposed Parish Room, which had been under discussion for 15 years and had not at that date matured.:
The question of a parish hall for the village has been under consideration for 15 years, and the scheme has not yet materialized, though progress has been made. By means of dances, sports and concerts the sum of £168 9s. has been raised. A site has been purchased at a cost of £100, upon which the cabbages are sprouting, but there is no sign yet of a room growing. The need of a suitable hall is very greatly felt, but outside help must be forthcoming if it is to be provided. The war has prevented any general appeal, and also caused a modification in the original scheme, owing to the cost of building. It is now suggested that an army hut might be purchased as a temporary measure, and this idea is supported by the Women's Institute who have promised their energetic support, so that the hard working committee, who have the matter in hand, are hoping to receive help from generous people in the neighbourhood. The Rev. Arthur Durrant is Chairman, Mr.. P Webster treasurer, and Mr.. W. Wright secretary. There is a balance in hand of £56.6s 6d., and among the subscriptions given or promised are: Messrs. J. Dickinson and Co.. Ltd. £25; Mr.. T.W.Toovey, £20; Mrs.. Grimwood £10.10s.; Mr.. P. Webster £10; and Mr.. C.W. Childs £10. [Gazette 25th Jan. 1919]
£168. 5s had been raised so far from dances, jumble sales etc.. A site had been purchased at the cost of £100 upon which according to the Gazette cabbages were sprouting! Various subscriptions were promised by members of the local community. The Rev. Durrant was Chairman of the Parish Room Trust, Mr. P. Webster was the Treasurer and Mr. W. Wright the secretary. [Gazette 25/1/1919]
1st February 1919 - The Leverstock Green Red Cross Working Party which had been started ion August 1914 was officially closed down. Mrs. Secretan had been the Hon. Secretary. The total number of garments made by the group was 1441. There had been 30 regular members of the working party and 30 others. [Gazette 10/5/1919 p.8]
12th February 1919 - An army hay bailer, which had been "fixed in Bennetts End Lane near Leverstock Green" for over a fortnight owing to heavy falls of snow, was finally "drawn out......by one of Mr. T. Orchard's traction engines." [Gazette 15/2/1919 p.8]
12th &13th February 1919 - Fund raising entertainments for the Parish Room were reported the following Saturday in the Gazette:
Two very unique entertainments were given in St. Mary's Hall and the Canteen Apsley, on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, organized by Captain Herbert Grimwood in order to raise funds for a Parish Hall at Leverstock Green. Captain Grimwood has taken a considerable interest in the village during his residence there and in furtherance, for which the land has already been acquired, was we believe, the originator of a performance held at Leverstock Green before going out to the front. Since his return he has continued his interest for which these two entertainments are the evidence, and in which he was assisted by various well known London artistes. The program with selections from Tancredi by the Dickinson Apsley Orchestra, followed by "The Geisha" by Miss Sylvia Grimwood, who in the character gained great applause. Mr.. Bertram Binyon then gave a) "At Dawning" followed by "Funiculi Funicula," the well known Neapolitan song, in response t a loud encore he sang "Do I like love?" Miss Barbara Booth, who is the possessor of a mezzo-soprano voice then sung "Roses of Picardy." Mr.. Haydon Coffin, the well known actor and singer, contributed a rousing patriotic song entitled "Who sings of England," the beautiful words of which are by the late Captain Basil Hood. Mr.. Coffin, who was in splendid voice, gained much applause and responded with an encore, " Modern Miracles" were wrought by Mr.. Douglas Dexter (member of the Inner Magic Circle), who is a conjurer of no mean order. His sleight of hand entirely mystified the audience and caused much diversion. Miss Grimwood made her second appearance as "Miss Hook of Holland" and in a fascinating manner sang, "Pink petty from Peter", from the well known musical play, followed by an encore entitled, "Little Miss Wooden Shoes" This was followed by another of Mr.. Hayed Coffin, who sang the ever popular, "Tommy Atkins", which was well received, and in response to a well mannered encore gave the old favourite, "The Village Blacksmith". Miss Barbara Booth's "Please Mr.. Orchestra," with Annie Laurie as an encore, and selections from "Yes Uncle", well rendered by the Dickinson Apsley orchestra, conducted the vocal and musical part of the program. In conclusion of the whole an adventure of "Aristide Pujol", by Mr.. W.J. Locke was given by the following talented artistes: Miss Betty Grimwood, Miss Sylvia Grimwood, Captain Herbert Grimwood, Messers Gordon Harker, Athol Forde, Stratton Rodney, and Owen Tudor-Hart. It would be invidious to make any comparison between these gifted actors, but mention must be made of Captain Grimwood's interpretation of "Aristide Pujol," and as the gay debonair Frenchman, he speedily won his way to the hearts of his audience, and the curtain rang down to applause and calls for Mr.. Grimwood, who responded by thanking all those who had assisted and supported him. It was a great disappointment that Mr.. Lyn Harding, the well known actor, was unable to assist in these entertainments, owing to his present engagement at the Garrick Theatre, but he had very generously promised to forward Captain H. Grimwood £5 towards the expenses. The able accompanist was Mr.. Victor Booth.
[Gazette 15/2/1919 p.8]
22nd February 1919 - In the Gazette of this date was the following announcement:
"An engagement is announced between Charles Hazeldene Moore, Kings Shropshire L.I. only son of Mr. & 

Mrs, H.T. Moore of Redbourne House near St. Albans, and Enid Mary, the second daughter of Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Durrant of Leverstock Green."
1st March 1919 - A Madame Reider gave a lecture on "Life In France" to Leverstock Green Women's Institute. [Gazette 1/3/1919]
4th March 1919 - The Leverstock Green W.I. gave a Social. Before this there had been a short discussion when a resolution was passed to urge Watford District Council to build more than four cottages. (It didn't say where) [Gazette 8/3/1919]
9th March 1919 – Amy May, daughter of William Harry & Martha Brigginshaw was baptised at Holy Trinity. [S248]
11th March 1919 – The Marriage of George Roy Seymore Clothier and Annie Septima Knox Hart took place at Holy Trinity Church. [S248]
16th March 1919 – Audrey Clara, daughter of Bernard and Bertha Eliza Wilson was baptised at Holy Trinity. [S248]
Tuesday 18th March 1919 - The wedding took place at Holy Trinity between Annie Septima Knox Hart - youngest daughter of Mr. James Knox Hart and Mr. Roy George Seymour Clothier of Christchurch Newzealand. The report in the Gazette the following Saturday (22nd) gave considerable information as to who was present at the wedding. Mr. Seymour had been serving in the British Army. [Gazette 22/3/1919]
March /April 1919 – A parish leaflet of this date gives a lot of information concerning both parish officials, events and recent baptisms, burials and marriages etc.
Vicar: Rev Arthur Durrant
Churchwardens: Viscount Grimston & Mr. W. Child
Parish Clerk: Mr. W. Wright
Sidemen: Mr. F. Dell, Mr. W. Woodwards and Mr. D. Charge
Organists: Mrs. Durrant, Mrs. Grimwood – blower: C. Latchford
Servers: Messrs W. Biggs, D. Cox, B. Shapcott, W. Wright, E. Perkins, L. Seabrook, with the Colours.)
Choir Librarian: Miss D. Dell
Assistants, Miss H. Brigginshaw, Miss W. Leigh
Sunday School Teachers: Sunday School Teachers: The Misses Bedwell, Hutchings, M. Seabrook, O. 
Seabrook, S. Seabrook, L. Steers, V.Steers, Messrs. D. Cox, A. Dell 9L. Seabrook)
Superintendents: Miss Bourne, Miss Durrant
Mother’s Union Secretary: Mrs. Durrnat
Magazine Distributor: Mrs W. Dell
Universities’ Mission to Central Africa – Secretary: Miss Durrant
Missionary Box Distributors: Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Doggett, The Misses Bedwell, Bourne, Durrant, 

Hutchings, M. Seabrook, W. Sharp, L. Steers, V. Steers. Messrs W. Biggs, A. Dell, H. Parkins W.
Magazine Distributors: The Misses D. Dell, V. Fox, W. Leigh, D. Wheeler
Choir: Lieut. W. Dell, Messrs A. Dell, P. Dell, Edwards, Saunders, F. Seabrook, S. Seabrook, W. Steers, S. Steers; Mrs. G. Dell, Mrs. Doggett, Mrs. Durrant, Mrs. Grimwood; The Misses Bedwell, Brigginshaw, Brown, Cox, B. Daniels, N. Daniels, Dell, L. Durrant, D. Durrant, Evans, Fox, Hagger, Hutchings, Leigh, Latchford, Margrove, Mortimer, perry, Rogers, M. Seabrook, L. Seabrook, Sharp, L. Steers, V.Steers, D. Steers, and Wheeler; Boys: Biggs, Clarke, Latchford, A. & T. Perkins, Seabrook, R & A. Sears, B. F. & S. Shapcott, Steers and Wilson.
Weekly Services:
Sundays: Holy Communion 8am; Matins: 10am; Holy Eucharist: 11 am; Evensong: 6.30pm
Holy Communion 7.30. am; Evensong 4.30pm also on Wednesdays Evensong & Intercessions 3pm
Holy Days: Holy Communion 7.30. Choral Eucharist 9.0
Other Services: Baptism after Catechism on Sunday. Churchings after Daily Eucharist . Confessions heard and spiritual advice given on Saturdays after evensong, or other times by arrangement.
The Church Day Schools: Teachers: Mr & Mrs Ford; Miss Biggerstaff ( Infants). The schools open at 8.45am and 1.45 pm, and close at 12 noon and 4pm. The Infants School closes at 11.50 am and 3.50 pm.
Meetings: Catechism on Sundays 3pm; Sunday School 10am; Sunday School for Infants 10 am and 3pm; Mothers Union, 2nd Thursday in month 2.30 at the Vicarage. Preparation for Communion before Great Festivals; Prayer Meeting at Pimlico, 1st Friday in month 3pm, at Miss Lawrence’s house. Preparation for Communion after Choir Practice last Friday in month, and before Great Festivals; Choir Practice Fridays at 7.30. Boys Wednesdays at 6.45.
There was then a page and a half given over to arrangements for Holy Week Services ( see scan) and included a list of those who died during the recent war. There was then a list of recent Baptisms, Marriages and Burials and details of the Foreign Mission in the Parish. [S248]
15th April 1919 - A Lantern Lecture on Central Africa was given in the Schools at 7.45pm. [S248]
April 18th 1919 - The Gazette reported "a concert given at the Leverstock Green WI". Details of the concert and performers were given. [Gazette 18/4/1919 p.5]
29th April 1919 - Leverstock Green WI gave a subscription entertainment in aid of the Parish Room Fund. [Gazette 3/5/1919 p.8]
5th & 9th May 1919 - Despite the end of the war, production of food towards the national supply was still being encouraged as a "Mr. Barnes, the Horticultural Instructor to Hertfordshire County Council attended on these afternoons and started the Food Production Plot." [S73]
Wednesday 21st May 1919 - Leverstock Green Baptist Chapel celebrated its 78th anniversary of opening for worship. [Gazette 24/5/1919 p.8]
Saturday 31st May 1919 - There was a presentation in the village, reported the following week as follows:-
"On Saturday 31st May a presentation was made to Mr.. W.C. Child as an appreciation of his good work in the parish of Holy Trinity, Leverstock Green , as Sunday School teacher, people's warden, and organist for many years. The presentation took the form of a gold watch, with inscription, and an illuminated address, with list of subscribers as follows:
The Rev. & Mrs... Durrant, Mr.. & Mrs... Bailey, Miss Bailey, Mr.. J. Bailey, Mrs... de Beager, Mr.. & Mrs.. Bedford, Mr.. & Mrs.. Bessant, Mr.. & Mrs... Biggs, Mr.. & Mrs.. Biswell, Miss Bloxham, Mr.. & Mrs... W Brigginshaw, Mr.. & Mrs... C. Brigginshaw, Mrs... Briggs, Nurse Carter, Mr.. Charge, Mrs... Cooper, Mrs... Currell, Mr.. & Mrs... Cox, Mr.. & Mrs... J. Dell, Miss B. Dell, Mr.. & Mrs... F. Dell, Mr.. & Mrs.. G. Dell, Mrs... Doggett, Mr.. & Mrs... A. Edwards, Mr.. A. Finch, Mr.. & Mrs... Fountain, Mr.. & Mrs... Gambles, Mr.. & Mrs... Goodenough, Mrs... Grimwood, Mr.. & Mrs... Hallett. Mr.. & Mrs... Lyn Harding, Mr.. & Mrs... Horrowell, Mr.. & Mrs... Hart, Mrs... Hill, Miss Hobbs, Miss Hobday, Mr.. & Mrs... Howe, Mrs... Hutchins, Miss Ingham, Mr.. & Mrs... Latchford, Mr.. & Mrs... Martin, Mr.. & Mrs... Matthews, Mr.. & Mrs... A. Mears, Miss Mortimer, Mr.. Orchard, Mr.. Paradine, Mrs... Parkins, Mr.. & Mrs... Peddar, Mr.. & Mrs.. Perkins, Mr.. & Mrs.., Perry, Mr.. & Mrs... A. Seabrook, Miss Ethel Seabrook, Mrs... Sears, Mrs... D. Sears, Mrs... W. Sears, Mr.. & Mrs... Secker, Mr. & Mrs... Secretan, Mr.. & Mrs... Shapcott, Mrs... Sharp, Mrs... S. Simons, Mr.. & Mrs... J. Steers,, Mr.. & Mrs... W. Steers, Mr.. T. Toovey, Mr.. & Mrs... Turner, Mr.. Webster, Miss Whitehead, Miss A. Whitehead, Mr.. & Mrs... Wilson, Mr.. & Mrs... A. Woodwards, Mr.. & Mrs... G. Woodwards, Mr.. & Mrs... W. Woodwards, Mr.. & Mrs... W. Wright.
We are desired to state that Mr.. Robert Tozer of Durrants Hill Hemel Hempstead very kindly designed and gave the testimonial which was presented to Mr.. Child."

[Gazette June 7th 1919 p.8]]
28th June 1919 - An advert appeared in the Gazette:
Leverstock Green
Sat. June 28th
Dancing at 8pm.
Admission 1s 7pm. 6d.
[Gazette 28th June 1919]
Saturday 28th June 1919 - This was the day of the Missionary Pageant held in the Vicarage Gardens. Five Photographs in the possession of Mrs. Madge Field of "Westmead" Leverstock Green exist showing this spectacle, four of which appear in "The Archive Photograph Series: Leverstock Green & Bennetts End" on pages 101 and 102. Until the write-ups of the Pageant were seen by the author in the Gazette, as no information was recorded on the reverse of the photos the event was assumed to be a little later than was the case. In fact, such a large undertaking makes more sense in the general celebratory air following the end of the Great War. To view the photographs click here.
The Gazette reported that:
A very successful missionary pageant and garden fete, in aid of the Universities Mission to Central Africa, was held on Saturday in the Vicarage Grounds. Both afternoon and evening performances were given and well attended, a large number of people from Hemel Hempstead being among the assembly, while great interest was evinced in the play, in which there were no less than 140 performers, and which was specially written for the occasion by Miss Laura Durrant. After selections, splendidly executed by Mrs... Clarke's orchestra, Miss Durrant I a few well chosen remarks explained the meaning and purpose of the pageant. The first episode, "Slavery in Britain 4th Century", presented Helena daughter of the British King of Colchester, who had for some time successfully kept the Roman invaders at bay, finally defeated by Constantine, a Roman General; she is placed in chains but begs the General to spare her aged father's life. This is acceded, and whilst she is taken captive to Rome her father and her faithful followers are allowed to return to Colchester unmolested, but under allegiance to the Roman Empire. The next scene, "Slavery in Africa, 19th century," depicts a small African village, attacked by Arab slave dealers, and whilst some of the inhabitants are killed, others are carried off into slavery, weighed down with chains and goaded with whips. Miss Durrant explained that episodes II and IV were to show the power the Druids held over the Britons in the 1st century, through ignorant superstitions, and that in the same way witch doctors hold power over the Bondi Tribes in Africa at the present day. It was this she continued, it was their duty to prevent, and which is the aim of the University Mission to Central Africa. In Episode III., whilst Britons were holding festivities some Druids appeared demanding a human sacrifice. In spite of resistance they take the victim to the sacrificial stone where he is slain. Similarly in the next episode the Bondi tribe appears in a war dance, but are interrupted by a witch doctor, who demand the life of a child, which is finally abandoned to him amidst loud lamentations. In the last scene the hymn "All Earth shall be filled with His Majesty," was sung, and the acting was extremely well adapted to show the meaning of the hymn. The committee the Rev. A.Durrant and Messrs. Webster and F. Dell (churchwardens). M.K. Howe, Lieut. W. Dell, Gamble, Bedford and Woodwards; Miss Laura Durrant the performers, and Lady Grimston are all to be heartily congratulated on the very able way in which they conceived and carried out the whole of the arrangements.
[Gazette 5th July 1919 p.2]
2nd July 1919 - A meeting was held at the home of Mr. Secretan (The Dells), to discuss the erection of a war memorial. The following article appeared in the Gazette on 12th July:-
A meeting was held at Mr.. Secretan's Bennetts End, on July 2nd, to discuss the erection of a war memorial to those men of Leverstock Green who have laid down their lives for their King & Country in the great war. In spite of heavy rain there was a very large attendance. Those present were asked to give their views freely and openly. After some discussion it was unanimously decided (that subject to permission being obtained) a stone column with the names of the fallen inscribed on it, should be erected in a prominent position on the Green. It was felt that such a memorial would keep fresh in the minds of all and especially the children, the names of those men who had died for them and that it would be a warning to generations to come of a world war. In this small village 27 men made the great sacrifice. A committee of 11, all of whom had been bereaved in the war, were elected to carry out the views of the meeting.
The memorial was eventually unveiled on 5th February 1920. [Gazette 12th July 1919 p.7]
12th July 1919 - The Gazette reported on the result of the Leverstock Green Pageant:-
In Connection with the Missionary Pageant recently held in Leverstock Green, a very satisfactory sum will as a result be forwarded by the Rev. A. Durrant to the Universities Mission to Central Africa. In addition to those mentioned in our report of the proceedings other help was ably and successfully rendered by Mr.. & Mrs... Ford (display work executed by Leverstock Green school children, which was on sale), Miss Bourne (loan exhibition of foreign curios), Mrs... Grover (management of tea) Misses Wilkerson and Giles (side-shows), Miss Brentnall and St. Paul's Troop of Boy Scouts Life Brigade, Mrs.. Finn, Mrs.. Gambles, Misses Reynolds, Woodman, du Boulay, Gallop, Moore, N. Sanguinetti, Umfreville and Wood, Messrs.. R.E. Groves, E.Tozer, Ellis, Bessant, Breed and Robinson-Harris, the latter of whom took most excellent portraits of the scenes and characters portrayed and sold the photographs in order to swell the pageant funds.
Saturday 19th July 1919 - This was Hemel Hempstead's Peace Day, when Festivities took place to commemorate the declaration of Peace after the Great War. Over £50 was spent by the Borough on decorations and souvenir programmes were delivered to every house on the electoral register of the Borough. Starting at 10.15 with the bells of the two St. Mary's Churches ringing (Hemel and Apsley) the day began with the judging of the decorated buildings. At 12.45p.m.. the Salvation Army band led one of the processions from the Market Square. Behind the band were children from Piccotts's End School, George Street and Queen Street Schools, followed by the children of Leverstock Green School. Many other activities followed during the day, and during the sports contests the school children were provided with entertainment and food in the meadow next to Boxmoor School. Each of the children was presented with a white metal medal bearing the words "Peace, Victory & Justice" on one side, a the figures of "Tommy" & "Jack" on the other. [S241, p.215]
Saturday 2nd August 1919 - The Gazette reported the following:
The Hill Farm was the scene of a very pretty event on Saturday last when a fancy dress fete and al fresco concert was held. It was a happy evening for all from every point of view, and won the general verdict of an almost unqualified success, so harmoniously and enthusiastically were the various items carried out. The clerk of the weather, even, condescended to smile favourably on such a jolly company and accorded the function a wee taste of real July sunshine, which both before and after Saturday was for some days conspicuous only by its absence. There were more than 60 attired in fancy costumes representing diverse personalities, commodities, and legendary figures. They intermingled with a wonderful effect and their march past later in the evening was indeed a splendidly coloured procession. Prizes were afforded for the best costumes and the judging was carried out in the most satisfactory manner by ballot amongst the entrants themselves.
As a result Miss Queenie Sanguinetti as "Houris" was awarded the ladies' prize, while Mr.. W. Bigg's impersonation of "Charlie Chaplain" won for him the gents' prize. Of course the numerous side shows were literally besieged and soon the "proprietors" of the coconut shies, houp-la, ring boards, fish ponds, and shooting gallery were busily engaged, while "throwing for a fat duck" was also given a deal of patronage.
A substantial sum rewarding the untiring efforts of Miss Elliott and Miss Prudames in their organisation of a raffle in which the winners received two chickens recently hatched. Miss Bailey accomplished much with a novel hat competition while a particularly interesting feature was the lectures by Mr.. Child on bee-keeping and the observation hive which he exhibited. The concerts had been splendidly arranged, and to each and everyone the artistes unstilted and well deserved appreciation was loudly accorded. Miss Queenie Tozer delighted with her graceful dancing displays, both in Scotch and Russian costume, and Miss M. Howe recited with admirable expression and Miss Bailey's songs were greatly enjoyed. To the orchestra comprising Mrs... Gambles, Miss Hart, Miss Arnold, and Mr.. George Secker, a special word of praise is due, for not only were the dancers, who revelled in as a full program, delighted with their accompaniment but the selections throughout were of a very pleasing character. A refreshments committee had attended fully to the needs of the "inner man" and to them and to all who contributed towards the success of the event, including especially the members of the Parish Room Committee best thanks are due. It is indeed gratifying to these workers to know that a more successful event has never been held in the village."
Saturday 10th August 1919 - An advert appeared in the Gazette stating that the Leverstock Green Missionary Pageant was being repeated by request at Southill, Hemel Hempstead on Saturday September 6th at 3pm. and 6pm. Admission 1/-. [Gazette 10/8/1919]
Saturday 6th September 1919 - A repeat of the Leverstock Green Missionary Pageant written and narrated by Miss Lorna Durrant, was staged at Southill, the home of Mr. & Mrs. Smeathman, Hemel Hempstead, with two performances at 3pm. and 6pm. The funds raised on this occasion were to be divided between West Hertfordshire Hospital and the Leverstock Green Parish Room Building fund. The object of the pageant was to show the "Justice of Foreign Missions". The account in the Gazette paints a very clear picture of what took place, and as someone who knows the present Southill School, built in the grounds of the old house, it is easy to visualise.
Leverstock Green owes a considerable debt of gratitude to the kind friends at Hemel Hempstead, who, having asked that the Missionary Pageant should be repeated, gave them encouraging help and splendid support. Special thanks are due to Mr.. & Mrs... Smeathman for their warm welcome, loan of their charming grounds, and hospitality to the performers; also to Miss Capstick, Mrs... Sanguinetti, Mrs... Herbert Woodman, Miss Woodman, Mr.. Toovey, Mr.. Gambles, Mr.. Lewis Gold, Mrs... Clutterbuck, Mrs... Cox, Miss Enid Durrant, Mr.. Wilson, and Messers. Breed and Webb , whose help and assistance in very many ways made the function the success it was. Mrs... Albert Clarke and her orchestra came from St. Albans to once again aid the performers by their excellent music, which was greatly appreciated. The supplementary choir of singers also added much to the effect of the choruses. Although the funds in this particular instance will be divided between the West Hertfordshire Hospital and the Leverstock Green Parish Room Building Fund, the object of the pageant throughout had been to show the justice of Foreign Missions; that it is only fair that we modern Christians should do for other races that which the early Christians did for our nation centuries ago; to show that, as we were saved from horror and darkness, from the power of devils and superstition, from slavery and the oppression of the weak by the strong, so we are bound in common justice to go to the help of those who are still under the power of evil spirits and evil men.
The first group to appear was the Roman General Constantine, with his attendant centurions, in their steel armour, the standard bearer and lictor in attendance. They came down the shallow stone steps, through the beautiful trees, touched with autumn colours, across the high-raised lawn, and finally along the little avenue that led to the arena. The British King of Colchester, with his daughter Helena and her maidens, announced by another centurion, were seen advancing up the steep South Hill. The maidens, robed in white and gold, carrying bows and quivers, shields and spears, the two leaders clashing golden cymbals and a group of green-clad girls on horse back bringing up the rear, their trappings and weapons flashing under the rays of the strong September sun, approached to make their surrender to the Roman conqueror. The girl warriors having laid down their weapons at the feet on Constantine, were sent back disarmed, with their King to Colchester, but the Princess, bound with heavy chains, was taken away as a slave by the Roman soldiers, while her aged father, surrounded by the forlorn maidens, slowly disappeared across the meadows to the sound of the Roman Bugles.
The second episode balanced the first. Here slavery was shown; not as before in our own land of Britain, but in Africa where it was rampant until recent years. Three Bondei chiefs appeared, and were seen shouting for a good camping ground. They disappeared and returned with a tribe of chattering Africans. Three of them constructed a hut, a fire was lit, the goat tethered, some of the men chopped up wood, while the women busied themselves with the cooking, grinding the corn, washing the clothes and playing with their little black babies. Suddenly shots were heard, a band of Arab raiders descended upon the village and drove the scattered tribes down the hill. Many of the villagers were killed, a few escaped into the bushes, while the rest were yoked and chained into a slave-gang and driven off weeping. The chief of the village had, however, hidden in ambush and stabbed the Arab leader as the slave gang started.
The third episode showed the evil power of superstition which always ends in human sacrifice. An ancient British tribe appeared, the women dancing to the sound of the pipes, and the men discussing the day's sport. But the music of the dance suddenly changed to the solemn sound of the Druid' march, and from the avenue appeared a procession of tall, white robed, white bearded figures. The dancers casting their garland to the ground, fall on their knees in terror, as the Druids demand a human sacrifice. They formed their mystic circle three times round a helpless maiden. Her lover dashed forward to her rescue, but was ruthlessly stabbed by one of the Druids, while her mother was roughly pushed aside. The victim was then led off to be slain on the sacrificial stone amidst the wails of the women.
To balance this episode the fourth scene showed the terrible evil of superstition in Africa, where even today, human sacrifices are frequently offered. African chiefs entered in a war dance, followed by the women singing the Bondei's weird gong'onda. The diabolical witch doctor then appeared in a state of frenzy, and demanded the life of a child. The women dragged forward a woman and her baby, and the child was seized by the witch doctor, stabbed and flung to the ground. The cowed and grief-stricken tribe disappeared, and the tribal witch doctor crept stealthily forward to seize his prey, and carried her off into the bushes.
The final episode showed the power of the Cross over all these evils of slavery. superstition, devil worship, oppression, horror, and darkness throughout the centuries. The ancient British tribe, the Roman soldiers, the Arab slave-drivers, the maidens of Colchester, the Druids, and the African natives all advanced slowly from the different openings upon the arena. Suddenly, raised in their midst, appeared the figure of "Victory" and "Peace", upholding the Cross between them. Beneath it stood Constantine, Emperor of Rome, holding a silver model of the church of St. Sophia, built by him in his own city of Constantinople, while on his left stood Helena, now robed as Empress of Rome, and bearing a model of the church of the Holy Sepulchre built by her in Jerusalem. A little to the left of her stood her father, and still nearer the foreground was the maiden whose life had been demanded, standing between two of the Druids. On the opposite side were the slave-gang guarded by the Arabs, and the figure of the little child he had slain. The hymn, "Hail to the Lord's Anointed," was then sung. At the first word all the performers lifted their right arms and when the line

"He comes to break oppression"
was sung, the Druids left their victim at the foot of the Cross, and her mother and lover came from the surrounding figures to her rescue.

"To set the captive free."
The yoke and chains on the enslaved Africans, were struck off by the Arab slave-drivers, who flung them down beneath the Cross and disappeared, leaving their victims free.
The witch doctor left the baby, and its mother rushed forward and took it up in her arms, safe now forever under the protection of the Cross.

"Before Him on the mountains

Shall peace the herald go."
The figure of Peace, uplifted her herald's clarion to her lips, proclaiming Peace and Victory by the power of the Cross.

"Kings shall bow down before Him

And gold and incense bring."
Helena, Constantine, and the British King fell upon their knees, offering the churches built by their gold to God's glory in Jerusalem and Constantinople.

"All nations shall adore Him

His praise all people sing."
All the tribes, black and white, fell on their knees in adoration, and then at the last verse they and the entire audience rose and sang in one united chorus, the verse,

"O'er every foe victorious."
After this a prayer for God's blessing on the work of the University Mission in Central Africa was said and the audience and performers joined in saying the Lord's Prayer. The Blessing was then given, and the National Anthem concluded the full program.
A beautiful shower bouquet of pink malmaison carnations, carried by little Miss Esther Secker, and Princess Helena's little maid, and the tiny victim of the witch doctor, was presented by the performers to Miss Lorna Durrant as a token of their appreciation of her labours in planning and arranging the pageant. Mr.. Robinson-Harris again did good work in selling picture postcards of he characters and scenes depicted for the good of the funds, and is exhibiting a number of interesting enlargements of the groups and performers.
17th September 1919 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
REF 230/ Deceased: Woodwards, William
DATE OF DEATH: 17.9.1919
NOTE: He was 85 years old and the funeral took place at Leverstock Green
Church on 20.9.1919
Relative: Woodwards, W. (Mr.)
ADDRESS: Mafeking Villa, Leverstock Green
22nd September 1919 - Mr. Ford, the school's Headmaster recorded that: "David Robert Brown died this morning of diptheria - was at school a week to-day." [S73]
18th October 1919 - The Gazette reported the departure of Mr. J. Hallet from Leverstock Green who was going to live in Aylesbury. He had been the village postmaster since 1908.] The Gazette also reported that at a meeting of the Hemel Hempstead Town Council a letter from Leverstock Green was read asking Hemel Hempstead Gas Co.. to lay on gas to the houses at Leverstock Green when the drainage was put down, and pointing out the "great need of the Council undertaking the scavenging for the cottages." Apparently the letter included a petition signed by several, but that residents of the small cottages wouldn't sign for fear of eviction. The Council replied that they had no control over the Gas Co.. and that the scavanging should be referred to the Sanitary Committee. [Gazette 18/10/1919 p.2]
1st November 1919 - An advert for a sung Requiem Mass to be held at Holy Trinity was in the Gazette. [Gazette 1/11/1919 p.4]
15th November 1919 - In the West Hertfordshire League Division II Leverstock Green v. Watford Christchurch Football match was held at Leverstock Green. The score was Watford - 4; Leverstock Green - 0. Leverstock Green's team comprised : Lea, Odell, A. Hobbs, Snoxhall, F. Seabrooke and S. Hobbs, C.Parkins, W. Parkins, Parry, Botright, and Brigginshaw. The following week Leverstock Green would be playing Tring FC at Leverstock Green. [Gazette 22/11/1919 p.8]t.