NB. 1904 details are now to be found on a seperate webage: 1904

6th January 1903 - ANNUAL TEA & PRIZE GIVING - The yearly Sunday school tea was reported the following week in the Gazette: The annual New Year's tea which has been given for many years by Mr Davis of Well farm to the Sunday School children took place on Tuesday in the schoolroom.  Mr Davis extended his liberality this year by providing a huge Christmas tree, laden with most useful presents kindly given by the ladies of the parish.  After the children had partaken of a bountiful supply of cake, bread & butter tea etc. The vicar read out the names of those who had won prizes for diligence and attendance  in the school during the past year, Mrs Durrant presenting the prizes to the winners.  The Christmas tree was then illuminated and soon stripped of its decorations each person in the room receiving a present.  Hearty cheers were given by the children for Mr Davis and the ladies who had provided such a treat.  The singing of the National Anthem brought a very pleasant evening to a close. [Gazette 10th January 1903]

29th January  1903 - Not to be outdone, the children from the Baptist Sunday School held their "Scholars Tea" which was also later reported upon in the Gazette [Gazette 31st January 1903]

27th February 1903 - A brief notice appeared in the local paper concerning the Post Office's facilities: POST OFFICE For the convenience of residents the sub-post office at Leverstock Green will on and after 2nd March 1903 carry out Money Order, Postal Order, Savings Bank, Stock Investment and annuity & life Insurance business.  This will be a distinct boon to the residents.  Mr Sears has had his premises considerably enlarged to meet the requirement of the extension. [Gazette 27th February 1903]

25th February 1903 - On Thursday evening at  the Baptist Chapel a lecture was given by Mr  G Putnam of Canada illustrated with 67 lantern slides kindly lent by the Canadian High Commission before a crowded attendance...............The exceptionally fine views of  the towns, industries, and magnificent scenery of Canada were much enjoyed.  Votes of thanks to the lecturer and the chairman Mr. Alfred Orchard, closed the meeting." [Gazette 27th Feb 1903]

NB There was no note of HT vestry  meeting this Eastertide- however Hemel Hempstead vestry was largely reported on and was equally acrimonious!

2nd May 1903  -  The Gazette reported that Thomas Doult ( of Bennetts End) sued  John Ing for £4 18s 6d for goods supplied; Edgar Leno of Leverstock Green had 4 claims brought against him: Willima Messenger Boxmoor £1 1s, Walter Gentle, Bedmond £16, William Breed Abbots Langley, £16, , Woodman Bros. Hemel Hempstead £10.0s 4d  -judgement was given again Leno who did not appear at the court and he had to pay within 14 days.  [Gazette 2nd May 1903]

12thth May 1903 -  A fatal accident which had occurred the Tuesday before was reported.  The dead man, William Smith, had come from Wheathamsted to Corner Farm Leverstock Green to collect some horses bought by his master.  In attempting to ride one of the horses he fell off, and although OK at the time, later became ill.  The verdict showed him to have died of fatal obstructions due to a fall from a horse.  George Albert Finch of Corner Farm gave evidence at the inquest   [Gazette 16th May 1903]

16th May 1903 -William Field, a Hemel Hempstead resident known as Pheny, was turned out of the Masons Arms, Leverstock Green no less than three times because he was too drunk to be served.  He then quarrelled with the landlady and tried to get in again. Pc Perry was called and he took charge of Field, and Dr. Turner sent him to St. Albans for 10 days. [Gazette 14th May 2003]

20th June 1903  - At the Watford sessions, Lavenner Seabrook was summoned on a charge of cruelty to a horse by travelling it while it was unfit.  He was found guilty and fined £2 including costs. [Gazette 20th June 1903]

5th Sept 1903

Advert: Please not this was a hundred years before the novels by  J K Rowlings, and NOTHING todo with magic!

By order of the Mortgagees
Short notice of sale


Mr HC Potter is favoured 
with instructions to sell by auction on the 
above premises on FRIDAY SEPT 11TH 
1903 at 2pm sharp, THREE useful CART
HORSES, guaranteed good workers, three
Spring TIP CARTS, nearly new, two spring
Carts , with ladders and copses, three sets of
Nearly new strong cart harness, complete with
Wantees and reins, six head-stall halters, with 
Line and logs, six nose bags, two eight-bushel
Galvanised corn buns (new), stable stencils,, two
Large waterproof cart covers, eight patent
Chicken rearers, one cast iron manger and hay
Rack, one broadcast corn sower, one paring 
knife and potato moulder, one pair of three-feet
Portable millstones and gear complete, large
Galvanised cart shed, 18 ft by 12 ft, one dog 
kennel and puppy house with iron fencing, large 
Portable fowl-house on wheels, six poultry 
houses, wire netting and stakes, sundry harness
Sack barrow, two stepladders, iron wheelbarrow, 
one oat crusher, one roll of new barbed wire and
Numerous other effects
Further entries respectfully solicited for this 
sale not later than Sept 9th 1903.  Cata-
logues can be obtained on application to 
Auctioneer 48 London Road, Boxmoor, Herts.

10th October 1903 - Gazette  reported on both the Harvest festivals at the Chapel and the Church. HT had 3 morning services   Holy Communion at 7.30, and 9.45 and matins at 11.  The principle service seems to have been the 6.30 evening service  "very bright and hearty and attracted a large congregation"...."The offertories throughout the day amounted to £5 7s 3d  on behalf of West Herts. infirmary.

7th November 1903


Friday last was the anniversary of Leverstock Green parish Church.  Special services were held to mark the occasion viz Holy Communion at 7.30  9 o'clock and the latter being choral.  A public tea was given in the schoolroom at 4.30 by the following ladies of the parish: Mrs Durrant, Mrs beverage, Mrs Joseph Bailey, Mrs Dell, Mrs Leno, Miss Bennett and Miss Child. The room was well filled with parishioners, who after having enjoyed a good tea were entertained with music, songs and recitations by Mrs Beverage, Mrs Bailey, Mr w Dell and others. At 7.30 a full choral evening service was held in the church at which there was a large congregation.  The music was well rendered by the choir.  Mr F S Ward ( organist at Great Gaddesden) presiding at the organ. The organist, Mr Child being unable to be present having met with an accident. The Vicar intoned the prayers and the lessons were read by Rev RM Rossiter Vicar of Apsley, The Rev E P Anderson, Vicar of Kings Langley was also present.  The sermon was preached by the Rev George Edwards assistant diocesan missioner of St. Albans the Right Rev. H Darwin Burton, who was advertised to preach being unable to be present due to illness. The chancel had been prettily decorated for the occasion by Mrs Durrant and Mrs Bailey.  The offertories, together with the proceeds of the tea amounted to about £4 and were devoted to the Bishop of St. Albans fund. 

7th November  - Rick fire at Leverstock Green 

Last week a large rick of this year's clover was discovered to be alight on Mr R Little's farm at Westwick Hall.  Owing to the short supply of water if was of no use to send for the Hemel Hempstead fire brigade and the rick was allowed to burn itself out.  The cause of the outbreak is unknown.  Mr Little was insured in the Caledonian Office and his claim has been promptly settled.

  The mystery surrounding the discovery of the body of a man named Thomas Duburry, aged 60, a former landlord of  Three Horseshoe" Leverstock Green  n a pond by the roadside between Leverstock Green and Abbots Langley is till exciting the minds of residents on the neighbourhood.  No light on the question of how the deceased  got into the pond has yet been found and no definite evidence on that point was given before the Coroner Mr T J Broad and the jury at the inquest which was held at the Swan Inn Pimlico.  The jury returned an open verdict of Found drowned.  At the inquest Linda Freeman, the deceased housekeeper said that his eyesight was bad and he used to be bewildered.  Jon Duburry, brother of the deceased identified the body.  Sidney Solesbury of the Swan stated that about 9 55 p.m. on the Saturday in question he was told that deceased had not got home.  He left witness's place at 5.30 Witness lit two lanterns and went out with others.  Deceased was found faced downwards in a pond by the roadside.  Arthur Romsey was with the  lads witness corroborated.  Dr. Ellamy stated that the appearance of the body was consistent with death by drowning.
ion of Miss Ellworthy were residents of Leverstock Green.  Some refreshments were kindly given by Miss Bailey were much appreciated for the moderate prices charged.  Mrs.. Wright and Mrs. Dell who dispensed them, being kept very busy.  The profits amounted to £1 4s 7 ½d exclusive of £2 collected by Mrs.. Bailey.  It is proposed to hold the next concert on December 31st, the proceeds to be devoted to a Parish Room Fund, a subscription list for which is to be opened shortly.

Thursday December 31st 1903 -  the children attending the Leverstock Green  Sunday School & their teachers sat down to a sumptuous tea which was kindly given by Mr W Davis of the Well Farm, who has for the last 20   years remembered the children in this form. He also provided a Christmas tree, which had been tastefully decorated with useful presents by Miss Bennett, Mrs Durrant and other ladies of the parish and friends.  At the close of the evening three cheers were given for Mr. Davis for his kindness in providing this treat. [Gazette Jan 16th 1904]
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