1925 - In "Hertfordshire Within Living Memory " compiled by the Herts Federation of W.I. in 1992, the following comment was made about the village.
"In 1925 there were eleven public houses in Leverstock Green and the Red Lion, now a private house, was the biggest.  The women of the village did straw-plaiting for the hat industry, and someone used to walk to Luton to deliver it.  Eventually a post office and shop opened, while the cobbler and the undertaker worked from their homes.  The blacksmith attracted the junior school children on their way home and they were allowed to stay in the doorway and watch.  Milk was delivered by horse and cart and measured into a jug.  The village used to have a pond - responsible for at least one death by drowning." [ S25 p.21 ]

I feel someones memory must have been playing tricks on them as there had been a post office in Leverstock Green since at least 1870, as witnessed by both Kelly's various Directories from that date, and the early O.S. maps where it was shown clearly. Also by 1926, according to Kelly's, there were only two licensed Public Houses in the village, although if you included the various beer retailers and the Brickmakers Arms at Bennetts End the total came to 7 in 1922 & 1926.  It also seems unlikely to me that anyone should have walked all the way to Luton, although perhaps they walked as far as the branch line terminus of the Midland Railway in Hemel. The "Nicky Line" as it was known had been built originally as a link between the straw-plaiting industries in Luton, and Hemel.   However, as it was a time of depression, perhaps it was considered worth saving the fare.

23rd January 1925   - There was a report in the Gazette of a presentation at the Baptist Chapel made at a United /Social Gathering.  There were games and musical items, and about 70 persons present. They all sat down to supper presided over by Mr. W. Wilkins, Mr. & Mrs TH Dean , Mr & Mrs H East ( the Easts being the honoured guests),  " speeches in appreciation of  the efforts of those friends and their interest in the work of the village cause were ably made by  Messrs Leslie Seabrook and Frank Healing."    Mr Dean & Mr East were given copies of "Synopsis of the Bible  in five volumes "as a token of their love, esteem and appreciation." [Gazette 23 January 1925] 

12th June 1925- The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 410/ Deceased: Mayes, Amelia
DATE OF DEATH: 12.6.1925
NOTE: She was 72 years old and was buried on 15.6.1925 at Leverstock Green church
Husband (late): Mayes (Mr)
ADDRESS: 35 Herbert Street, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead
NB Herbert Street is in the Old Town area not Leverstock Green.
[DCHT Undertaker's Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

22nd July 1925 -  The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 415/Deceased: Dickinson, Douglas
DATE OF DEATH: 22.7.1925
NOTE: He was 39 years old and the funeral took place on 25.7.1925 at Leverstock Green
ADDRESS: Leverstock Green
[DCHT Undertaker's Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

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