5th May - 19th May 1906 - the following advert appeared in the Hemel Hempstead gazette for the forthcoming fete:
Athletic events etc..
In aid of the New Parish Room Fund.
4th June 1906 - The second annual village fete and sports was held in aid of the parish room. The following write-up appeared in the Gazette the following Saturday:
Beautiful weather prevailed at Leverstock Green on Whit Monday on the occasion of the second annual sports in aid of the Parish Room Fund. For many years the need of a Parish Room suitable for all the requirements of the village has been keenly felt and for a considerable time now there has been a fund for the purpose of raising an amount with which to cover the cost of a building with adequate accommodation. With the laudable object in view of assisting this fund a capital programme of athletic sports was arranged for Whit Monday of last year and after the success achieved on that occasion it was decided to repeat the venture again this year. The event took place on a field by the church lent by Mr.. D. Walters for the occasion. There was a large attendance in the afternoon, including a great number from the Hemel Hempstead neighbourhood. Great success was achieved and it is hoped that a substantial addition to the funds will be handed over as a result of this the second venture. The organisers who formed themselves into a committee, were very enthusiastic and are to be warmly congratulated upon the excellence of the arrangements.
The proceedings commenced about 3 o'clock, the Dickinson's silver band being already on the ground. One of the most interesting items during the afternoon was a series of Maypole dances and drills by the school children under the jurisdiction of Mrs... Ford and those taking part performed very creditably gaining hearty applause. Another prominent part in the proceedings and one which caused most amusement was the greasy pole and the attempts art reaching the top for the prize of a ham. Of the sports the obstacle race provided a deal of laughter, whilst the slow cycle race also raised excitement. On the whole all the sports were well carried out the flat races being exceptionally good. The results of the races were as follows:
100 yards flat handicap (boys under 12): 1.J Anderson (alarm clock) ; 2. K F Bailey (book); 3. R Bowers (pocket knife)
100 yards flat handicap (for men): 1. H. Sears (cruet) 2. R. Rogers (biscuit barrel); 3.L.Tidey (salts) The race was well run, Sears coming in with 3 yards before Rogers who was but a short distance in front of the third man.
One mile cycle handicap: 1 G. Spencer (sardine dish); 2. E. Matthews (cycle lamp) ; 3. G. Dawson (military brushes)
Skipping comp. (girls under 15) 1. E. Durrant (book); 2. E. Daniels (book) 3. B.Cooper (postcard album)
Obstacle Race: 1. W.Baker (silver tea set); 2. L.Tidey (biscuit barrel); 3. T.Raggett (razor and strap).
Egg & Spoon Race: 1. S.Ford (case of three scents), 2. O. Seabrook (case of two scents), 3. S. Leno (glove case).
Slow Cycle Race 1. A. Neal (ice-jar), 2. D.Spencer (cycle lamp); 3. W. Seabrook (cycle pump)
One Mile Flat Handicap: 1. E. Matthews (silver cup); 2.F.Taylor (cycle lamp), 3.S.Perry (sugar basin)
Relay Race for Ladies, !. N.Barnes (scent) 2. S.Leno (mincing machine) 3. L. Durrant (blotter)
120 Yards Hurdle Handicap: 1. R.Rogers (silver teapot); 2. L.Tidey (cruet); 3. S.Perry (carving knife and forks).
300 Yards Handicap (for men over 40): 1. W.W.Sears (shaving outfit); 2. W.G.Cook (pipe in case)
1 mile walking handicap 1. J. Sells (clock) 2. A. Ploughman (cigarette case) 3. F.Young (smokers companion)
The prize for the climbing of the greasy pole was secured by James Fossey, the first one to attempt the performance, who succeeded in gaining the ham ion 18 minutes. A rather amusing point in this was when the competitor reached the top of the pole and took hold of the trophy he found it was tied on too tightly, and so he came down and obtained a ladder, with the aid of which the prize was cut down.
A tug of war concluded the sports and this event was between the sports committee and the band. The committee won the event, the prizes for the same being a brier pipe each.
In the evening Mrs... Durrant distributed the prizes. The Rev. Durrant said he felt a deep debt of gratitude towards the committee who had made all the arrangements for their afternoon's enjoyment. He was sure Mrs... had found it an honour to present the prizes.
At the conclusion of the presentation a vote of thanks was passed and cheers given for Mr.. & Mrs... Durrant at the call of W.W.Sears and Mr.. W. Wright. The remainder of the evening was devoted to dancing and a battle of confetti, a most enjoyable gathering finally breaking up with the National Anthem.
The committee was comprised of Messrs W.Wright (hon. Sec.); A. Seabrook, W.Dell; W.W.Sears; A.Mears; B.Sears; and H.Cooper whilst several others kindly assisted in the general arrangements. Refreshments were provided on the ground by Me. Westell of Cheapside Bakery.
21st July 1906 - The following advert appeared in the Hemel Hempstead Gazette :
Mr.W.Dorant will sell by auction on Monday July 23rd 1906 at 2 o'clock
on the premises as above by direction of the owners, excellent NEARLY NEW FURNITURE
and outdoor effects. Covered Mahogany suite, Brussels Carpets and Rugs,
fine tuned Harmonium, Curved & Plate Glass Sideboard, Sewing Machine,
work table, set of tapestry cushions, excellent village car, Winchester rifle,
New cart cover, Ladies bicycle, Kitchen utensils etc..
Catalogue off Mr.. W.Dorant, Estate Agent St. Albans.
25th August 1906 - The following brief article concerning the Parish Room Fund appeared in the Hemel Hempstead Gazette:
THE PARISH ROOM FUND:- The Committee have been much encouraged by a communication from Messrs J. Dickinson & Co.. to the effect that they will give a donation of £25 towards the Parish Room Building Fund immediately the work has been commenced. The villagers generally speak in the most appreciative terms of the Apsley firm's generosity. The fund has now reached the total of £100.
It would be interesting to know whether this donation was ever made, as the Parish Room was not opened until December 1920.
Saturday 22nd September 1906 - The wedding took place at Holy Trinity between Montague Latchford and Elizabeth Brigginshaw, both of Leverstock Green. [Gazette 29th Sept. 1906]
Sunday 23rd September 1906 - At the Harvest Festival held at Holy Trinity a collection of £3. 0s. 6d was made for the West Hertfordshire Infirmary.
[Gazette 29th September 1906]
26th September 1906 - Dorothy Mary Durrant, fourth child of the Rev. Arthur Durrant and his wife Alice was born at Leverstock Green. Sadly she was to die tragically at the age of 26 in 1933. (See entry for September 15th 1933) [S300]
Tuesday 3rd November 1906 - Dedication services were held at Holy Trinity to mark the 56th anniversary of the consecration of the Church. The following is from the Gazette:
DEDICATION FESTIVAL:- The 56th anniversary of the dedication of the Church was celebrated on Tuesday when special services were held as follows:- Holy Communion 7.30. choral celebrations 9 and festival service at 7.30. At the latter special music was given, the officiating clergy were the Dean of St. Albans who preached an instructive and appreciated sermon from the words "Ye also shall bear witness to me." The Rev. W.T.T. Drake read the first lesson and Rev. A.H. Parrett the second. The prayers were intoned by the Vicar (Rev. Arthur Durrant) and the Rev. E.J.Gallop. The anthem was What are these (Stainer), the Magnificat and Nunc Demitus were also by the same composer. The novelty of the service was the introduction of a cornet in the processional hymn (Hail Festival Day) which was very sweetly played by Mr.. Rhodes of Hemel Hempstead.
Owing to the heavy rain there was not a very large congregation.
4th November 1906 - Dorothy Mary Durrant, daughter of the Rev. Arthur Durrant and his wife Alice, was baptised in Holy Trinity Church.
Saturday 24th November 1906 In the Hemel Hempstead Gazettes of 1905 & 1906 there was frequent mention of football matches played by the Leverstock Green team - usually referred to just as The Green. One of the most exciting matches to be reported was played on this Saturday:
The Green journeyed to Abbots Langley on Saturday and defeated them by 4-3. The ground was very wet owing to the thick fog. The Green soon got going and the forwards raced up the field, and Plowman put in lovely shot. This was fisted out by the goal keeper, and How received it and banged it into the net. This early review made Langley look up and play became very exciting, each side going very strong. Langley, by a good bit of passing soon equalised. The Green were at this time playing a good game and especially Hill at right-half who seemed to be just where wanted. Plowman put in as good shot at about 20 yards range which scored Point No 2. The Green were not having matters all their own way and the Langley forwards soon became dangerous and scored their second goal. This was, however, offside, as the Langley forward stood under the bar. Half-time arrived with the score reading 2-2.
Upon the restart the Green broke away and for about 5 minutes were putting at goal. Plowman at last put in a ripping shot which glanced off the crossbar and into the net. The game was now getting very fast, both teams having an equal share of it. Langley by a good shot scored point 3. Both teams tried hard to increase the score and Rance from outside right put in a lightening shot which the goalkeeper failed to hold. Langley tried hard to equalise and were pressing when the whistle blew for time.
All the green played well and it was by far the best game played by us this season. Hall was however, the mainstay of the Green. Seabrook also performed wonders in goal. Of the forwards How and Plowman played very well. Sears, at centre, played a good game, especially with his head. Langley are a clever team and have some very good men. The Green team was: Seabrook:goal, May & Turner:backs, Hill, Sears and Albion:halves, Rance,Thirnham, How Plowman & Jordon:forwards."
[Gazette December 1st 1906]
December 1906 - A brief advert appeared in the Gazette each week in the run-up to Christmas as follows:
MISS LENO Leverstock Green, Ladies own materials made up. Terms moderate.

[Gazette December issues 1906]
Friday December 28th 1906 - The first of the new season's entertainments in aid of the parish room fund took place:
LEVERSTOCK GREEN ENTERTAINMENT: An interesting entertainment was given by the school children in the schoolroom on Friday evening in aid of the Parish Room Fund . Owing to the inclement weather the room was not so well filled as usual. A somewhat lengthy programme was gone through consisting of songs, musical duets, dialogues, drills etc.. concluding with a musical sketch entitled The Persecuted Policeman. The success of the programme was largely due to Mrs... Ford (the schoolmistress) who spared no efforts in training the children, all of whom played their parts tremendously well. The programme was as follows:
Opening address: S.Seabrook
Violin solo: Miss B. Hart
Glee: School children
Dialogue: O.&.L.Seabrook
Street cries: five children
Song: Miss E.Durrant
Dialogue: S.Leno & E.Wilkin
Hornpipe: The Misses Umfreville
Dialogue: H.&.W.Wright
Wrong Envelopes: five girls
Cello solo: Mr.A. Durrant
Barber: five boys
Recitation: Mary Cooper
Scarf Drill: eight girls
Mandolin solo: Miss D. Cox
Musical sketch The Persecuted Policeman
[Gazette 5th January 1907]