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Several people contacted LGVA in February/March 08 having seen an article in The Telegraph concerning registering Village Greens under the Commons Act of 2006, and asking if our green was registered, and if not, if we could try and get it registered.

Under previous legislation the area shown in green on the accompanying map (and please note the base map dates to the late 1950’s and is not the current OS map) had been applied for in May 1967 by the then Hemel Hempstead Borough Council, and finalised in October 1970, as there had been no objections.

The area covered 1.242ha./3.07 acres, and corresponded to the green at the centre of the village as it had been over the previous 2 centuries. (With the whole of the common land known as Leverstock Green stretching up as far as High Street Green in a wide swathe – much still there today – on either side of what we today call Leverstock Green Road.)The rest of the land which is now occupied by the current green and The Horseshoe and surrounding roads, was until the late 1950’s part of Northend Farm.

The Village Green – Leverstock Green – as we know it today, (shown in approximation in pink on the map) was created in the late 1950’s, following a suggestion to the council from the landlady of The Leather Bottle, Mrs Olive Seabrook in 1953, and endorsed by many local residents.

The new legislation: The Commons Act,2006 states that:  anyone can apply to have land registered as a green if it has been used by local people for recreation ‘as of right’ (i.e. without permission, force or secrecy) for at least 20 years.  Our green would appear to fall into that category as it’s been in use continuously since before 1958. 

[For further information visit, 
and for the full details of the Act visit ]

Currently the Leverstock Green Cricket Club are seeking to have the rest of the green registered, as this was a requirement of their recently renewed lease for the pavilion. LGVA are doing everything we can to help them in this and to aid the speedy registration of the green.

an in-depth history of one village in Hertfordshire UK.