1935 - Some of the different parts of Leverstock Green were united and included in the Borough of Hemel Hempstead. [S1 - p.154 ] This was done according to The County of Hertford Review Order. [Kel.Dir., 1937 ]

20th January 1935 – Walter Rogers died:

We regret to record the death of Mr Walter Charles Rogers of 1 Alban Cottages, who passed away on January 20th at the comparatively early age of 37 years.  Mr Rogers had been engaged at the Leverstock Green and Acorn brickworks since the war and was greatly liked by his fellow employees and all who knew him.  The funeral was at Leverstock Green Church on Wednesday and was conducted by the vicar the Rev A Durrant…….[Gazette 26th Jan 1935]
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Easter 1935 – The Mother’s Union Banner was dedicated:


On Sunday evening after evensong at Holy Trinity Church Leverstock Green, a banner for the Mother’s Union, given on memory of Mrs Alice Mable Durrant, wife of the Vicar (the Rev. Arthur Durrant), who was for 26 years the Enrolling Member for this Branch of the Society, was dedicated by the Vicar.  The banner, held by Mrs Ayre, who was supported by Mrs. W.J. Seabrook and Mrs Simmons, was carried in procession around the church, being preceded by the Vicar and the choir, singing the hymn, “For All the Saints Who From Their Labours Rest”, and followed by the children carrying their own little banner and processional cross.  The many mothers, who assembled to participate in the dedication of their banner, and the other members of the congregation, were thus enabled to see the beautiful design and exquisite embroidery close at hand.
The design, which was generously presented by Mr. Christopher Webb, of St. Albans, is of a full-length figure of the Blessed Mother, with the Holy Child in her embrace, seated on a stone bench, as it were, in a garden, with tiny flowers in clusters around her feet.  
The background of this central panel is of white brocade, against which the deep blue robe of the Virgin stands out in bold relief, softened by the flowing veil, the subdued red of the lining, the gold of the tunic, and the black cincture and sandals.  On each side is a panel of blue, on one of which is worked a shield bearing the emblem of the Blessed Trinity, and on the other side a vase, made of cloth of gold, holding the lilies of the Annunciation.  Above and below the figures, which are surrounded by an aureole, the title is inserted in letters of gold.  The lining of soft plum colour, the fleur-de-lys fininshings of brass.

This magnificent design has been exquisitely embroidered and mounted by Mrs. Sydney Clarke, of St. Albans , whose beautiful work is so well known and admired and who undertook this skilled and most exacting task as a labour of generous love in memory of the old friend of her girlhood days.  “We at Leverstock Green” writes a correspondent, “feel that it is difficult to express our gratitude to her for all the hours of patient thought and work that she has expended in order to produce our lovely banner, for her work seems, indeed, to be inspired, in the perfection and delicacy of every part, especially the faces, so difficult to manipulate in needlework, but which she has made to be mostly sweetly gracious and attractive.” [Herts Advertiser Easter 1935.}

4th May1935 – Silver Jubilee of King Edward & Queen Mary.

9th May 1935 – The Gazette reported on  FUNERAL OF MR SEABROOK later in the week:

The funeral of Mr  Seabrook of Leverstock Green who passed away at the age of 71 years, took place in the village on Thursday of last week.  The vicar, the Rev A Durrant conducted the burial service, and the chief mourners were Mrs B Seabrook, (wife) Mr & Mrs G Seabrook (son & daughter-in-law), Miss E.Seabrook (daughter), Mr J Seabrook (son) Miss D Seabrook (son? Misprint!) Mr & Mrs H Penteny (daughter & son-in-law), Miss L Seabrook, (daughter), Mr O Seabrook (son) Miss L Goddard, Ellen & Polly (sisters), Mr N Seabrook (grandson) [Gazette 11th May 1935]

11th May 1935 - Leverstock Green held a  JUBILEE DANCE.

A grand and enjoyable Jubilee dance was held in the village hall from 8pm to 1 am.  Music was supplied by Reg Short and his Rhythmic, who enhanced the enjoyment of the evening by playing tunes popular in the years between 1910 and 1935.  Mr P Rance was the MC.  The commencement of the second half of the evening’s programme was given over to a Cabaret by Miss Sylvia Lawrence and her Cabaret Girls.  The first item was “The Flying Scotsman without music” in which t6he girls showed a really remarkable sense of rhythm.  Miss Hilda Woods moving about the floor in light hearted manner scored a success as “The Tin Soldier” and Miss M Glenister was equally successful in an attractive step-dance.  Five year old Hazel Rance gave a delightful posy dance and the Cabaret Girls provided as the fifth number “Sing as we go” During the sixth item “Rhythm” by Miss Sylvia Lawrence, Miss Lawrence was presented with a beautiful bouquet of tulips.  Refreshments were carried out by Mrs Brigginshaw and Mrs Rance and Mr J D Rance was the doorkeeper. [Gazette   May 1935]

There then followed a list of floral tributes including one from the Rev & Miss Durrant.

22nd May 1935 - A concert & whist drive was held at the village hall. The Leverstock Green Nursing Association benefited by £17 14s 6d – The Gazette paper gave details of whist drive winners and the various entertainments which took place. [Gazette May 25th 1935]

24th  May 1935- EMPIRE DAY CELEBRATIONS AT Leverstock Green 

Empire Day on Friday of last week was celebrated on a grand scale at Leverstock Green, where the village was en fete for the occasion.

The proceedings commenced at 2.30.pm. with a grand fancy dress parade of the children.  Somewhere in the region of 80 children participated, and with the many tasteful and original themes the adjudicators were confronted with a difficult job in selecting the winners.

From 2.45 until 4 o’clock the green was the scene of delightful dancing displays by the children, and these went off without a hitch, reflecting the greatest credit on the young dancers themselves and on those who had trained them.  Jubilee songs followed the dancing, concluding with impressive renderings of Wm Blake’s inspiring “Jerusalem” & God Save the King.  Mr \Ayre and the school staff are to be congratulated on the success of the even.

The scene presented was one of great beauty and was reminiscent of those old English days when the village green was used more by the local children for their games and dances, than as the case is today, by picnic parties.

At 4.30pm the scene of the festivities was transferred to the village hall –first for a tea for all children between the ages of 3 and 14 years, and immediately following for a tea for all Old Aged Pensioners.  The teas had been made possible by a grand collection organised by Mr P Rance and Mr W\ Ayre, and as a result over 160 children and old people enjoyed a splendid repast.  The teas were ably managed by Mrs W Wright and her committee, who included Mrs Malcolm Webster, Mrs Bromley Martin, Mrs Plendeerleith, Miss Durrant, Mrs Barber, Mrs Burridge-Moulton and others. 

 In the evening the village hall was packed to capacity for the concert and dance, Mrs Sylvia Lawrence and her school Sylvan School of dancing filling with great acceptance the major portion of the programme.  The Leverstock Green Choral Society rendered selections that were greatly appreciated.

There was a 15-minute interval between the parts and Reg & his Rhythmic conducted by Mr Rance led hearty and enthusiastic community singing.

Miss Lawrence and her pupils are to be congratulated on the excellence of their displays and the talent shown.

Immediately following the dance, a fine display of fireworks was given by Messrs Brocks to whom thanks are due for the greatly appreciated novelty they gave the to big crowd.

There was dancing in the hall from 10 till 12,30 with music supplied by Reg and his Rhythmic.   Midway through the festivities Mr Rance and Miss Lawrence gave an exhibition waltz that was loudly applauded by the 150 people attending.  The prevailing sprit was one of jollity and good fellowship and it showed that; Leverstock Green can and did rise to the occasion most worthily.

The door stewards were Mr F Latchworth, Mr  B Dongray and Mr  E Rance. [Gazette 1st June 1935]

9th June 1935 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 473/ Deceased and goods clerk : Howe, Frederick Charles
DATE OF DEATH: 9.6.1935
NOTE: He was 33 years old and the funeral was held on 13.6.1935 at the cemetery.
ADDRESS: 9 Adeyfield Terrace, Hemel Hempstead
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

30th July 1935 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 473/ Deceased and goods clerk : Howe, Frederick Charles
DATE OF DEATH: 9.6.1935
NOTE: He was 33 years old and the funeral was held on 13.6.1935 at the cemetery.
ADDRESS: 9 Adeyfield Terrace, Hemel Hempstead
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

4th November 1935 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 505/ Deceased: Kirby, Sarah Ann
DATE OF DEATH: 4.11.1935
NOTE: She was 71 years old and the funeral was held on 8.11.1935 at Leverstock Green church
ADDRESS: Birklands, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

10th November 1935 – The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 506/ Deceased: Hagger, Eric Alfred James
DATE OF DEATH: 10.11.1935
NOTE: He was 7 years old and the funeral was held on 13.11.1935 at Leverstock Green church
ADDRESS: Blacksmiths Row, Leverstock Green
Parents: Hagger, Alfred John & Nellie
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

22nd November 1935 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 510/ Deceased: Sawyer, Ellen
DATE OF DEATH: 22.11.1935
NOTE: She was 48 years old and the funeral was held on 26.11.1935 at Leverstock Green church
Husband: Sawyer, Daniel Charles
ADDRESS: 21 Ranelagh Road, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

28th November 1935 - DEATH OF MR ARTHUR SEABROOK, featured on the front page of the Gazette :

 We deeply regret to record the death of Mr A Seabrook of The Leather Bottle Leverstock Green who passed away on Thursday morning at the age of 74 years.

Mr Seabrook had been at the Leather Bottle fro many years and was a highly respected figure in the local district.  His death will be regretted by all in the village and also by a large circle of friends outside that, for like Mrs Seabrook he was ever popular with callers…. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Saturday) at 3 o’clock in Leverstock Green.  [Gazette 30th November 1935]

The Gazette also reported: - Death of Mrs A Wilkins - Leverstock Green Baptist Worker.

The death took place last week of Mrs Annie Elizabeth Wilkins of Coronation Villas Leverstock Green. The wife of Mr George Wilkins she was 73 years of age and had spent all her life in Leverstock Green.  With her husband she was Sunday School superintendent and Eldwer. Mrs Wilkins had taken an active and keen interest in the Leverstock Green Baptist Chapel.  In that community and at the Marlowes Baptist Church Hemel Hempstead she was held in great esteem and in 1933 when they celebrated their golden wedding a chiming clock was presented to them by the Minister, Deacons and members of the church.  The deepest sympathy is sent to Mr Wilkins, their three sons and two daughters…….

The funeral took place at Leverstock Green Saturday last.  The service was held in the Baptist church and the internment took place in the village churchyard.

The rest of the article gave details of the funeral service, mourners and flowers.  It was also mentioned that a memorial service was held the following Sunday evening.[Gazette 30th November 1935]

28th November 1935 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 515/ Deceased: Seabrook, Arthur
DATE OF DEATH: 28.11.1935
NOTE: He was 74 years old and the funeral was held on 30.11.1935 at Leverstock Green church
ADDRESS: Leather Bottle, Leverstock Green
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

Saturday 30th November 1935   - The funeral of Mr Arthur Seabrook of Leverstock Green took place at Holy Trinity Church Leverstock Green on Sat,  the vicar the REV A Durrant officiating.

Mrs Herbert Grimwood was at the organ and played “Oh Rest In the Lord” and the hymn Jesus Lover of my soul.

The chief mourners were Mrs LF Seabrook (widow), Mr \& Mrs W\ Seabrook (son & daughter-in law), Mr & Mrs E| Perkins, Mr & Mrs C Parkins (daughters and sons-in-law) Mr & Mrs I R|Seabrook (son and daughter in law) Mr & Mrs A Barkley (niece and nephew, Miss Olive Dell, Miss Beryl Dell (sisters-in-law) and Mr H Chambers (brother in law)

Mr Seabrook had lived at The Leather BOTTLE for very many years and was highly respected in the villages and surrounding district.  In his earlier life he had close interests in many village organisations and was a chorister in the church, and was for many years the Vicar’s warden.  Many floral tributes were placed on the grave.  [Gazette 7th December 1935]

Wednesday 4th December 1935 - A Concert, whist drive and dance was held at the Village Hall, for the Nursing Association. A profit of £11 10s wsa made. [Gazette 7th December 1935]

Friday 6th December 1935 - On Friday there was an excellent attendance at the village hall where the evening’s entertainment included a concert, whist drive and dance.  The proceeds were for the Leverstock Green Nursing Association.  Members of the well  known Howlers Concert party of Hemel Hempstead filled the main part of the concert programme and the party was introduced by Mr W. Ayre………………………..The Nuhanders provided the music for the dance. [Gazette 7th December 1935]

Sunday 8th December 1935 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 514/ Deceased: Marten, Reginald Arthur
DATE OF DEATH: 8.12.1935
NOTE: He was 8 months old and the funeral was held on 12.12.1935 at Leverstock Green church
ADDRESS: 22 Vauxhall Road, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

Saturday  28th December 1935 -  The wedding took place on Boxing Day of Miss Freda May Taylor of Blacksmith’s Cottages Leverstock Green & Mr Robert Edward Horwood from Watford.

Empire Day Celebrations on the Green, Leverstock Green. Miss Herbert is the teacher standing in the centre of the group.
13th April 1935 –  The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 453/ Deceased: Euden, Winifred Alice
DATE OF DEATH: 13.4.1935
NOTE: She was 50 years old and the funeral was held on 16.4.1935 at Leverstock Green Church
ADDRESS: Buncefield, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead
Husband: Euden, Fred
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

18th April 1935 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 454/ Deceased: Yeandle, John
DATE OF DEATH: 18.4.1935
NOTE: He was 82 years old and the funeral was held on 23.4.1935 at Leverstock Green Church
ADDRESS: Well Farm, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

26th April 1935 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 459/ Deceased: Gregory, Constance Ivy
DATE OF DEATH: 26.4.1935
NOTE: She was 21 years old and the funeral was held on 1.5.1935 at Leverstock Green Church
ADDRESS: 10 Ranelagh Road, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead
Husband: Gregory, James Ralph
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co  http://www.hertsmuseums.org.uk/dacorum/funindex.htm ]

Friday 15th February 1935 – The second annual supper for the Leverstock Green Cricket Club was held at the Leather Bottle. 

The supper comprised of roast veal & Beef, Ham and potatoes, followed by plum pudding, apple tart or lemon pie, with cheese to finish up with.  A loayal toast to the King was given, followed by a toast to the Leverstock Green cricket club proposed by Walter Ayre.  The reply was given by C M Latchford.  There then followed a song and two further toasts: to the ladies (given by W. Gale) and to the Chairman ( given by E Perkins).  

The evening finished with  a rendition of Auld Lang Syne. [S410] 

12th April 1935 - A successful whist drive was held at the Village Hall .  It raised £5 7s for the Nursing Association funds. [Gazette 13th April 1935]

Click to link to principle LG Chronicle web pages.

Leverstock Green ChronicleMaplinks page (for large scale and old maps of the area.)

20th Century Leverstock GreenGlossary
LG C of E School, Pancake Lane.
Leverstock Green in the 1930's
by Sidney Dollimore.
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