1924 - The 3rd Edition  25" to the mile O.S. maps were published for the area, having been surveyed the previous year.  There were several changes from the 1898 maps, though the area was still predominantly agricultural. In some ways more so than before as only one of the previously extensive brick workings now remained.

The Rose and Crown was no longer a Public House, but had become a private residence.  The war memorial was shown at the junction of Leverstock Green Road and Bedmond Road, and the pond just to the south of this junction was larger than before.  There was still no village "green" as we know it today, but I presume the area between the roadway and the field boundary was grass. Allotments were shown in a seven acre field off Green Lane, corresponding partly with today's playing field.

The school, Baptist Chapel, Sibleys Orchard and Chambersbury were unchanged, except in that Chambersbury had altered its grounds.  There was now approximately eight acres of orchard stretching along the Bedmond Road from Chambersbury.

A considerable amount of building had been going on in the village, with seven good sized properties built up the west side of Pancake Lane.  Each was in between half to just over an acre of ground.  A parish hall had been built at the southern most end of Pancake Lane, opposite the Vicarage.  Some of the property between the Leather Bottle and Rose Cottage had altered, and a small cul-de-sac had appeared, Curtis Road, though as yet there was no development along it.   A large house called "The Dells" had appeared near the abandoned brickworks at the eastern end of Tilekiln Lane - no doubt near to the cul-de-sac called The Dells today. We know this to have been there in 1910 as it was the home of Miss Jackson [ Kel.Dir. ].  A large house called "Pancake" had appeared to the south of the Hemel Hempstead Road roughly opposite the present entrance to Greenacres.  It had a sweeping circular drive and was in an acre and a half of ground.

Some of the smaller farmworkers cottages in Westwick Row had gone, between Westwick Row Farm and Corner Farm. The row of terraces further up the Row were still there.  Pancake Wood had shrunk slightly.

"The Dells" was not the only house to be built on land which had previously been brickworks. Two or three other properties had appeared, one fairly large house called "Logandene", approximately where the end of Kendale is today.  Other properties had been built or added to  in Tilekiln Lane, next to what is now St. Michaels Avenue.  Bennetts end House had changed its name to Bennetts End Lodge, and had altered the layout of its grounds.  Tilekiln Farm was no longer a farm, and was just known as Tilekiln, several of the outbuildings had been demolished. It looked as if there was a small football pitch, or some similar pitch marked out next to the house.  Another house called "The Grange" had appeared between Bennetts end Farm and the Brickmakers Arms.  It would appear generally that most of the property springing up  throughout the area of Leverstock Green was for the more prosperous  middle-class.            

Hobbs Hill Wood had more than doubled in size from 4.055 acres to 9.532 acres.  It was also shown as mixed woodland, whereas before it had been shown as purely deciduous.

The isolation hospital at Bennetts End was shown, although this is technically just out of our study area.  [ S47 ]

1924 - A Nursing Association was started in Leverstock Green. [Gazette 15/5/1932]

26th January 1924 - The Gazette once again carried an advert for Bennetts End Dairy in the Marlowes Hemel Hempstead.

3rd March 1924 -   Mr Thomas Cox of Hill Farm Leverstock Green died.  The Gazette carried the following report at the weekend:
....  Mr Cox who was 64....had been in failing health for some considerable time.....He was very well known to older residents of the Borough, his home having been at Leverstock Green for over 32 years.  As a sportsmen in his younger days he excelled, his tastes in this direction being for hunting, shooting, fishing and cricket.  It was in the latter sphere that he was best known to the local people, having for a number of years taken his place with the Hemel Hempstead team.  Mr Cox is survived by his wife and one son and two daughters...........The funeral took place on Thursday at Leverstock Green when a short service was held in the parish church, the Rev Downing Pollock officiating.............  [Gazette March 8th 1924]

7th March 1924 - Snow prevented many of the village children attending school. [S73]

12th March 1924 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 308/Deceased / foreman: Franklin, Frederick George Thomas
DATE OF DEATH: 12.3.1924
NOTE: He was 79 years old and the funeral took place at Leverstock Green Church on 17.3.1924
ADDRESS: Hemel Hempstead Workhouse, Leverstock Green
[DCHT Undertaker's Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

22 March 1924 - The Gazette  reported the return of Leverstock Green's most famous resident:


The many friend of Mr Lynn Harding were very pleased to welcome him back from the US.  A writer of "Stage Gossip" states:  The best bit of news in the London theatre world this week is the intimation  of the reappearance on Tuesday of Lynn Harding.  He came back form the States with the Edward Knoblock,  the author of Conchita".......London & New York are always calling him.  Now that he is here - with him will be Tallulan1 Bankhead and Mary Clare - I hope that the metropolis will see that he stays with us for the j rest of the year. [Gazette March 22 1924]

10th April 1924 - A heavy fall of snow affected school attendance in he afternoon. [S73]

19th April 1924 - It would appear from an advert in the Gazette that Leverstock Green's resident star Lyn Harding was selling up and moving as an advert was placed in the Gazette for the sale of his property Logandene.  Logandene was part way down Tile Kiln Lane, diagonally opposite Orchard Lea.  For the house's exact location see the 1925 OS map extract of Tile Kiln Lane.
With vacant possession
Leverstock Green, Herts 

Messrs Broad & Patey will sell by auction at the London auction Mart 155 Queen Victoria St EC on Thursday  May 8th 1924 the charming detached Country FREEHOLD RESIDENCE known as LOGANDENE, Bennetts End 2 ½ mils from Boxmoor Station & 4 miles from St. Albans.  It contains 5 bedrooms, bathroom (h & c) 3 reception rooms, excellent domestic offices, delightful pleasure grounds, orchard, paddock, lawn, small farmery, garage, all in about 5 acres......  [Gazette April 19th 1924]

Saturday 10th May 1924 - An article in the Gazette documented the various letters which had to go back and forth between HCC and Hemel Hempstead Corp.  re the supply of water to a new road in Leverstock Green.  From the description given I would suspect that this was Curtis Road.  Because of various regulations this had to be sanctioned by a Parliamentary committee as generally speaking supplying water to an area outside ones own authority was illegal (Curtis Rd was within St. Albans authority).  The length of pipe in question was  given as about 40 yards and was eventually granted permission.  The headlines were:



  [Gazette Sat May 10 1924]

17th May 1924 -In a long article under the heading:  HERTS NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, and concerning their field visit to various gravel workings including the pit at the Bennetts End brickworks was the following:

"Mr. Norris, the owner of the brickworks, exhibited some early Roman pottery  which had been unearthed and some huge blocks of "Pudding Stone"........."     [Gazette 17 May 1924]

23rd May 1924 -  Having sold Logandene, a further sale took place at Logandene of any property not required by Lyn Harding. There was no further comment made in the Gazette other than the presale advert of 10th May.  In the year 2001 if such a sale of such a well-known personality would have attracted many memorabilia hunters.
"Logandene, Bennetts End near Leverstock Green 

Messrs Board & Patey
(having sold the residence)

Are favoured with instructions from Lynn Harding Esquire, the sell by Auction on the premises, on
 FRIDAY MAY 23rd at 1 o'clock precisely, the well- Made surplus FURNITURE and effects Including; 
handsome 4 ft 6" brass bed Stead, whit enamelled and iron French Bedstead, box spring & wire mattress, Overlays, bedroom furniture, oak frame Chairs, mahogany, oak & occasional other Tables, box ottoman, mahogany Bureau, burr walnut card table, walnut Hall stand, kitchen effects, Jersey & Shorthorn cows, two heifer, two pigs, a Pony, (14 hands) Governess car, harness, Float spring cart, horse roller, milk churns, Separator, refrigerator, chaff cutter, grind-stone, ladders, pig trough, benches, saws, Vice, water pump & hose, chicken coup, Gents Sunbeam cycle, ladies Humber cycle, Clamp of manure, 2 hives of bees, a two- Seater all weather English body motor car, and a quantity of useful effects.
On view morning of sale, Cataloguer at the residence of  AJ Adams Esq., solicitor Hemel Hempstead ..........
[Gazette 10 May 1924]

8th July 1924 -  The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Deceased: Cooper, Jane
DATE OF DEATH: 8.7.1924
NOTE: She was 84 years old and the funeral took place at Leverstock Green on 10.7.1924.
Husband (late): Cooper, William
ADDRESS: The Bungalow, St. Michaels, Leverstock Green
[DCHT Undertaker's Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

10th July 1924 - The village school children had a long but exciting day as it was their outing to Littlehampton.  Walter Ayre recorded that: "Journey commenced 6.30.am., completed successfully by 11.30pm."  [S73]

6th September 1924 - In a very long report  under the headlines:


The Gazette reported the death and inquest of Mr Frederick Burgess  who had lived at 2 Doult's Cottage Bennetts End - he was the labourer who had worked at the sewerage farm.  He died as a result of a fall resulting in a broken neck.  whilst walking home from work, causing injuries which although not immediately fatal caused his death eventually - meanwhile although conscious he had lost all movement in arms and legs.  [Gazette 6 September 1924]

1st November 1924 : The wedding took place of a young couple who were to become two of the most well-known residents of Leverstock Green, as they were later to run the Leather Bottle for many years. (Click here to view photograph.) The following report of their wedding appeared the following week:

Local wedding

The marriage took place on Sat last at the parish church of Miss Olive Victoria Seabrook, elder daughter of Mr & Mrs A Seabrook of the Leather Bottle, Leverstock Green to Mr Cecil Charles Parkins, second son of the late Mr. W Parkins and Mrs Parkins of Leverstock Green.  The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr Leslie Seabrook, wore a dress of ivory crepe de chine, trimmed with silver leaves, her embroidered veil, lent by her aunt, falling from a wreath of orange blossoms.  Her only ornament was a gold locket on a chain, the gift of her father.  She carried a bouquet of a white roses, fern and white heather.  The bridesmaids were Miss Joan Seabrook (niece), Miss Mary Martin (friend), Miss betty Chambers and Miss Marjorie Dell (cousins).  They were attired in dresses of pale pink charmeuse, with silver tissue and with Grecian style silver head-dress, and carried bouquets of pink carnations and white heather.  Each one also wore a silver bangle, given by the bridegroom.  Mr harry Parkins attended his brother as best man.  The officiating clergy was the Rev HG Elam, acting vicar of the parish.  The brides brother Mr. W Seabrook, was at the organ and played Mendelsohn's wedding March as the bridal party left the church.  A reception was afterwards held at the Parish Hall to which over 50 guests were invited.  The presents numbered about 60 formed a very handsome collection, ,and included a silver tea-set cruet from Messrs S Ryder & Sons St. Albans, and the former colleague of the bride employed there.  Mr & Mrs Parkins are taking up their residents at Ealing. [Gazette 8th November 1924]

N.B. Rev. HG Elam is given as the acting vicar of the parish.  Where, one wonders, was the Rev. Arthur Durrant, who officially remained in office until his death in 1937? 
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