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NB The Microfilm of the Gazette for the year 1934 is generally very poor.  Pages either tended to be very over exposed, or alternatively be too dark and “smudged”.  Few of the pages were easily legible or finely focused, so errors and omissions may have crept in.

4th February 1934 – The Hemel Hempstead Petty sessions were held and one of the cases concerned Percy Rance & Harry Parradine of Leverstock Green.  The following appeared in the Gazette at the end of the week:


Residents of Leverstock Green were at variance at the Hemel Hempstead petty sessions on Wednesday when Percy Rance, Carter Road, (As there has never been a Carter Road, I assume this was either Curtis Road or “The Cart Track”, the narrow track which led from the Green to Northend Farm and part of which corresponds with todays Crossett Green) was summonsed for assaulting Harry Paradine of Cox Pond Farm.

Mr GW Adams represented complainant, who said that on Feb 7th he was in his cattle yard when defendant came up and used abusive language to him.  He said he would knock his __________ brains out and kept drawing his hand across witnesses face.  Defendant struck witness twice knocking him down.  Her picked up a plank and defended himself and defendant then ran off over two fields.

Mr Adams said that complainant asked for protection against this sort of thing rather than a fine.  The trouble had arisen between Rance’s father and Mr Parradine over a hedge which belonged to the latter and which he had cut down in order to put up a fence.

PC W Revel said that Mr Parradine made a complaint at the police station.  His left eye was swollen and his mouth and teeth were bleeding. He advised him to see a Doctor.

Defendant said that during the Boer Was a horse fell on his father and he had suffered from heart trouble since.  They took Little Cox Pond some years ago and Mr Parradine had been a nuisance to his father ever since.  He would go home and find his parents distressed because of this.  He had noticed that Mr Parradine was cutting the hedge down and paid no attention to it until he found his father very upset about it, AND his mother out watching the cattle because the hedge was cut down.  He had never had any bother himself with Mr Parradine, so he walked over to him and said “Do you think you are fair to my father, you are driving him to his grave, if you want to do that to anyone try it on me.  If any bad language was used Parradine had used it. He pushed Parradine in self-defence.

The Clerk: “Any idea where he got his black eye?”
“No Sir, I did not hit him, had I hit him he would have had something worse, but on my solemn oath I did not hit him.

Percy Dell said he was passing Cox Pond Farm and heard voices raised.  He saw Parradine holding up a plank, and Rance pushed him to protect himself and then ran off. 

The Chairman (Sir Walter Halsey) said there had been differences and squabbles, but defendant had no excuse for taking the law into his own hands, and the kind of way in which he behaved could not be allowed, at least in this neighbourhood.  He would be bound over to keep the peace and have to pay 4s costs.

Mr Adams asked for an advocate’s fee.

The Chairman: “You asked only for protection and that is what the court has given you.” [Gazette 7th February 1934]

20th February 1934 - A committee meeting of the nurses association was held on Tuesday at which ex-committee members and Nurse Hendry were present.  The following report was published in the Gazette on the Saturday .


.After the business was transacted, Miss Hobday asked the Chairman & Hon Treasurer Mrs Day to accept for herself and the President Mr Day, a handsome fender stool presented by the committee and Nurse and beautifully worked by Nurse.  Miss Hobday warmly thanked Mrs Holliday on behalf of the committee for the invaluable and untiring help, that she and Mr Day had given the Association for many years; no trouble was too much for them and they \all deeply regretted that they \were leaving the village.  She wished them many years of happiness in their new home – Mrs Day in reply said she was delighted with the gift, which she would always treasure.  It had been a great pleasure to her and her husband to help the association.  The Hon Secretary, Mrs Secretan then presented Mrs Day with an easy chair for their new home.  She said she could also never be grateful enough for their unstinting help and for the many acts of loving kindness shown her. [Gazette 24th February 1934]

3rd - March 1934 -

The Meet of the Hertfordshire Hounds was in  Leverstock Green outside the Leather Bottle. This was a frequent occurrence during the 1930’s (See entry for 6th March 1937).  The adjoining photograph was taken on one such occasion. 


A dance organised by Mr P Rance took place at the Leverstock Green Village Hall on Friday of last week and with great success.  The Regent Dance Band (Leader Mr T Street) supplied excellent music and the programme included a spot dance, which was won by Miss Loeverage and Mr K Mallord.  There was also a cake raffle which was won by Miss Peggy Brooke, (No 132) The committee responsible for the refreshments were: Mrs Brigginshaw, Mrs P Rance, Mrs Latchford, and the Misses D & B Dell.  Mr J Rance and Mr F Latchford acted as doorkeepers. [Gazette 17th March 1934]

27th March 1934 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 360/ Deceased / farmer : Mayling, Harry Grey
DATE OF DEATH: 27.3.1934
NOTE: He was 60 years old and the funeral was held on 31.3.1934 at Leverstock Green Church
ADDRESS: Westwick Row Farm, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co ]

3rd April 1934 -  DEATH OF MR H G MAYLING – The following obituary was reported later in the Gazette:

We deeply regret to record the death, which occurred on Tuesday of last week of Mr Harry Gray Mayling of Westwick Row Farm, Leverstock Green.

Mr Mayling, who was 60 years of age, was well know in Hemel Hempstead and district where his death will be greatly regretted.  Prior to taking up residence at Westwick Row farm, where he had been for two years, Mr Mayling was at Buncefield, and he had a wide circle of farming and other friends.  His death took place rather suddenly and came as a sad shock to all who knew him.  He leaves a widow and seven stepchildren. 

The funeral took place on Sat the Rev A Durrant conducting a service n the Leverstock Green church and also the obsequies in the church yard.  The chief mourners were: 
Mr N Mark Myears, Mr Stratton – (son-in-law), John Goldsmith (grandson), Mr White, (nephew), Mr Avory, Mr Henderson, Mr Ray, Mr Leat, Mr Santa, Mr lines, John Dean (employee) Ken Dean (employee).

There then followed a long list of wreaths and their messages. [Gazette April 7th 1934]


A dance organised by Mr P Rance in aid if the hall fund was held at the Leverstock Green parish Hall and proved a great success.  Admirable music was provided by the Regent Dance Band (leader Mr T Street) and a draw for the Easter Egg, this being won by Mrs Daniels (No 28). Refreshments were served during the evening by Mrs Latchford, 
Miss D Dell & Mrs P Rance and were greatly appreciated.  Mr. J Rance and Mr F Latchford acted as doorkeepers. [Gazette 7th April 1934]


On Friday night Leverstock Green won the West Herts Minor Association Challenge cup by 5 goals to 3, defeating Apsley Juniors. [Gazette 28th April 1934]  (Rest of the report was too dark and smudged to easily decipher)

6th May 1934 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 370/ Deceased: Taylor, Victoria Elizabeth
DATE OF DEATH: 6.5.1934
NOTE: She was 36 years old and the funeral was held on 9.5.1934 at the cemetery.
ADDRESS: 3 Vauxhall Road, Hemel Hempstead
Husband: Taylor, Frederick
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co ]

2nd June 1934 – The Gazette carried a report of Dr Gregory moving to Hemel Hempstead after his marriage – living at Barton Lodge, Broad Street Hemel Hempstead.  They later moved to Tile Kiln Lane. Dr. Gregory was a famous tennis player, becoming Captain of the England squad for the Davis Cup.  He also helped foster tennis in the village.  See entries for Summer 1949 and 10th January 1959, and click here to go to web entry on Dr. Gregory. [Gazette 2nd June 1934]

9th June 1934 – The Gazette reported on the wedding during the previous week of Miss Lillian May, eldest daughter of Mrs E. & the late Mr E. Rance of 10 Curtis Rd,  Mr Alfred Walter from Boxmoor.  The Rev Durrant officiated at Holy Trinity Church. The report carried details of both wedding and reception, which was held in the Parish Hall. [9th June 1934]

14th July 1934 - DEATH OF MRS A HEBBS - LOSS TO LEVERSTOCK GREEN – The Gazette reported on Mrs Hebbs death, but failed to give the date on which she died.

We regret to record the death of Mrs Annie Hebbs of leather Bottle Terrace, who passed away at West Herts hospital.  Mrs Hebbs was 48 years of age, and in 1918 she suffered the irreparable loss of her husband Mr Arthur Hebbs who was killed in action.  She had resided at Leverstock Green with her daughter for many years and was highly respected by all who knew her.

The funeral took place on Thursday last, the internment in Leverstock Green Churchyard preceded by a service in the Leverstock Green Baptist Chapel. – The rest of report gave details of the service, chief mourners and wreaths sent. [14th July 1934]


The Gazette reported on the wedding of Miss Gladys DeBeggar,  and Edward William Keen of Hillfield Road Hemel Hempstead  at HT church on Wednesday afternoon. The couple were both well known in the village, Miss De Beggar being an active member of church.  The reception was held in the Leverstock Green Parish Hall. [Gazette 14th July 1934]

4th August 1934 - PRETTY WEDDNG AT LEVERSTOCK GREEN – Another report of a wedding appeared in the Gazette. The Wedding took place at Holy Trinity the previous Sat to the report and was conducted by Rev Durrant.  Bride: The bride was Miss Violet Margrave Chatley of St. Anne’s,  Vicarage Lane Leverstock Green (Presumably Pancake Lane) and the reception was held at Leverstock Green Parish Hall [Gazette 11th August 1934]

3rd October 1934 - LEVERSTOCK GREEN WHIST DRIVE – A Whist drive was held in the Village Hall in aid of Leverstock Green’s Nursing Association. [Gazette 13th October 1934]

7th  November 1934 – A tragic suicide occurred in the village. 




A 49-year-old married woman, Mrs Mora Williams was found lying dead in the scullery of her home, 19 Ranelagh Road on Tuesday evening.  Her head was resting on a cushion in the gas oven. , from which the shelves had apparently been taken and the gas tap was turned full on.  ………. Inquest to be held on Friday. [Gazette 10th November 1934]

17th November 1934 – The Gazette carried a full report of the Coroner’s Court inquest the day before into the death of Mora Williams – a verdict of suicide was brought in. [Gazette 17th November 1934]

30th November 1934 - LEVERSTOCK GREEN WI - THE DREAM OF EMPIRE – a most inspiring pageant was given by Leverstock Green WI on Friday last in aid of the Nursing Association. The Gazette report Listed all those who took part.  Singing was led by Mrs Ayre  £18 was raised. [Gazette 7th Dec 1934]  It is possible that this photo was of the event.  We know it was of a Leverstock Green WI pageant some time in the 30’s. (Photo property of Mrs Madge Field)

Click to link to principle LG Chronicle web pages.

Leverstock Green ChronicleMaplinks page (for large scale and old maps of the area.)

20th Century Leverstock GreenGlossary
LG C of E School, Pancake Lane.
Leverstock Green in the 1930's
by Sidney Dollimore.
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