Close encounter : RED KITE SIGHTINGS
an in-depth history of one village in Hertfordshire UK.
Red Kite Sightings in Leverstock Green/
Hemel Hempstead Area

Close encounter

by Barbara Chapman on 07/14/15

Mid-afternoon on Sunday 12th June, two kites ( one chasing the other) flew low over my house and garden from the direction of Hobbs Hill Wood School's fields opposite. (Leverstock Green bordering on Bennetts End) I was working at my lap-top in the lounge and could see them clearly through the window.   This is not unusual, but on this occasion they were lower than is usually the case, and I could clearly see the colours and markings on their feathers in the few seconds I could see them through the window.

Barbara Chapman

Comments (1)

1. Barbara Le-Tallec said on 7/20/15 - 12:17AM
Saw this very tatty Kite this afternoon. I've cropped as close as I dare - he was very high. Not much left of him really!! Kite was over Longdean Pastures 3.40 pm and the Buzzard over Bunkers Open Space 5.55 pm

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©Barbara Le Tallec 

©Barbara Chapman

Please include the area (e.g. Leverstock Green/Nash Mills/Adeyfield/Hemel), time of day and the number of Red Kites seen together in your blog. If you managed to take a successful photograph and are happy for me to include it, please contact me by email, or via my FaceBook with the image, or contact me via this button,   with details and your email address, and I will get back to you so you can send the image to me. Copyright credit will be shown if posted.