This page was last updated on: June 10, 2015
1905 - A photograph from about this time shows the Baptist Chapel and the old village school quite clearly.  Bedmond Road was fairly narrow, with a small verge in front of Sibley's Orchard and the walls forming the boundaries between the properties and the road.  
1905 – Repairs to the Masters House at Leverstock Green School became necessary. [HALS: D/Emd/28]

18th January 1905 - The following report appeared in the Hemel Hempstead Gazette  for Saturday 21st January 1905: 

SCHOOL TREAT: On  Wednesday of last week the children attending the Church Sunday Schools were entertained to a tea and Xmas Tree.  For many years past a New Year tea has been given by the late Mr.. W. Davis of Well Farm.  This year his two daughters (Mrs... Lloyd and Mrs... Stowe) very kindly offered to continue this good work and a very substantial tea was provided by those two ladies in the School room which the children healthily appreciated.  This event was also made the occasion for giving away the prizes carried by the scholars during the past year.  The prizes were handed to each recipient by Mrs... Durrant.  Afterwards a huge Christmas tree very prettily dressed with useful presents which were given by various ladies of the parish was stripped and presents given to every child and adult in the room.  Hearty cheers to the various donors brought a very pleasant evening to a close.  [Gazette 21.01.1905] 
Friday February 3rd 1905 - A concert, one of a series, was given in Leverstock Green Schoolroom.  The following report, followed by a list of the program appeared in the Gazette the following day:
On Friday evening a highly successful entertainment was given in the schoolroom.  Mr.. W.C. Child presided.  The room was uncomfortably packed many having to stand in the lobby. The Chairman in opening the proceedings said it was the third concert of the season and judging by the number present the entertainments were popular.  The Committee had been fortunate in securing some of the best local talent and some of the performers had appeared in the Town Hall and Boxmoor Hall and he hoped that someday they would be invited to Leverstock Green Hall. (Applause)....... (There followed the program of events, which if printed I imagine may have looked as shown.)..........At the close a vote of thanks was proposed to the performers, which was accorded by hearty cheers.
Pianoforte selection: Mr.. Ward
Song: Miss Baker 
Glee: Miss Bailey, Miss Cox & Mrs.. Balderson
Recitation: Mr.. W. Dell
Song: Mr.. Waters
Comic song: Mr.. Porter
Song: Miss Cole
Duet: Mrs.. Sears (violin) & Mr.. Dell (mandolin)
Comic song: Mr.. W. Seabrook
Recitation: Mr.. Plowman
Pianoforte selection:  Miss Balderson
Comic song: Mr.. Waters
Song: Miss Cox
Comic song: Mr.. Porter
Humorous sketch: Paddy's Mistake
John Ledger, a young tradesman about to get married -  Mr.. C. Ingham
Tom Jones, his old schoolfellow - Mr.. Plowman
Thomas Seedily, a poor debtor - Mr.. Sears
Paddy Macarty, servant to Mr.. Ledger -  Mr.. W. Dell
Miss Mary Cauthlin ,J.L.'s intended -  Miss Sears
Mary Latherit , a washerwoman -  Miss Leno

Wednesday 15th March 1905 - An auction of surplus stock belonging to the Leverstock & Acorn Red Brick Co.. was held.  For the previous month the following advert had appeared in the Gazette  from February 11th 1905 through to March 11th 1905 inclusively  for the auction
Messers Robinson & Mead are favoured with instructions from the Leverstock Green and Acorn Red Brick Co.. (owing to expiration of lease) to sell by Auction on Wednesday March 15th 1905 at one o’clock SURPLUS STOCK & PLANT including about 100,000 GREY BRICKS, moulded and panel bricks, red ridges, drain tiles, ornamental and plain chimney tops, large quantity of flower pots, vases and stands, rhubarb and kale pots, 3 HORSE VERTICAL ENGINE AND BOILER,  two pug mills, ridge tile and pipe making machine, clay strainer, potters’ wheels, brick cart and barrows and other Brickmaking plant etc..

May be viewed and Catalogue obtained off the Foreman of the Yard at the offices of the Company at Bennetts End and off the Auctioneers 66 Marlowes Hemel Hempstead.

N.B. The Business of the Company will continue to be carried out at the Acorn Brickworks Bennetts End as before.

18th March 1905 - The following announcement heralding the installation of telephones, was made in The Hemel Hempstead Gazette :

PURSUANT TO THE PROVISION OF THE TELEGRAPH ACT 1863-1904 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that His Majesty’s Postmaster General having obtained the consent in that behalf of the bodies having control of the public roads between HEMEL HEMPSTEAD POST OFFICE & LEVERSTOCK GREEN POST OFFICE  via Christchurch Road and St. Albans Road intends to place a telegraph  over and along the said public roads and for that purpose to erect and maintain posts in and upon the said public roads under the powers confirmed on him by the Telegraph Acts above mentioned.


General Post Office
   7th March 1905
[Gazette 18th March 1905]

Friday March 24th 1905 - A sale took place at Hill Farm of some of the stock which had belonged to Matthew Leno Senior.  The following advert had appeared in the Gazette  of the previous week:
Forthcoming Sales by Messers Woodman & Son

MESSERS WOODMAN & SON are favoured with instructions from the Executors of the late Mr.. Matthew Leno  to sell by auction on THE PREMISES on FRIDAY MARCH 24TH 1905 at 1 o’clock for 2 o’clock FIVE COWS, COW CALF, TWO SOWS with PIGS, COB & SPRING CART, various implements, 11 qrs. BARLEY 50 PHEASANTS, the PHEASANT APPLIANCES, KEEPERS HOUSE, and various huts also a RICK OF HAY & STUMP OF BARLEY STRAW.
[Gazette 18th March 1905]
25th March 1905 - The Gazette for this date reported a successful Liberal Party meeting held in the Schoolroom Leverstock Green.  The chairman was Mr. Swinney. [Gazette 25th March 1905]

Saturday 8th April 1905 - The Liberal Party Van which was making a tour in mid Hertfordshire visited the village and an interesting meeting was held. [Gazette 15th April 1905]

14th April 1905 - The Boxmoor Trustees met  at the Town Hall to deliver Pasture Tickets to those members entitled to them.  This included residents in Leverstock Green within the old Hemel Hempstead parish boundary. [Gazette 8th April 1905]

15th April 1905 -  The following announcement was made on page 5 of the Hemel Hempstead Gazette:

WHIT-MONDAY It is proposed to hold a grand fete and athletic sports meeting at Leverstock Green on Whit Monday in aid of the proposed new Parish Room.  A committee has been appointed and it is hoped that the people of the surrounding district will assist the promoters in their endeavours to make the venture a success. [Gazette 15th April 1905]

In the same paper on page 4, and also in the paper for the following four weeks was the following advert:
In aid of  New Parish Room

[Gazette 29th April, May 6th, May 13th, May 20th 1905]

Holy Week & Easter 1905 (End of April)  -  During Holy Week itself  lantern  services were held in the Church conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. Arthur Durrant. Mr. W.W. Sears manipulated the lantern. [Gazette 29th April 1905]

Easter Monday 1905 - The following report was given of Holy Trinity’s Vestry, i.e. the equivalent of today’s AGM of the Parochial Church Council:
EASTER VESTRY - On Easter Monday the annual vestry was held in the schoolroom.  The Churchwarden’s accounts were presented and passed showing an expenditure of  £52 16s 1½d with  a good balance to carry forward.  The Vicar appointed Mr. Arthur Seabrook as his warden and the Vestry appointed Mr. W.C. Child as Parish Warden.  The sidesmen were elected “en-bloc”.  Mr. W.W. Sears to represent the parish at the rural-decanal conference.  Mr. Joseph Bailey proposed a vote of thanks to all the church officers for their services during the past year and this was carried.  [Gazette 29th April 1905]
6th May 1905 - Preliminary notices appeared in The Hemel Hempstead Gazette  advertising the sale by auction of the brickfields at Woodlane End, and Tile Kiln Farm:
Preliminary Notice
MESSERS ROBINSON & MEAD are favoured with instructions from the executors of the late Mr.. D. Norris to sell by auction AT AN EARLY DATE  all the valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY known as the Leverstock Green Brickfields and situate in WOOD LANE END HEMEL HEMPSTEAD together with 8 semi-detached cottages adjoining, the whole containing an area of 3 ¾ acres and being of an estimated annual value of £100.
Further particulars will appear in future adverts.

Preliminary Notice
MESSERS ROBINSON & MEAD are instructed by the Proprietors to sell by auction  AT AN EARLY DATE all that valuable ACCOMMODATION FARM known as Tile Kiln Farm  SITUATED IN Bennetts End  Hemel Hempstead together with the DETACHED COTTAGE  adjoining.
13th May 1905 -  The following account of a wedding in Leverstock Green appeared in the Gazette:
 An extremely pretty wedding took place at the parish church of Holy Trinity Leverstock Green.  
The contracting parties being Mr. Herbert Doggett, only son of M G Doggett who for many years has been sexton and Parish Clerk, and Miss Maud Seabrook of Leverstock Green.  The Vicar, the Rev. Arthur Durrant performed the ceremony, and the service was fully choral.  There was a large congregation of villagers to witness the event and much interest was evinced in the proceedings.  
The bride was attired in a charming gown, the gift of her aunt and godmother.  The presents were formed a handsome and useful collection numbered upwards of 50. 
[Gazette 13th May 1905]
Front row, second left - Jane Seabrook (Maud's sister), then Herbert, Maude, Doss Steers (nee Seabrook), one of Maude's grandmothers.
Middle row, from left - Walter Seabrook (??), Mary Doggett (with blemish on photo, sorry to say), George Doggett, Lydia Seabrook (Maude's mum) and then Reuben (but note no buttonhole), then perhaps the other grandmother.
Back row - no positive identities but the extreme right may be Walter Seabrook.

Wednesday 17th May 1905 - Anniversary services were held in the Baptist Chapel Bedmond Road. The Rev. C.B. Sawdrey, assistant pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle gave what were described as interesting sermons in the afternoon and evening.  Both services were well attended and the collections were in aid of the Church funds. [Gazette 20th May 1905]

Thursday 25th May 1905 - An auction was held at the Kings Arms Hotel in Hemel Hempstead  to sell the Leverstock Green brickfields at Woodlane End and  also Tile Kiln Farm together with what is now known as Tile Kiln Cottage.  It is reasonable to assume from the entries in Kelley's Directory for 1908, that although the purchaser of Tile Kiln Farm at the auction was J Knox-Hart, he shortly sold it on to Mr. W. Bessant, who we know had taken possession before 1907.  The following is the advert  which appeared  in the Gazette for May  20th.
   Sales by Auction
Valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY comprising THE LEVERSTOCK GREEN BRICKFIELDS & POTTERIES, with foreman's house, stabling, kilns, & other buildings & EIGHT BRICK & TILED COTTAGES the whole containing an area of 3a 2r 0p and being of the ANNUAL VALUE OF £100 for sale by Auction by Messers Robinson & Mead in conjunction with Messers SPAIN & SON of the KINGS ARMS HOTEL HEMEL HEMPSTEAD  at 4 o'clock, by order of the persons entitled under the will of the late Mr.. D. Norris in ONE of two lots.
This valuable property is situated about a mile from the Midland Railway Station Hemel Hempstead  and within easy reach of St. Albans, Dunstable, Luton etc.. and its nearness to town and other advantages make the property very suitable for use as a FRUIT or POULTRY FARM, ACCOMMODATION PURPOSES or for the occupation of a Dealer.
A VALUABLE ACCOMMODATION FARM known as TILE KILN FARM containing an area of 52a 3r 37p and the adjoining DETACHED COTTAGE for Sale by Auction by Messers Robinson & Mead at THE KINGS ARMS HOTEL HEMEL HEMPSTEAD THURSDAY MAY 25TH at 4 o'clock by order of the proprietors
This desirable property is situate about 2½ miles from Boxmoor Station and 1½ miles from the town and station of Hemel Hempstead .  It is well timbered, has good views and forms a most enjoyable site for a  GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE, while some parts of the farm are believed to contain 1st class brickearth.
The property is in hand, and Possession will be given on completion of Purchase.

Thursday 25th May 1905 - The auction of the Leverstock Green Brickfield and Tile Kiln Farm took place, resulting in the farmland being purchased by Leverstock Green Framer John Knox Hart.  The following is the write-up from the Gazette of the following Saturday:

There was a large and interested company at the Kings Arms Hemel Hempstead  on Thursday on the occasion of an important sale by Messers  Robinson & Mead.
In a few introductory remarks the auctioneer (Mr. I.G.Mead) who was selling in conjunction with Messers Spain & Sons observed that the property had been in the  occupation of the Leverstock Green  & Acorn Red Brick Co.. whose lease was expiring.  He felt certain that the premises could be quickly let, the situation  being so near to the town of Hemel Hempstead  and just the sort of property to suit a man who wanted small holding.
The first lot introduced was the land foreman's house and building known as the Leverstock Green  Brickfields and Potteries situated in  Wood Lane End Hemel Hempstead.  The property had considerable frontage to Wood Lane End  and contains an area of 3 acres.  Lot two contains an area of  ½ acre and of an estimated annual value of £20 per annum.  The  whole was first put up on one lot and was started at £500.  Biddings advanced steadily to £810 at which ridiculously small figure the whole was knocked down to Mr. Gentle of St. Albans.
Mr. Mead then submitted the very desirable accommodation farm known as Tile Kiln Farm situated in Bennetts End  and containing an area of 52a. 3r. 37p together  with the homestead.  Bidding commenced at £1000 and increased to £1400 by bids of £100.  Then smaller sums took the price to £1500 when the auctioneer decided to add the next lot with it.  This consisted of a detached cottage adjoining lot one with large productive garden.  The whole was then started at £1525 and then rose to £1750. Mr. J.K. Hart  of Leverstock Green becoming the purchaser at this figure.  [Gazette 27th May 1905]
10th June 1905 - It is to be wondered what the residents of Leverstock Green felt about the behaviour of their village Policeman PC Hawkins, who appeared to have served a summons on his next door neighbour with no clear motive other than perhaps to annoy had cause him some expense.  The Gazette recorded the event as follows:
"A LOVE LETTER" - At St. Albans Sessions Robert William Wright of Leverstock Green was summoned for keeping a dog without a license.  Defendant, who pleaded not guilty, was represented by Mr. E.P. Debenham. PC Hawkins said he called at defendants house and saw two dogs on the premises.  Defendant had only one license, and he had said he had given one of the dogs to Mr. Turnley, but it came back.  Cross examined: Witness lived next door to defendant and frequently saw him.  He knew the dog had been disposed of and kept coming back.  When the summons was served he admitted calling it "A love letter".  The case was dismissed!  [Gazette 10th June 1905]
Whit Monday, 12th June 1905  - The first major fete and sports to be held in Leverstock Green  took  place on the meadow behind the school.  The intention was to raise money for the Parish Room (as well as having a great time.)  It must have been great fun to have been there, and I suspect the atmosphere would have been somewhat electric, particularly when the home team won  the Tug of War at the end of the afternoon.  Local worthies and trades people from Hemel Hempstead as well as Leverstock Green were asked to contribute money or gifts for the prizes - a practice still carried on over 90 years later when local firms etc.. are approached to supply prizes for our Grand Raffle held to coincide with the Village Fete.  The prizes were a little unusual in that they were extremely generous, and presumably they reflected not only the importance placed on the event by the local community, but also an attempt to persuade others from outside the village to partake.    This is the extensive write-up given to the event in the Hemel Hempstead Gazette:   


For many years the need of a Parish Room for the little village has been felt, and never more keenly was this the case than during last winter, when a series of entertainment's were arranged for which the schoolroom accommodation proved altogether inadequate.  For several months now there has been a fund for the purpose of raising an amount with which to cover the cost of building a parish room suitable for all the requirements of the village, and with the laudable object in view of assisting the fund, a holiday programme was arranged for Whit Monday.
The event took place in a field near the church, kindly lent for the occasion.  There was a capital attendance during the afternoon including many from Hemel Hempstead  and the neighbourhood, but doubtless the number, which was about 600, would have been greatly exceeded had the weather been more favourable.  However great success was achieved, and it is hoped that a substantial amount will be handed over as a result of this venture.
The organisers who formed themselves into a committee, with Mr. B.P.Eykin   as President. were very enthusiastic and they are to be warmly congratulated on the success of their initial effort.  The proceedings commenced at about  o’clock, the Hemel Hempstead Drum & Fife Band having marched to the ground.  During the afternoon an interesting item was a series of Maypole dances  and drills under the direction of Mrs.. Ford, and in this the children who took part performed very creditably and gained hearty applause.  Another amusing part of the proceedings was the futile attempts at reaching the top of a lengthy greasy pole for he prize of a ham, but in the end James Fossey was successful.
Of the sports the obstacle race provided the greatest amusement, whilst the slow cycle race also caused excitement.  On the whole the flat races were very good.  In the evening the prizes were distributed by Mrs.. Durrant to whom a vote of thanks was passed and cheers given at the call of Mr. W.W.Sears.  The Rev A. Durrant suitable replied.  The officials were Messrs W. Wright, A. Seabrook, W.W.Sears, W.Dell, C.A. Ingham, A. Mears, H. Cooper & W.A. Sears, whilst several others kindly assisted in the ground management.  Refreshments were provided on the ground by Mr. Westwell of Cheapside Bakery .
Amongst the numerous body of gentlemen present were the mayor of Hemel Hempstead  (Alderman Maitland Thompson) the town clerk of Hemel Hempstead (Mr Lovel Smeathman), Messrs E H Woodman (Woodman & Sons) J K Hart, J Bailey, W Saunders, W H How,, A. Marnham, W.H.Lavers , W.H.Bailey, H.A. Richardson, B.P. Eykin, H.H.How, J.Bennett, W.E. Bailey, H.J. Sanders, A.J.Chennells, W. Floyd, E.A Mitchell-Innes, A. Hall, W. Beckley, E.R. Thomas, W. Reeves, N. Micklem, .........Warren, J. Kimich , H. Anderson, H. Flint, Mrs... Ellworthy, and the Misses Varney.

The results were:-

100 flat handicap (boys under 12): 1. E. Wykes, silver watch chain; 2. Walter, knife; 3. Wright, cricket bat & bat and trap.

100 flat handicap (for men): 1. Perry, cruet; 2. Biggs, butter dish; 3. Bateman, cigarette case.

One mile cycle handicap: 1. Spencer, butter dish; 2. Neal, cycle lamp; 3. Wilson, cruet.

Skipping comp. (girls under 15) 1. S. Ford, plush case; 2.  B. Cooper, book; 3.  C. Peploe, plush case.

Obstacle Race: 1.  Reynolds, teapot; 2.  Matthews, half doz. knives; 3. Jerdon, silver mounted walking stick.

One Mile Flat Handicap: 1. Cox, pair of solid silver trays; 2. Biggs, case of razors, 3. Taylor, silver cup.

Egg & Spoon Race: 1. S. Leno, plush case, 2. G. Sears, 3. E. Wykes, brooch.

Slow Cycle Race 1.  W. Seabrook, decanter, 2.  G. Sears, chased silver cup; 3.  Porter, silver match box.

120 Yards  Hurdle Handicap: 1. G. Sears, carvers; 2.  F. Young, gold pin; 3. J. Lovell, knife.

100 Yards Handicap (for men over 40):  1.  Cook, half a sack of flour; 2.  Millmar, silver mounted pipe, 3.  Perkins, duck.

Sack Race: 1.  R. Cowley, timepiece; 2. W. Latchford, silver match stand; 3. Latchford,  cigarette case.

Half Mile Consolation Race: 1.  Hosier 5s; 2. Taylor 2s 6d.

100 Yards Childrens Race: 1. Lawford, cake; 2. Hart, half a cake; 3.  Durrant, half a cake.

TUG OF WAR -  Between Leverstock Green and Band. Winning Team Leverstock Green. Prizes; Briar pipe each.
[Gazette  17th June 1905]  

15th July 1905 - From a report in the Gazette it would seem likely that some of the local high spirited lads in the area had been playing pranks! 

Some curious and unexplained events at Leverstock Green this week have caused people to be alarmed.  A night y or two ago  a villager breathlessly arrived home declaring that he had seen a ghost.  A small party immediately set out armed with pokers and sticks, and they too it is said saw the figure of a man, clothed in white, near the wood.  They eventually became so much alarmed that they fled homewards.  The next  evening a young man told the story that he had collided with “the ghost”, but neither was hurt.  The white object vanished and the young man “saw stars” for a few minutes, so frightened was he, and consequently he could not see in which direction the ghost went.  There are rumours of an all night party being formed, as many of the villagers are afraid to leave their homes after dusk.  [Gazette 15th July 1905]  
24th June 1905 - The Gazette reported that: 

TELEGRAPH FACILITIES:- The local post office is now open for the transmission and receipt of telegraphs from 8 to 8 on weekdays and from 8 to 10 am on Sundays.  The service should be a distinct boon to the neighbourhood.  [Gazette 24th June 1905]
19th July 1905 – An outline specification for necessary repairs to the school master’s house, Bedmond Road was drawn up.  The actual outline specification report is a very bulky document dated July 19th 1905 and with lots of alterations – it looked as if it was written on the spot!
Masters House – Lower Bedmond Road

Take down the whole of the ceiling.  Strengthen joists by the addition of a 6’ x 4” builder relath width and half and Recide float set and whiten floats.

Take out and renew decayed cill and frame of side window.  Repair the iron window frame and repair and refix and lead lights and renew the window board.

Renew the lathing and planking of stanchion of iron window.  Take out quarries, refit the frames, repair and refit the quarries and put on the iron striking plate to latch

Provide and set 18”Regulation stove pc 15/-

Strip \and paper walls of paper and clean down and pt old woodwork 2 coats and new woodwork 3 coats after priming.

Back Bedroom:

Take down cills and relath and a half render float and set & whiten 2 floats.

Take down defective dado rails and make good plank.

The report then continued this vein for 15 pages!  Work noted as necessary included replacing the kitchen boiler for 80/- & lowering the kitchen floor and replacing it with a concrete floor.  All the windows seemed to be in need of replacing or at least repairing, all wallpaper through the house needed stripping and replacing and most doors also needed replacing.

There was then a list of similar work need to the extension to the house and the school, which included removing the roof of the house.  Even the coal house & WC (outside presumably) needed its roof replacing! The coal house itself was to be demolished and rebuilt.

The school buildings were obviously divided into Infants, Boys and Girls schools.  One other major item to be undertaken was the removal of a gallery in the Boys school.   (If this is the same gallery, then it was not removed until Oct 1916!!!  See entry for 31st October 1916).

The list of repairs was so long I AM SURPRISED THAT it was not condemned at that point, rather than staggering on until the 1930’s. [HALS: D/Emd/28 – repairs to Masters house 1905]

28th July 1905 – The following letter was sent by Rev Arthur Durrant to the County Surveyor, Mr. Urban Smith.  The hand-writing itself was somewhat scrappy and unclear.
Dear Sir,

In reply to your letter with the specification of repairs to Leverstock Green schools.

At the meeting of the managers this morning, it was decided to ask you to communicate with the County Council Surveyor,  Mr Urban Smith   as to the repairs and come to a settlement with him if possible as to what shall be done.  Stating if necessary that we are able to spend about £89, and if necessary to go as far as £100. – This would involve raising money by subscription.

We wish to meet the County Council’s views in a friendly spirit and trust they will not put more burden on them than we can bear.

I may say, as I explained to the managers this morning, that I have since seeing Mr French written to the Clerk of the CC again asking him to let me know what repairs would satisfy them - saying also that we did not contemplate doing any structural work & so did not send plans such as they have asked for in their previous letters to me.

I shall be away from home for some weeks and my address will be Priors Mount, Great Malvern.  Mr J K Hart, Leverstock Green Farm, will as a manager be willing to be refurred to about the repairs, should you want to see anyone on the spot about these matters

Yours very truly  (Yrs vy truly)

Arthur Durrant.

[HALS: D/Emd/28 – repairs to Masters house 1905]

week of 24th August 1905 – The Gazette reported the death of Leverstock Green born dwarf “Charles Cole” in the Hemel Hempstead Union Infirmary aged 44.  Cole was 2 feet and 9 inches tall.  A report read “He commenced travelling as a prodigy at the age of 22 and was for many years with Wombwell’s Menagerie.
After this he went on tour with Albert Brough, the celebrated tall man and the two were engaged by hotel proprietors in most of the big towns in England as “The Long and Short of It”.

Little Charles Cole also travelled over much of the world and was proud to say he had been in every town of importance in England.  He began to get ill at the turn of the century, and it was said that he was taken advantage of, being robbed and swindled out of much of his earnings.  Returning to Hemel Hempstead he was sais to be bright and cheerful company during his final years.

He was a heavy smoker.  I recent months he had been subject to fits and it was the effects of an attack that resulted in his death the previous Saturday.  [Gazette, August 24th 1905]

29th August 1905 -The son of Matthew Leno (deceased) of Cox Farm, who had been an extremely well respected member of both the Leverstock Green and Hemel Hempstead communities, applied through the St. Albans Bankruptcy Court to have himself made a bankrupt. The headlines in the Gazette gave little scope for him or other members of the family to keep the matter to themselves.

At the present time Mr. Leno was publican of the Rose & Crown  PH  in Leverstock Green , and he had formerly been a farmer at Westwick Row Farm for 17 years.  His liabilities ran to £1,153 13s 1d, with assets of only £122 7s 6d.  Mr. Leno had taken over the Rose & Crown on November 15th  1904, having given up Westwick Row Farm in September 1904.  He had not been able to keep on the farm and his effects, including furniture had been sold under distress for rent.  Mr. Leno gave evidence that he had at the time been led to believe that the Rose & Crown would be a good living.  It had cost him £75 to take over the pub, with an annual rent of £10. He held the pub on a monthly tenancy but had never seen an agreement.  He went on to add that trade had been poor.  The examination of  the case was adjourned. [Gazette Sept. 2nd 1905]

15th September 1905  - An auction at Hill End Farm took place after Mr.. A. Duncombe Esq. had instructed the auctioneer Mr.. William Young to sell various live and dead farming stock including:

 “12 head of horned stock
2 cart horses
1 Pony & Trap
   “220 Head of Poultry”  
[Gazette 2nd September 1905]  

14th October 1905 - George Taylor from Leverstock Green  was up before the Divisional court in St. Albans charged with using a gun for the purposes of killing a partridge (i.e. poaching) in the Pimlico area.  Initially the case was adjourned as Mr.. Taylor, attempted to create an alibi, despite the evidence of a witness for the prosecution who said he had seen the defendant shoot the partridge.  The defendant claimed to live at Bennetts End, being a brickmaker in the employ of Mr.. Doult, and said he had been in the Three Horseshoes PH at the time the offence occurred.  He called a witness to say he’d seen him outside The Plough.  However the bench decided against him and he was found guilty.  The Gazette made sure everyone knew of the verdict by using the following headlines:

[Gazette 14th Oct. 1905]

14th October 1905 - The License for the Rose & Crown was reported in the Gazette as having been transferred from Matthew Leno to George Edward Wood at the Watford Petty Sessions.  The Chairman of the bench commented on how frequently they seem to have transferred the license to the pub; and apparently at one stage it was considered whether or not there were too many licenses premises in the village. Because the village was divided between the three areas of jurisdiction, no one area appeared to have too many licenses granted.  However, it would appear o the evidence of  the bankruptcy proceedings against Matthew Leno that there might be a problem over the amount of trade.  The Magistrates granted the license to George Wood as he was reputed to have an excellent character, but ensured he was aware of the potential problems.  [Gazette 14th Oct. 1905]

4th November 1905 An auction of live and dead farm stock which had belonged to  the late Mr.. Little was took place at Westwick Hall Farm. [Gazette 4th Nov. 1905

23rd  December 1905 - The following advert appeared in the Gazette:
will be held in the above school
In Aid of the Parish Room Fund
Admission 1s            REFRESHMENTS
Tickets can be obtained from the following:
Messrs W.Dell, C.A.Ingham, A.Seabrook,  W.A. Sears, H. Cooper, 
A.Mears, W.W. Sears, & W.Wright Hon. Secretary

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