21st January 1927 - A snowstorm was recorded in the school log by Walter Ayre. [S73]
23rd March 1927 -A CONCERT -was held on Wednesday in the Parish Room under auspices of St. Albans & Hemel Hempstead Divisional Conservative Ass. [Gazette 26th March 1927]
25th March 1927 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 564/Deceased / gentleman: Kingham, Edward
DATE OF DEATH: 19.3.1927
NOTE: He was 68 years old and the funeral took place on 25.3.1927 at Leverstock Green Church
ADDRESS: Manor Farm House, Two Waters, Hemel Hempstead
ADDRESS: Leverstock Green (? Kinghams' jewellers)
28th March 1927 - Some of the children from the village school visited "Mr. Bailey's Farm at Bunkers...to witness wheat sowing." [S73]
2nd April - £10 was raised by Baptist Church Choir at a concert in aid of their organ fund. No date given except recent. [Gazette 2nd April 1927]
19th April 1927: - The eldest daughter of the landlord of the Leather Bottle was married:
"Primrose Wedding" at Leverstock Green
Primroses and primrose colourings were features of a pretty wedding on Primrose Day (Tuesday) at Leverstock Green Parish Church when Miss Sibyl Seabrook,, elder daughter of Mr & Mrs Seabrook of Leverstock Green was married to Mr. Edmund Bradbury Barnes Perkins, eldest son of the late Mr Thomas and Mrs Perkins also of Leverstock Green . Yellow daffodils and primroses also figured largely in he floral decorations in the church, these remaining from the Eastertide Festival. There was a large gathering of relations and friends if the bride's and bridegroom's families at the service, which the vicar The Rev. A. Durrant conducted. The bride, who was given away by her brother Mr Leslie Seabrook, wore a dress of cream charmeuse and silk lace, with an 18th century Spanish lace veil (lent by her aunt) this being held in position by trailing knots of orange blossom. She carried a sheaf of Harriet lilies and white heather tied with streamer ribbons at the end of which were small knots of Primroses. A retinue of five bridesmaids looked very pretty in dresses of crepe de chine turquoise blue caps trimmed with primroses and narrow chin straps and turquoise blue velvet, yellow socks and black patent shoes carrying posies of primroses. They were the Misses Joan Seabrook (niece) Mary Martin (friend), Marie Chambers and Marjorie Dell (Cousins) and the bride's two year old niece Madge Parkins. Mr Arthur Perkins attended his brother as best man. The hymns "lead us Heavenly Father Lead Us", and "Thine for ever God of love" were sung and as the bridal party left the church Mendelssohn's wedding March was played. The bride's brother Mr William Seabrook officiated at the organ. Some sixty guests attended the reception which was held in the Parish Hall, later the bride and groom leaving fro Scotland, where the honeymoon is being spent. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a gold ring, and each of the bridesmaids received a prayer book. The presents, numbering about 70, included, to the bride, a silver tea service from her former colleagues at Messrs Ryder and son St. Albans, and a case of cutlery from the directors of the firm, and to the bridegroom a case of fish servers from the village cricket team, of which he is captain. [Gazette 23rd April 1927]
23rd April - The Gazette reported the death of Mr Alfred Sears who died in Auckland new Zealand,. He'd spent many years in NZ becoming a successful mineral water manufacturer. He was a native of Leverstock Green and brother of William Sears (age indecipherable) [Gazette 23rd April 1927]
24th April 1927 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 579/ Deceased: Smith, Marjorie May
DATE OF DEATH: 24.4.1927
NOTE: She was 6 years old and the funeral took place on 30.4.27 at the cemetery.
Parents: Smith, William & Smith, Mary
ADDRESS: 31 Bennetts End Lane, Hemel Hempstead
27th April 1927 - Another visit by the senior children at the village school to Bunkers Farm, this time "to note Beet sowing." [S73]
6th May 1927 - Class I from the village school "visited the Forge for a Farriery Lecture 2.45 - 4.00pm. given by Mr. Bennetto." [S73]
26th May 1927 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 584/ Deceased / housekeeper: Walker, Millicent
DATE OF DEATH: 26.5.1927
NOTE: She was 26 years old and the funeral took place on 30.5.27 at the cemetery.
RELATIVE: Walker, Ada (Mrs)
ADDRESS: 81 Bennetts End Lane, Hemel Hempstead
8th June 1927 - 18th June 1927 - A garden fete was held by the Baptist Church at High Street Green, there were various stalls and music was provided by the Boxmoor Life Brigade Band. This raised over £29 for the organ fund. [Gazette 18th June 1927]
15th June 1927 - - The 89th anniversary of the Baptist Chapel was celebrated. [Gazette 18th June 1927]
16th June 1927 - Walter Ayre recorded in his school's log book that:
"William Matthews received a very severe gun-shot wound in the right thigh between 7.15 & 7.30 this evening and was taken to hospital." (See entry for 18th June 1927) [S73]
18th June 1927 - In the red ink reserved for important and tragic events, Walter Ayre recorded in his school's log book that: "William Matthew passed away in the West Hertfordshire Hospital at 12.0pm in my presence. Death due to shock and loss of blood from G.S.W." [S73]
The Gazette article follows:.
"I reckon we were a quarter of the way up the orchard and little Willie Matthews was about ten yards from me on my left. I was carrying the gun under my left arm so that the barrels were pointing towards Matthews on the right thigh."
In these words Leonard Cyril Smith aged 16 years and 5 months of Leverstock Green, described to the Coroner at an inquest at the West Hertfordshire Hospital, on Monday, the tragic incident that ended in the death of his cousin, Charles William Matthews, aged 13 years. On Tuesday June 14th, Mr.. Leonard Smith, father of the lad concerned in the fatality, together with his brothers, acquired the cherry orchards at Chambersbury, Leverstock Green, the property of Mr.. Bailey. On Thursday, the 16th, Mr.. Smith's nephew, the deceased, went to the orchard and walked round with his cousin. Mr.. Smith went to a hut that he had brought to the orchard, and the little lad Matthews then joined his cousin, who had come up meanwhile. The youth, Smith, had picked up a gun from beneath a tree and carried it round the orchard. Then occurred the shocking incident, and the little fellow, after undergoing an operation at the West Hertfordshire Hospital, passed away on Saturday morning. "The cause of death was shock, but if he had recovered from that he could not have recovered from the gangrene of the leg," said Dr., Gilroy at the inquest.
Mr.. Lovel Smeatham , the coroner, in returning a verdict of "accidental death," said that clearly it was an accident; and he felt in these cases that nothing could be gained by commenting on the facts. It was a matter to be regretted that a loaded gun should be left unattended I an orchard, and it was a pity that a youth of 16 years should be able to pick up a gun. The excitement of shooting at the birds got the better of him, but apart from that nothing could be gained by commenting on he circumstances.
The first witness at the inquiry was William Matthews, of Blacksmiths Row, Leverstock Green, a builder's labourer, who said he was the father of the deceased, who was 13 years of age. Witness did not know that on Thursday of last week the deceased had gone to Chambersbury. The last time his son spoke to him was on Wednesday night at about 9.40, when he said "Good-night Dad," as he was going to bed. He saw the deceased in the hospital, but he was asleep on each occasion that he visited. The boy, Leonard Smith was a relative of the deceased and they were on good terms with one another. He had never heard a cross word between them. Witness could not say if the deceased was in the habit of going to mind the cherries at Mr.. Bailey's, he had not heard of it.
The Coroner: You had no opportunity of speaking to him after the accident? - No; that is what is worrying me; because I did not speak to him.
Replying to the Coroner witness said that everything possible was done for the boy at the hospital. He first heard of the accident on Thursday night, when his little boy, who was crying, said "They have shot my Will." Mr.. Ayre, the schoolmaster, told witness that his son had passed away just after two o'clock on Saturday morning. The deceased had never had a day's illness in his life.
Leonard Smith, Cupid Green, Hemel Hempstead, said that he was the father of Leonard Cecil Smith, who did not live with him. Witness and his two brothers had the cherry orchards and he personally looked after them. He was living on the orchard at the time, in a hut on four wheels, I order to be able to look after the cherries constantly. On Thursday evening, the boy, Charles William Matthews came into the orchard just before seven o'clock. They had bought the cherries only the previous Tuesday, and that was the first occasion on which the deceased had been there. At the time there was a gun standing by a tree. It was a muzzle loading gun, and had been left there by witness's brother Jesse. At the time decease came up witness was standing by this tree and the lad said "have you any birds uncle" and he replied "No I have not". They walked on up the orchard for about 50 yards Witness was carrying a gun at the time. He heard someone shout, and, looking round , saw his son standing against the tree. He shouted "Is this gun loaded?", and witness replied "Yes". Witness's son had previously been in the habit of scaring the birds with a gun. Witness and the boy Matthews continued their walk and after a time he had said to the lad "We will go back, I will pick up the hut as it is getting late." He went to the hut putting some groceries in a leaving the boy outside. When he came out of the hut the boy had disappeared. The next he heard was the report of a gun and somebody shouted. He saw the deceased lying on the ground and heard him say "it shot me" He ran to the spot and said to his son, "What have you done." He said "I pulled the trigger in mistake, dad." The gun was lying on the ground. He told his son to fetch the nurse and anyone else he could get at once. Witness said to the deceased, "Where are you shot Willie?" and he said "In my leg uncle." The nurse came to the orchard and took charge of the boy, bandaging up the leg.
Witness added that the gun now produced in the Court was the one. It was perfectly safe and was hard to pull,. In fact it was too hard to pull, and that was why he did not take it.
PC Dickinson here demonstrated the pressure that had to be applied to the trigger.
Witness said that he did not give his son permission to use the gun on this occasion, but he knew enough about the gun, having used it before, that he was not afraid of the boy having it.
Replying to Superintendent king, witness said that the boys were two yards apart at the time he heard the report. deceased was lying to the left of the Witness's son. The gun was on the ground, two or three yards from the boy.
Leonard Cecil Smith said he lived with his grandmother at 7, Belcony, Leverstock Green. He was on good terms with the deceased, who was his cousin. He worked at Apsley Mills and it would be between 7.20 and 7.30 on Thursday last when he went to the orchard and saw the deceased, first with Witness's father. He saw the gun by the trees and shouted to ask his father of to was loaded. He picked up the gun and went round the orchard looking for birds. He was later joined by the deceased.
"What happened then?" asked the Coroner and witness gave the statement above.
Witness added that he called father at once. Deceased called out "Uncle Jim, I've been shot in the leg." Deceased said to witness "Don't worry to was not your fault."
The Coroner: were you playing with the gun? - No sir.
He was not trying to get it from you?
- No sir.
Witness added that he fetched the nurse and also the boy's mother. He saw a good deal of the deceased and they were quite friendly. He had fired the gun twice previously that year and did so a good deal last year. He agreed that the trigger was a little hard.
Superintendent King: Did he give any sign when that he heard you when you said "Keep back"? - He did not do anything.
What was your object in telling him o keep back? - In case the gun went off accidentally.
Did you put the gun down or did the recoil force it from your hands? - I threw it down at once.
Dr. E.W. Gilroy, Hemel Hempstead said that on Thursday at about 7.30pm he was summoned by telephone by M. Ayre of Leverstock Green. He went at once and arranged for the ambulance to follow. He found the boy lying on he ground and the nurse had dressed the wound. The boy was suffering from shock, and there were many marks on the upper part of the right thigh. There was bleeding under the skin. He was taken to the West Hertfordshire Hospital, were witness operated that night at about 9 o'clock. The operation was to tie an artery and two vessels that had been severed. The boy had lost a good deal of blood but no enough to be of danger. All circulation below the wound had stopped. He died on Saturday morning. The case was hopeless from the first. Deceased died of shock but had he recovered from that he would not have recovered from the gangrene. The boys might have been 10 yards apart but he should have thought, judging from the wounds, that they were nearer than that.
Mary Heaton Hendry, 2, Curtis Road Leverstock Green, the district nurse, said that she was called by the witness, Leonard Cecil Smith, and took bandages with her. She bound up the wound and waited for the ambulance to come. Dr.Gilroy came very quickly.
The Coroner: Did the deceased tell you anything of the occurrence? - He said that he did not cry, and he also said to the by Smith "There will be no more shooting of guns." A nurse came with the ambulance so witness did not go to the hospital.
Mr.. Walter Ayre, schoolmaster, of Leverstock Green , said that deceased was a pupil at his school. He was in his front garden at 7.30 on Thursday when the deceased's mother told him of the occurrence. He cycled to the orchard, the nurse was there and he at once 'phoned for the doctor. He went down to the hospital with the boy and that night before the nurses were ready for the operation he asked the boy how far he was from the gun. He said that it would be the distance between his bed, which was in the Sebright ward, to the bed at the other side of the ward. It would be about 10 to 15 feet. He stayed at the hospital till just after 10 o'clock, and phoned up in the morning. On Friday night he called on his way back home from choir practice at St. John's Church. He then found that deceased's mother was in such a condition that she could not continue by the bedside. He said that he would relieve her that night and did so. He was by the bedside within two seconds of the death of the boy.
The Coroner: You had no opportunity of speaking to him again? - No; I could not speak to him again and could find out nothing else from the boy.
You probably found out all there was to find - Probably.
The Coroner returned a verdict as stated and the inquiry closed.
1st December 1927 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 618/ Deceased: Carter, Elizabeth Helena
DATE OF DEATH: 1.12.1927
NOTE: She was 87 years old and the funeral took place on 5.12.27.at Leverstock Green Church
Husband (late) : Carter, Joseph Atkinson
ADDRESS: 36 Kingsland Road, Boxmoor
ADDRESS: Leverstock Green
[DCHT Undertaker's Records, Horn & Co http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]
5th July 1927 - "Standard VI from Leverstock Green school went and saw Clover Cutting in a field on Bunker's Farm" [ S73]
28th September 1927 - "50 children visited The Princess Cinema Theatre Hemel Hempstead to watch "Boadicea".
5th October 1927 - "Standards VI & VII visited Westwick Farm from 2.30.pm. to watch threshing operations." [S73]
6th October 1927 - The funeral took place at 3pm. of Mrs. Alice Mable Durrant, wife of the Vicar of Leverstock Green. She had died on the previous Sunday October 2nd aged 61. The senior children from the school attended. [S73, S261]
8th October 1827 - This advert (R) for the sale of The Red Lion appeared in the Gazette:
October 15th 1927 - notice in the adverts that the Red Lion was sold previous to auction. As we know from later documentation that it was to be renamed St. Michael's End and became the home of Malcolm Webster, it seems likely that he purchased it in advance of the auction to become his home after his marriage (in Decemeber).
Nov/Dec 1927 - ATyphoid outbreak in Hemel Hempstead was widely reported. The new Isolation hospital at Bennetts End was to be cleared and used purely for ther TYPHOID CASES.
Ssturday December 3rd 1927
A Long article the full length of the page ( 1 column wide) was devoted to the wedding of the son of one of Leverstock Green's leading families.
"A wedding of local interest was solemnised at St. Andrew's church, Edinburgh between Malcolm Robert, eldest son of Mr.Percy Webster Leverstock Green , and Annie daughter of the late Mr David J Girdwood and niece of Mr John Girdwood, Edinburgh" The rest of the entire column was given over to a list of the presents and who they were from! These presents included cheques, gold dollars, sovereigns, antiques from the small to pieces of furniture, a great deal of silver ware, and just about everything a young couple of means could want when setting up home down to a handkerchief! The Rev. Durrant gave the couple a prayer book. The Webster family generally giving cheques, and the maids from Sibleys orchard an ebony box. Amongst the list of givers were numerous titled persons, indicating that the couple moved amongst the "county set" etc.. The groom gave his bride a ruby and diamond ring from the Russian State Jewel collection - it must be remembered that the Websters were London Goldsmiths/jewellers by trade.
3rd December 1927 - OPEN SOCIAL - A very enjoyable open social was held by the Leverstock Green WI on Tues. evening in the Parish Hall. An amusing play called Three Blind Mice was capitaly performed by some of the members. Folk dancing followed and refreshments were served and competitions etc. indulged in. The evening was brought to a successful close with modern dancing and a whist drive. [Gazette 3rd Dec 1927]
21st December 1927 - Presumably there was a heavy fall of snow as Mr. Ayre recorded that "School unapproachable by Teachers and Majority of children - closed for the day." [S73]
23rd December 1927 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 626/ Deceased: Moore, Gilbert
DATE OF DEATH: 23.12.1927
NOTE: He was 1 day old and the funeral took 

place on 24.12.1927 at the cemetery
ADDRESS: 83 Bennetts End, Hemel Hempstead
Parents: Norry, John & Moore, Martha