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On Tuesday 16th July 2002  in front of a small gathering of School Governors, Staff, members of the PTA & LGVA, and following a short address by Barbara Chapman, Chairman of Leverstock Green Village Association, Mrs. Madge Cheesbrough, executrix of the late Fred Buglass, unveiled a plaque at Leverstock Green JMI School commemorating the funding of an exciting and unusual project at the school. 

"Our Village" is a student centred interpretation of the local environment and consists of individual ceramic tiles made by the children from years 4 and 5, and mounted in a specially designed set of three decorative panels, which now hangs in the school hall.  Three groups of 15 students worked with the artist Paul Rowbottom over two days during Artweek 2001, assisted by Beatrice Simpson, the schools' Art co-ordinator, year 4 & 5 class teachers and learning assistants.  At the invitation of Headteacher Alan Phair, the artist designed the panels with an eye-catching decorative tile border. The project was made possible by generous funding from Leverstock Green Village Association and the school's Parent & Teacher Association.

This was  the first project to receive funding from the newly established "Fred Buglass Legacy" scheme, set up by Leverstock Green Village Association using the money left to the Association by its late President Fred Buglass. The Association's Chairman, Barbara Chapman, said, "Leverstock Green Village Association's Trustees all agreed that this project would help develop a sense of community. We believe that this is the type of project Fred wanted to encourage and we feel he would be proud of the work the children have produced"

Any projects funded by the scheme have to meet certain criteria laid down by the Trustees and have to be used to benefit groups of inhabitants of Leverstock Green rather than individuals, and are generally to be used "in the pursuit of education, social welfare, recreation and leisure time activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants of Leverstock Green."

Link to LGVA website
All photographs by Barbara Chapman 17.07.2002
Scroll down for photographs of the panel and individual tiles.
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an in-depth history of one village in Hertfordshire UK.
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This page was last updated on: August 22, 2020
For a variety of reasons I can no longer spend the same amount of time as in the past on my research and updating this website, though I DO still explore our local history and continue to find new historic items of interest. e.g.from which now publishes items online.

It is still my intention to update existing pages on the Leverstock Green Chronicle website and to add new information as and when time permits. With Social Media, and the digitisation of many national archives new information and images surface regularly. AS well as saving all this information to my computer, I ensure all new information is documented and printed and added to the growing number of Chronicle Archive Albums. The contents of these albums are catalogued and added to a spread sheet enabling myself (or anyone else in the future) to readily find the information, even should the website itself no longer exist.

If YOU have any information relating to Leverstock Green's history and members of your family who lived here, including photographs, ephemera etc.please contact me so I can arrange a meeting and/or exchange email addresses so I can include your information in my archive of Leverstock Green's history.

        Thankyou, Barbara Chapman 12/10/2018