NB. This page is still rather incomplete as most of the Gazette items for this year have as yet to be researched.
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This page was last updated: January 25, 2014
13th January 1938 – The AGM of the Parish Hall Committee was held at the Parish Hall. The following were elected to the Management Committee for 1938 with powers to co-opt:
Mrs T Leat, Miss B Dell, Mrs G Dell, Mrs Brigginshaw, Miss E Fryer, Mrs Latchford, Mrs Warby and Messers 

E Newland, J Dyson, A. Sears, C. Brigginshaw, J Rance, E Perry, W King, J G Leat and J A Marston (Trustee) Mr Marston.
At the committee meeting which followed immediately on from the AGM Mr J Rance was electe Chairman & Mr C Brigginshaw, Vice-Chairman. Various sub-committees were appointed with responsibility for Dance, Billiards, Whist, & Tennis. Mrs Brigginshaw was re-elected Caretaker, with Mr Brigginshaw Caretaker of the Billiard Table & Club Room.
Parish Hall Committee Minutes throughout the rest of the year showed that numerous activities took place in the hall in addition to those subject to subcommittees. These included official Parish meetings, missionary sales, nursing clinics, band practice (Mr King), birthday parties, dances, wedding receptions, whist drives (2 a week from June), Boys’ Band (similar to the Boys Brigade, not a pop band!)…. The tennis courts were also let to Brocks’ Athletics Club……. Tennis tournaments, Billiard Tournaments and Whist drives were arranged on a regular basis. [ L.G.10]
February 1938 – Lectures were taking place in the Leverstock Green, where 30 people were receiving instruction in precautions against chemical warfare. [S19 p55]
1938 Half-crown, i.e. 2/6. The equivalent of £5.72 using the retail price index for 2007
A selection of items issued in 1938 to help in the very real thret of chemical warware dropped during possible air-raids.
1938 - In about March 1938 the residents of cottages along Westwick Row (on the site of the present Handpost Lodge and possibly opposite as well) moved out to new homes in nearby Pimlico supplied by the local council. It is uncertain in Handpost Lodge had already been built at this time, or whether it was built afterwards - possibly the latter. A photograph of three girls, Elsie Coclough (nee Fountain), Jean Oldham (nee Freeman), and Elsie Summers (nee Hall) was taken shortly afterwards at the well which served the cottages. This photograph was reproduced in the Looking back column of the Hemel Hempstead Gazette on March 5th 1998. See entries for 1811 and 19th June 1848. [Gazette 5th March 1998, S326]
11th May 1938 - The Trustees of the Parish Hall Trust met for a meeting at the Vicarage. Present were the Vicar (Mr. Binns), Mr. Newland (Churchwarden), Mr. Bromley-Martin, & Mr. Marston.
Amongst the items discussed was the Letting of Hall to the Parochial Church Council, and the possible consequences if the school was let in competition with the hall, which the vicar thought unlikely. It was also reported that Mr. William Peddie Nairne had now taken the place of Mr. Arthur Perkins as Churchwarden and it was pointed out that he became a trustee automatically [L.G.1]
28th July 1938 – at a meeting of the Parish Hall Committee “ A report was received concerning the behaviour of 5 Irish men at the last dance held in the hall. It was agreed after discussion not to admit either of them in the future.” [L.G.10]
1st November 1938. – The Parish Hall was used by the local authorities as a polling station. The fee paid to the hall being set at 25/- [L.G.10]
16th November 1938 – The second meeting of the Parish Hall Trustees took place at the Vicarage.
Present: The Vicar (Mr. Binns) the Churchwardens ( Mr. Newland & Mr. Nairne ) and Mr. Wright, Mr. Bailey and Mr. Marston. An apology for absence was received from Mr. Bromley-Martin .
A Report from the Hall committee that they had in hand £19.17.3 ½ and the Hall was running smoothly and particulars of repairs and improvements was received.
The possibility of War in the near future was featured when The Vicar reported that he had authorised the removal of the stage curtains from the Hall to the school for the Air Raid Practice after referring to Mr. Leat, who had stated he could not act without consulting the Hall Committee, and the Vicar’s action was confirmed. Other matters were also discussed including the acceptance of the resignation of Mr. Childs and a resolution which was passed unanimously for a note of thanks for the Vicar's services while Incumbent at Leverstock Green. [L.G.1]
11th November 1938 - ARMISTICE DAY: On Armistice Day in the village the two minute silence was observed at the war memorial where a short service was conducted by Mr. Ayre in the unavoidable absence of the vicar Rev T A Binns. There was a good gathering of the villagers, the schoolchildren of the two top classes from the school also being present. Mr. Ayre read the names of those who had fallen and the Hymns “Our God Our Help in Ages Past” was sung in addition to the National Anthem. [Gazette 18th November 1938]
16th November 1938 – at the meeting of the Parish Hall Trust held at the Vicarage, the Vicar reported that he had authorise the removal of the stage curtains from the Hall to the school for the Air Raid Practice, the Vicar’s action was confirmed. [LG1]
16th November 1938 – Percy Webster of Sibley’s Orchard died. Percy & his family had lived at Sibleys Orchard for many years. The Websters moved to Leverstock Green in 1906. For full details on Mr Webster click here.
The Hemel Hempstead Gazette, which was circulated two days after his death, reported the following:
“We very deeply regret to record the death, which occurred early on Thursday, of Mr. Percy Webster of Sibleys Orchard Leverstock Green.
Aged 76 years Mr. Webster was regarded as the best authority on old clocks in the world and he had one of the finest collections. Included amongst them was a clock which once belonged to Queen Elizabeth, and one which had once been the property of Mary Queen of Scots. He also possessed one of the oldest clocks in the world - one that was made on the 13th century.
Mr. Webster’s interest in antiques and especially in old clocks began at an early age and he was the pioneer of old clock collecting.
His association with Leverstock Green began in 1906 when he came with his wife to take up residence there. He interested himself in the village and its activities, and at the time of his death was a school manager.
The deepest sympathy will be expressed to the bereaved family - his wife having predeceased him 23 years previously.The funeral is yet to be arranged”
A correspondent writes: -
Mr. Percy Webster, an authority on clocks who died on November 16th at the age of 76, was almost to the last active in business, although he had been exceedingly frail for some years. He retained his knowledge and vigour of mind to the end. His position in the antique trade was unique. He had carried on business in Great Portland Street for many years, removing to the present premises in Queen Street Mayfair, about three months ago. Although he dealt in many things, silver, jewellery, furniture, works of art, and bijouterie, in all of which he had profound knowledge, his name is associated with old clocks. It says much for his reputation as a clock expert on the market for the past 30 years, in sale rooms or collections, at least 90 percent past through Percy Webster’s hands at some time or another. He served his year as Master of the Clockmaker’s Company, thus showing that his reputation was official as well as national.
Only those who knew him in private life could appreciate the fact that Percy Webster was much more than a dealer with exceptional knowledge. He had nominally retired for years, to his home in Leverstock Green, where he had fitted up a fully equipped workshop, complete with lathes and other appliances, and here he copied Joseph Knibb, who in his later life lived at Hislope, an obscure village in Buckinghamshire, yet continued to make clocks. Like Knibb, Percy Webster showed that real craftsmen never retire – until they die. If anything ancient, like a skull watch or a Gothic clock, came into Great Portland Street with a part missing or ignorantly replaced, then the business could wait, as far as he was concerned. He had to retire to his home workshop until the part had been replaced in the proper manner. He was a craftsmen first, and a dealer a long way after. His death has left a gap which cannot be filled in these days of machine production; he was the last and perhaps the finest of the old master craftsmen.
His knowledge was equal to his craftsmanship. He exemplified the little known fact that only he who can make can know. Like all real experts, he began with a love for the late; Yorkshire clocks were his stock in trade in the St. John’s Wood days, years and years ago, and he worked backwards. His collection of clocks and watches at Leverstock Green – which was both large and choice – assembled in his later years, contained nothing after Queen Anne and went back to the iron clocks of the fifteenth century, which by the way, no one but Webster really understood. Not only the trade, but the world accepted his opinions as final. All that erudition lies buried with Percy Webster in Leverstock Green. The loss is not his, it is ours, and it is irreplaceable. [S383]
ABOVE: Gazette 18th November 1938- NB this would have gone to press the previous day, and the funeral actually took place on Sunday 18th
BELOW: His obituary in The Times read as follows:
Saturday 18th November 1938: -The Gazette reported:
Saturday 18th November 1938 - Funeral of Mr. Percy Webster - Full details of the funeral and further obituaries can be read on the WebPage for Percy & Malcolm Webster.
Saturday 18th November 1938 - The Hertfordshire Advertiser & St. Albans Times reported that the Reverend Richard Alexander Yates, lately Vicar of Huddersfield had been offered the living of Leverstock Green by the Earl of Verulam and Mr L. mark the Trustee of the Patronage. It was noted that the Rev Yates had graduated from University College Oxford in 1924 an MA in English in 1928. He had trained at Cuddendon Theological College for 1 year in 1934 and then held curacies in Catford. The Rev Yates (RIGHT) had then gone to South Africa in 1928, returning in 1933. [Hertfordshire Advertiser & St. Albans Times Dec 16th 1938]
We are informed by the national fitness committee, that a grant of £230 has been offered in response to application of the Hemel Hempstead Borough Council for assistance towards the cost and purchasing and levelling a playing field at Leverstock Green. [Gazette 18th November 1938]
Friday December 23rd 1938 -The following advert was published in the Hertfordshire Advertiser & St. Albans Times for a farmhouse:
Saturday 31st December 1938 – The Parish Hall Social committee held a New Year Social at the Parish Hall Leverstock Green. Songs were sung by Miss Clare Clatley & Mrs Brigginshaw. The Areandions Band who gave their services free of charge played for dancing & Mr. F. Leat was MC. Several spot dances and prizes awarded and games and competitions were played. [Hertfordshire Advertiser & St. Albans Times 6th January 1939]
PA £100 EXCL
in excellent condition and containing 22 ft lounge 19ft Dairy room, kitchen, Pantry, 5 Bedrooms, Dressing Room, Bathroom (h & cold), Garage. About 3 acres.
For all further particulars of above & many other properties in St. Albans & district apply to:
As above