The early 1920's saw many exciting changes in design and advances in technology.
1922 - The entry in Kelley's Directory for this year showed only a few changes. One which possibly reflected the way life in general had been altered since the war, was that the seating in the church for 404 persons was now all free. The vicar and parish clerk remained unchanged from 1917, but the other principal offices in the village had undergone change. William Long was now sub-postmaster, and Constable John Major represented the County Constabulary. The school appeared to be without staff as the position of schoolmaster or mistress was left blank. There were surprisingly few changes in the list of residents and commercial undertakings. It can be noted, however, that Walter William Sears had succeeded his father William Walter, as builder. See entry for 5th January 1918. The directory's entry read as follows:
Joseph Bailey, Chambersbury
William Beecham, Wood Lane End
Charles Bessant, Tile Kiln
William Chs. Child, Hill Side
Thomas Daniel Cox, Hill Farm
Charles Thomas Drake, Hill House
Rev. Arthur Durrant, Vicarage
Arthur Marston Junior, Bennetts End Lodge
Herbert Secretan, The Dells Joseph Turner, Cox Pond
Percy Webster, Sibleys Orchard.
Jsph. Bailey, farmer, Chambersbury 
Fred. Chas. Boatwright, beer retailer
Thos. Childs, frmr. Northend Farm 
Miss Beryl Dell, dressmaker
Albert Edwards, dairyman 
Percy Garratt, Beer Retailer
George, Albert and Herbert Finch, farmers, Corner Farm
Morse and Mortimer Grimwood, market gardeners, French Gardens
George Hallet, Beer retailer 

William Henry How, farmer
Mrs. Lilly Jackson, farmer, Bennetts End House (? Ben.End Farm )
William Long, grocer and post office 
Arthur George Mears,R.S.S. smith
William Newstead, farm bailiff to M T W Allen esq. Leverstock Green Farm
Harry Paradine, dairyman , Little Coxpond Fm.
Tom Perkins, Beer retailer
Arthur Seabrook, Leather Bottle P.H.
Arthur Geo. Seabrook ,boot/shoe maker
Reuben Seabrook, hay dlr. Tile Kiln La.
Walter Seabrook, beer retailer, Ben.End
Walter Will. Sears, builder
Mrs. Eliz. Timson, Red Lion P.H.
William Thomas Toovey, farmer
William Robert Wright, wheelwright.
1922 - An advert published during this year gave Richard A. Norris as the managing director of the Leverstock and Acorn Red Brick Co.. Ltd, although he resided in Berkhamsted. The company was described as manufacturing red and grey facing bricks and all descriptions of moulded bricks and brickwork ornament: there was no specific mention of tiles. According to a later advert. the firm was established in 1848. [S319]
5th January 1922: - "PLAYING FOR A GOOSE A very pleasant whist drive was held in the village hall on Wednesday of last week when about 23 tales were occupied. There were no less than 20 prizes which were given by residents of the village and visiting tradesmen and these included a fine goose, Presented by Miss Mortimer and won by a lady from Hemel Hempstead. The drive was organised by the committee of the Memorial Hall, who all worked hard and are to be congratulated on such a successful event. About £7 was realised, which will help to defray the debt on the hall. We understand that when the committee took over the hall there was a debt of about £300 and of this during the year £200 has been raised by means of the various entertainments held in the village.
The Gazette time table and guide for January can be obtained at the Post Office ( Leverstock Green) off Mr. L G Long price 2d. The railway and bus services have been altered so that our readers would be well advised into buy the new timetable for January." [Gazette 7 January 1922]
10th January 1922 - The school opened after the Christmas holidays with a new Headmaster, Walter Ayre, who was to remain as Headmaster at the school for many years until his retirement. It is interesting to note that Walter Ayre noted his date of birth - 4th December 1891 - in the school log book when recording his first day as Headmaster. He died in 1978 and is buried in the churchyard. [S73, S261]
14th January 1922 - The Gazette carried the following addendum: "We stated last week that £200 had been raised during the past year towards the liquidation of the debt on the Parish Hall. We are now informed that about £60 was very generously contributed by Mr. P Webster." [Gazette 14 January 1922]
14th January 1922 and subsequent weeks - The Gazette carried the following advert:
- Freehold residence in ideal surroundings on high ground and commanding extensive views of the surrounding country containing 5 bedrooms Bath (h&c) Dressing Room, Gallery Landing, Open staircase, and Dining and Drawing rooms,, Cloakrooms and lavatory, , 2 WC's, Study, Kitchen, Larder and Dairy, useful outbuildings, including stables, garage, , coach house, cart shed, Cow shed for 2, Pigsties, chicken houses etc. Excellent order throughout. The grounds comprise Lawns, Kitchen garden, paddock, orchard and meadow, in all about 5 ½ acres. Possession on completion of purchase.
[Gazette 14 January 21 January, 28 January, 4 February, 11 February , February 18th 1922]
February 1922 - Once again many cases of Scarlet Fever were recorded in the school log book by the Headmaster.
27th February 1922 - Walter Ayre noted in the school log book that they had a short extended holiday owing to a day for half-term; a general holiday on Tuesday 28th for the "Wedding of Our Princess"; and followed by Wednesday as Ash Wednesday. I presume the Princess referred to was Princess Beatrice. [S73]
12th March 1922 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 127/Deceased: Picton, Sarah Ann
DATE OF DEATH: 12.3.1922
NOTE: She was 62 years old, buried on 16.3.1922 at the cemetery
Husband (late): Picton, Arthur
ADDRESS: Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead
13 May 1922: - The following advert was placed in the Gazette:-
Bennetts End, Hertfordshire up. 8.W aspect. Hunting, Golf, with good views. Country Property known as Bennetts End house comprising old fashioned residence believed to be of the Georgian period, full of old oak beams,,, panelling of the period, polished oak floors, containing 6 bed and dressing rooms, mahogany and secondary staircase,, 3 reception rooms, winter garden. Lodge, stabling, dairy, glass house, farm buildings and gardens of nearly 5 acres. Adjoining is capital home farm of 48 ¾ acres, with buildings and cottages. To be sold by auction in one or two lots, at the St. James Estate Rooms, 20 St. James square, on Tuesday 13th June at 2.30pm (unless previously disposed of.)
Solicitors Messrs Lovel Smethman
Plan particulars and conditions of sale from the auctioneers Hampton & Sons 20 St James Square London SW1
20th May1922: An advert was placed in the Gazette by St Albans council inviting tenders for a man, horse & cart for the collection of house refuse and other scavenging from area within St. Michaels Rural District within Leverstock Green. It caried the following headline:
24th May 1922 Empire Day was celebrated by the village school children as recorded by Walter Ayre in the school log book:
"Afternoon lessons on Empire instead of after play lessons. Senior Section sang "Land of Hope and Glory" & Kipling's Recessional. Rev. A & Mrs. Durrant and Mrs. Secretan were present.
3.40pm. The Whole School marched past and saluted "The Flag" in Procession to the War Memorial, where a large quantity of flowers brought by nearly every child in the school was deposited. After a short prayer by the Vicar and the National Anthem the children dispersed."
31 May 1922 - There was a special service at the Baptist Chapel on the occasion of the anniversary of its opening. 

[Gazette 3 June 1922]
13th June 1922: One of Leverstock Green's most prominent citizen's died. The following week's Gazette carried the following obituary:
We regret to record the death which occurred on Tuesday of Mr Joseph Bailey a well known and highly respected farmer of Chambersbury, Leverstock Green. Mr Bailey who had reached the advanced age of 87 years was born at Bedmond Hill Farm and it was upon his marriage that he removed to Chambersbury. He was universally respected and liked and had borne with exemplary cheerfulness and patience the affliction of blindness for 50 years, he having lost his sight following a serious operation. In his younger days he was very active in public work and was for 10 years churchwarden at Leverstock Green Church, in the time of the Rev G Finch. Mr Bailey was also a member of the board of guardians, a school manager and one of the surveyors of roads. The Funeral will take place at 2 o'clock today at Leverstock Green church. [Gazette 17th June 1922]
24th June 1922;- The following advert for what appears from its description to be "Leverstock Green Farm", but which could also be "Tile Kiln" appeared in the Gazette. However, the only known gravel was next to the property know as "The Dells" off Tile Kiln Lane:
LEVERSTOCK GREEN - Small farm comprising attractive old-fashioned half timbered farmhouse containing 4 bedrooms, Bathroom (h&c) Lounge Hall & usual offices, excellent range of brick built farm buildings, orchard, orchard, gardens, paddock, and 2 meadows in about 19 acres. Large deposits of sand & gravel underlie the property which could be profitably developed. Freehold. Immediate possession
22 July 1922:- The following advert appeared for the sale of all stock at Leverstock Green Farm (making the previous months' advert more likely to appertain to Leverstock Green Farm,)
Messrs Broad & Patey by auction by order of Mr V Allen Esq on Friday August 4th 1922 at 1 o'clock Live & Dead farming stock. (There then followed a list)
22 July 1922: - The Gazette reported that Mr J Bailey (presumably the son of deceased of 13 June) had offered to give land at Bunkers Lane to allow widening outside the Keepers Cottage in Bunkers Lane (on road from Leverstock Green to Nash Mills). The lane could there be widened to 20 ft from existing width of 12 ft 9 in to 17 ft 6 in. The cost of the work would be £150. Hertfordshire County Council agreed to the scheme.
[Gazette 22 July 1922]
10th July 1922 - The Village school was once again closed due to a scarlet fever epidemic - not to be reopened until 5th September. [S73]
End of August 1922 - Nursing funds got a boost when "a fete was held in the pretty and commodious grounds of Serge Hill by kind invitation of Major and Mrs Shepherd-Cross who had made elaborate arrangements for the success of the event., besides taking an active part in all the work. The proceeds were for the nursing funds of Leverstock Green & Abbots Langley, and many from both parishes gave valuable help in a variety of ways. There were stalls of different sorts, ......." [Gazette 9.9.1922]
September 1922 - The Geologists Association made a visit of various geological features in the neighbourhood including a flooded gravel pit by Railway Terrace Kings Langley, and glacial deposits at Bedmond. The geologists ended up at the Acorn Brickworks Bennetts End, where Mr. Norris showed them around the various claypits and drew their attention to the different types of clay. A long article appeared in the Gazette of Sept. 30th 1922 giving details .[S319, Gazette 30.9.1922]
17th October 1922 - "The Leverstock Green WI continue to be full of vigour and activity. At a well attended and most enjoyable social given on Tuesday volunteers were allotted their various area for Remembrance Day which the Institute is organising in conjunction with poppy Day efforts at Hemel Hempstead. Members have been enrolled for a choral society and it is announced that a home nursing talk will be given by Miss Hodgeson ex-Matron of Woolwich Hospital etc. on October 31st and a lecture will be given on 'Home Sweet making'". [Gazette 21.10.1922]
21st October 1922 - The Gazette gave the following report on the recently held quarter sessions:
It will be remembered that at the quarter sessions last year John George was BOUND OVER FOR 12 MONTHS to be of good behaviour and to come up for judgement if called upon on a charge of stealing property value £80 from Rev Durrant of Leverstock Green and of stealing an overcoat the property of .......... In effect he had broken his bond and was therefore sentenced to 6 months in prison." [Gazette 21.10.1922]
28th October 1922 - An advert appeared in the Gazette for Leverstock Green Farmhouse which was to be sold by auction. The sale was to due to take place on Tues. 7th November at Crown Hotel Watford by Broad & Patey of Watford, auctioneers. The Farmhouse was billed as having:
"Excellent brick built outbuildings, productive orchard, 2 meadows and paddock, in all about 18 acres." [Gazette 28.10.1922]
4th November 1922 - a further advert appeared for Leverstock Green Farm as above, alongside an advert for Cox Pond Farm as well. Cox Pond was expressed as being
"Farm comprising a total area of about 67a 3r 14p with frontages on two important roads; comfortable farmhouse, excellent farm buildings and good quality land makes this a most attractive holding. The farm is let to Mr. WH Howe on a lease expiring Michaelmas 1927 @£136 pa - to be sold by auction at The Peahen St. Albans on Wednesday 8th November 5pm" [Gazette 4.11.1922] Click here to view picture of farm.
17 November 1922 - W H (Bill) Gale of Cherry Trees Farm died. In the Gazette on the following Saturday there was a long article in the nature of an obituary.. He had apparently moved from Dawlish to Leverstock Green at Cherry Trees Farm in 1898. The article included a long list of mourners at the funeral, and their floral tributes. The Funeral was held on the following Wednesday . [Gazette 26.11.1922]
7th December 1922 - There was a sale of work at the Parish Hall in aid of Baptist Chapel Fund. A report appeared in the Gazette for 16 December 1922 headed:
Whether the Rev Durrants words found favour is unsure as he gave a short sermon, urging his listeners to keep their faith and preaching along lines of ecumenacalism. The words he used were a trifle ambiguous and may have given slight offence to the Baptist groups, but essentially I think what he was saying was that the various sects etc., would eventually find a way of joining into one Christian body. [Gazette 16.12.1922]