1st January 1921 - The Gazette noted that bees were dying in Hemel Hempstead from Acarine - otherwise known as Isle of Wight disease. Mr. Child at Hill Farm, Leverstock Green's own bee-keeping expert , would no doubt have been concerned and possibly effected. [Gazette 1/1/1921]
20th January 1921 - After an eight week illness (congestion of the lungs and heart trouble), Mr. AA Collis died at his home Bocklers (this next to Rose & Crown, opposite end of Church Road). Mr. Collis, his wife and son had moved to Leverstock Green from Horsey two years previously. He was buried in Holy Trinity's churchyard the following Monday. [Gazette 29th Jan. 1921]
26th February 1921 - In the Hemel Hempstead Gazette of this date , a letter sent by Leverstock Green W.I. was published as follows:
Dear Sir,
we are writing on behalf of Leverstock Green WI which numbers 80 members to ask if you will kindly request St. Albans Rural District Council to proceed forthwith with the 12 cottages they promised about a year ago to erect in the village.........................
In April 1914 in response to agitation got up by private individuals the council agreed to 6 cottages, the urgent need for such being frankly acknowledged, the housing conditions here being a scandal...........war intervened ............promised 12 cottages. We believe we are the only village to send in a petition and yet many cottages in 12 other villages are in the course of erection.............etc..etc............... [Gazette 26th Feb.. 1921]
5th March 1921 - The following two brief items appeared in the Gazette under a heading of LEVERSTOCK GREEN:-
Whist drives which are arranged every Wednesday evening in the Parish Hall are well attended and enjoyed.
A Rummage Sale with White Elephant stall held on Tuesday in aid of the Parish Room Fund had a record attendance. £15 was made.
12th March 1921 - The following report was made in the Gazette concerning a drainage scheme in the village:
Leverstock Green Drainage Scheme
Out of Pocket Expenses
"At a meeting of St. Albans Rural District Council the Surveyor reported that with regard to Leverstock Green Drainage, he had with Mr. Lailey, Surveyor to Watford Rural District Council, interviewed Mr. Locke Surveyor for Hemel Hempstead with regard to his out-of-pocket expenses in connection with the suggested extension of their sewer to take the sewerage of Leverstock Green . ......." [Gazette 12th March 1921]
19th March 1921 - The Gazette reported the death of the 28 year old daughter of John Knox Hart ( Leverstock Green Farm). She was resident in the USA at the time of her death. [Gazette 19th March 1921]
28th March 1921, Easter Monday - A Carnival and Fancy Dress dance was held in the Parish Hall in aid of the Parish Hall Fund. There was a record attendance, and each person was given a coloured balloon, tickler and ribbon streamer. Mrs. Durrant's orchestra provided the music and the actor and local resident Mr. Lyn Harding gave the vote of thanks. Prize winners were as follows:
Miss Doris Long - House to let
Miss Lea - Shepherdess
Mr. Chambers - White Eyed Kafir
Mr. William Dell - Farmer Giles
2nd April 1921 - The Gazette carried a notice of the forthcoming unveiling of the new war memorial, to take place on Saturday April 9th by L. Col. Smeathman DSO MC at 3pm. [Gazette 2/4/1921]
Saturday 9th April 1921 - Leverstock Green's war memorial was unveiled.
Erected by the united efforts of the villagers the Leverstock Green War Memorial was unveiled on Saturday afternoon in the presence of practically the whole of the inhabitants who thus paid worthy homage to the gallant 28 of the village sons who sacrificed their life in the service of King and Country in the Great War of 1914-18. Leverstock Green is not a very large village but its population of some 640 souls will gaze with justifiable pride upon the column of Cornish granite standing predominantly on the village green, and in this tribute to the everlasting memory of their heroes of the war they have left nothing in default. The column is mounted by a grenade and in the centre of the column is a Crusader's sword in bronze. Unfortunately owing to the high cost of materials the first intention of having a bronze grenade could not be carried into effect, but nevertheless the memorial worthily serves its purpose, and the site is the best that could be chosen, an ideal one for here who passing through the village could fail to observe that Leverstock Green has not forgotten. The design was an original one by Mr.. Arthur Green architect, late of Bennetts End and it was carried out by messieurs Mence and Finn of St. Albans. The stone sculptor being Mr.. Alderton of Harpenden. The unveiling ceremony was most impressive, being performed on a typical April afternoon, when the sun vied with the water laden clouds for supremacy. It was a happy choice by the committee to invite that well known and popular soldier Lieut. Col. Lovel Smeathman DSO MC1 whose gallant association with the local regiment is an everyday story. To unveil the memorial shortly after 3 o'clock the Rev. A. Durrant Vicar, and a procession of Choir boys wended their way across the green from the parish church, and taking their stand by the memorial opened the service with the hymn "Stand Up Stand Up For Jesus" and the Vicar led the assembly in prayers. psalm cxxx "Out of the deep have I called unto thee" was read in alternative versed by the Vicar and the people and the Rev. Durrant most impressively read the lesson from Wisdom III 1-6.
Leut. Col. Smeathman then unveiled the memorial and said that the honour of so doing had fallen to him, principally he thought, because it was his pleasure, perhaps, more that anyone else in the district, to share the joys and sorrows of the men who went from that locality to the Great War. He would, before proceeding, read the names of the 28 men who had been killed on their countries service.
Thomas Alderman
Harry George Biswell
John Biswell
George Brown
Frederick Charge
Thomas Childs
Alfred Chisman
George de Beger
Arthur Michael Durrant
Frank Freeman
Herbert Freeman
George Goodenough
James Hallett
Frederick Harrowell
Frederick Johnson
James Knox Hart
Benjamin Oakley
Victor Perkins
William Parkins
William Walter Sears
Reginald Herbert Secretan
Henry Smith
Frederick Taylor
Edwin Thorn
George Timson
Walter Webb
Henry Woodwards
Herbert Waubruell
B.W. Wright
Proceeding Leut. Col. Smeathman said those were the names of the 28 men who from the parish fell during the war. They with others, who happily had come back, went cheerfully and willingly and
The population of the village was about 640, and that was a record of which they might be proud. It was said and thought that such memorials as this were not necessary, and certainly during their lifetime it would require no mention to remind them of what these men had done to help England the freest country in the world, but the danger being in that the generations to come might forget the heroism of our soldiers, and the speaker said to those who mourned the loss of a dead one he would say one word They knew that if they were here and the same circumstances arose again they would do the same again.
16th April 1921 - The Gazette reported on the Wedding of Miss Esme Secretan daughter of Herbert Secretan of Bennetts End to Lieut. Charles C Champion DSO of Silverdale Carnforth. The wedding took place Great Amwell though no indication was given as to why the service was conducted at Amwell rather than Holy Trinity. The couple honeymooned in Cornwall. [Gazette 16 April 1921]
Wednesday 11th May 1921- "..... a very delightful and successful concert was given at Leverstock Green Baptist Chapel by the choir children, under the supervision of the organist Miss Lily Wilkins. Dialogues recitations and songs were much enjoyed by a crowded audience. The few remarks made by the chairman, Mr H East of Hemel Hempstead were full of humour, delight and appreciation." [Gazette 21 May 1921]
31st May 1921 - Mr. & Mrs. Ford resigned their posts at Leverstock Green School to take effect from 31st August. [S73]
End June/Begining July 1921 - a burglary took place at the vicarage. See 30 July 1921
Thursday 14th July 1921 - At an auction for the sale of part of the Abbots Hill Estate, ( on the instructions of Sir Arthur Evans) it was announced that Chambersbury Farm had been sold privately to the tenants (Joseph Bailey), -Mr. Webster (Sibleys Orchard) had bought some meadow land down by the canal, and properties fronting Bunkers Land & Chambersbury Lane and that the Keepers Lodge with gardens kennels outbuildings and 38 acres bought by Mr Joseph Bailey for £1200 [Gazette 16 July 1921]
Saturday 16 July 1921 - There were some major reports in the Gazette concerning Leverstock Green :
AFTER EIGHT YEARS OF STRENUOUS SEEKING AND THE PREPARATION OF A NUMBER OF ILL feted schemes the erection of houses at Leverstock Green is still in abeyance. Last week meeting of the St. Albans RDC the surveyor reported that although revised estimates had been received for the Leverstock Green cottages a verbal request had been made by the Commissioner that the Council should not obtain competitive estimates as it was probable that sanction for them would not be given. The only means by which Leverstock Green can get its houses is to prove that there is serious overcrowding existing.
The clerk said that nobody regretted the holding up of the scheme more than the Council.
Mrs. Secretan and others attended the meeting as a deputation from the village Woman's Institute, she had written that they viewed with alarm and very concern the continued postponement of the scheme. Mrs Secretan said that the members of the Institute felt that the chief responsibility lay with the Rural District Council.
The Chairman said the deputation had the sympathy of the council, who would have been only too pleased to go on with the scheme and give Leverstock Green houses if it had been possible.
Mrs Secretan: Surely you don't mean there is no hope for us? Sir Alfred Mond said that the Government would concentrate on places where there was great overcrowding.
The Chairman: We do not mean to let the matter drop
The Clerk said unless the Medical Officer of Health could advise the council that as far as public health was concerned very bad overcrowding was taking place at Leverstock Green there was very little hope of going to the Ministry of health on the subject
In reply to a question the Medical Officer remarked that he could not say off-hand whether there was more overcrowding in Leverstock Green than there was in other parts of the district.
The clerk suggested that perhaps Colonel Freemantle could e asked to raise the question in the House and explain the case, and perhaps Mrs. Secretan could back it up with a letter to him.
Another major headline read:
It appeared that amongst several calls made upon the Hemel Hempstead Fire Brigade that week, the first call was on Saturday morning when at 7 25 am a message came from Mr A Woodward's Farm at Westwick Row. The Brigade got off quickly and found a rick ablaze. Becaue of the distance from the rick toan available water supply 24 lengths of hose were needed to get water. Nevertheless 10+ loads of the 12 loads were saved, which was a good thing as the owner was not insured! [Gazette 16 July 1921]
27th July 1921 - Gazette reported a WHIST DRIVE AT LEVERSTOCK GREEN
The weekly whist drive organised to liquidate the debt on the parish Hall was held at the parish Hall on Wed evening. The attendance was rather smaller than usual there being about 10 tables in comparison to the average of 15 weekly the play being none the less enjoyable. Mr T Ingham acted in the capacity of MC Miss O Dell one the ladies 1st prize which consisted of a box of chocolates and Mr J Sears with a box of cigarettes obtained the Gents first prize. [Gazette 30 July 1921]
30 July 1921 - The local paper held much of interest for Leverstock Green residents:
A very unpleasant incident occurred at the vicarage about a month ago when the Rev A & Mrs Durrant returned from their holiday on July b16 they found that their house had received an unwelcome visitor. And it is considered that about £80 worth of silver and other articles were removed. A caretaker visited the vicarage each day and one day, about a fortnight before the Vicar was due to return it was found that a box had been burst open. It is stated that the caretaker called her husband to inspect the place but nothing seemed to be missing and apparently no steps were taken in the matter till the Rev Durrant returned home. So far no arrests have been made but it is rumoured that the police are on the track of the delinquents.
Another whist drive was recently held at the Vicarage Leverstock Green and later in the evening dancing was continued in the Parish Hall till 12 o'clock. The whist drive proved a very happy event, the prizes being provided by members of the Organising Committee. The Whist drives are held every Wed in order to pay off the deficit incurred by the erection of the Parish Hall. Since it was completed about £100 has been made by means of various events in the village and the drive and dance added a further quota to this fund. It will be remembered that Mr. P Webster very generously promised to contribute a further 50% to the final amount and the committee have been persevering to make this as large as possible. There still, however, remains a good deal to be paid off before the total cost of the hall can be defrayed. It is hoped that a smoking concert will be arranged to take place in the open in about a fortnight's time. [ Gazette 30 July 1921]
13 August 1921 - Gazette carried an article under the following headlines:
"At an Occasional court at Hemel Hempstead on Thursday, Frederick Owen Orchard, a window cleaner of Blacksmiths Row Leverstock Green was charged with stealing from the house of Ivan White 2 rings valued at about £27, the property of Mrs white of the Bank House Apsley.......". [Gazette 13 August 1921]
Further details followed of the happenings in the court when it became obvious that Orchard -who had after his arrest admitted possession of the stolen property when questioned by Police at his home -was the culprit.. Orchard was remanded until the court on Wed in Hemel Hempstead when further charges might be proffered.
"The annual meeting of the Webster Cup competition was held at the Leather Bottle Leverstock Green on Friday evening last when Mr A Ford supported by Mr J Dell the Hon sec presided over a good number of club representatives"
There were 18 entries this year for the local footballing trophy donated by Percy Webster of Sibleys Orchard, including the Leverstock Green team. [Gazette 20 August 1921]
20 August 1921 - THE APSLEY BANK CASE - ORCHARD AGAIN REMANDED Following an almost identical account to that given previously, (see 13 August ) Orchard was again remanded for a week as further investigations were being made by the Police. [Gazette 20 August 1921]
27 August 1921 -

By Leverstock Green Window Cleaner
Motor Drivers Fined
Under the above headings and then the following subheading: THE APSLEY BANK CASE AND MORE, further information was given on the Apsley Bank robbery and other cases. Eventually five different charges of thefts of rings from houses where he had cleaned windows were brought against Orchard. He was committed for Trial at the Quarter sessions. [27 August 1921]
3 September 1921 - An advert by Messrs Robinson & Mead was carried in the Gazette for the Sale of Live and Dead farm stock at Well & High Woodhall Farms. The list if items would appear to include all the farm animals and a great deal if not all of the farm machinery and miscellaneous items etc. The auction was to take place at 11 am on 11 Sept. by order of Mr. T W Toovey who was leaving.[ Gazette 3 September 1921]
29th September 1921 - Reported in the Gazette the following Saturday " The fortnightly dance was held on Thursday evening of last week under the able leadership of Mr. A. Sears who acted as MC and Miss Cox. Mrs Gamble presided at the piano. The dances are becoming exceedingly popular with the villagers and Miss Cox is to be congratulated in her efforts to assist all newcomers in this winter attraction. The Wed Whist drives also continue to be very popular." [Gazette 1 October 1921]
8 October 1921 - A virtual transcript of the following court case was reported it he Gazette running to virtually 32 full columns In the paper........
John Gage of no fixed abode was charged with stealing good worth £80 from the Leverstock Green Vicarage. Mrs Durrant gave evidence that she, the vicar and their family had gone away on holiday in June leaving the vicarage in the charge of Mrs. Doggett who did not sleep in the house. She also identified various items as belonging to the vicarage.
Various local residents were called to give evidence including the vicar, Mrs. Doggett,, Fred Dell (11 yr. old), George Fred Dell, Gladys Denbiger,
The prisoner pleaded not guilty and was remanded, to be tried at Quarter Sessions on October 13th. Other charges were also brought against the defendant concerning crimes in St. Albans. [Gazette 8 October 1921]
5th & 6th October 1921 - The weekend's Gazette reported as follows: Two highly successful evenings marked the opening of the winter sessions at the Leverstock Green memorial Hall, and Wed evening's whist drive proved a popular attraction, many of the villagers attending. The gents prize was won by Mr. Leslie Seabrook and the ladies was carried off by Miss Dorothy Dell. The former prize was a handsome cigarette case and the lady's a purse. Mr J Dell ably undertook the duties of MC - The dance last Thursday evening proved no less an attraction. Promoted by Miss L Durrant over two years ago these dances have proved a boom in the village. Mrs Durrant's Orchestra was much appreciated and included the Rev & Mrs Durrant (violins) Miss Bourne (triangle) and Miss D. Durrant (tambourine); and Mrs Gamble on piano. [Gazette 8 October 1921]
19th October 1921 -A further report on the whist drives and dances was to be found in the weekend's Gazette: "The whist drive at the Parish Hall on Wednesday was again attended by the villagers. First prize was won by Mr A White (gents) and Miss D Long succeeded in carrying off the ladies prize. The fortnightly dance on Thursday evening was also well attended. The usual artistes Mrs Gamble, Mrs Durrant and Miss Bourne contributed to a highly successful programme, which was much appreciated. [Gazette 22 October 1921]
22nd October 1921: - The Gazette reported: "The death of Miss Whitehead of Westwick Row cast a gloom throughout the village last week. Deceased a well know and highly respected inhabitant of the village, had been for many years connected with the Parish Church, where her ardent work will be greatly missed by all. Her untiring labours for the welfare of the villagers were also greatly appreciated. In her younger days she devoted her energies ti the Sunday School being a teacher for a great number of years. The internment took place in the churchyard on Wednesday the vicar ( the Rev A Durrant) conducting the last rights. Numerous wreaths were place upon the grave and many expressions of sympathy were received by her only sister, to whom the whole village extends its heartfelt sympathy."
[Gazette 22 October 1921]
5 November 1921 - The following article appeared in the Gazette concerning a famous Leverstock Green resident:
On Thursday of last week in the "Daily Sketch" "Matt" selected Mr Lyn Harding for his cartoon of famous people, as he sees them. The characature at first blush does not favour Mr. Harding, but is wholly redeemed by the jolly smile the artist has given him, which undoubtedly is one of his most striking facial characteristics and gives immediate point to the portrait. The letterpress accompanying the sketch says:
"Lyn Harding the actor, is a Welsh man, and his first name a contraction of Llewelyn. First appeared on the stage at Bristol in 1887 and played everything from Shakespeare to "The silver King". Appeared with Tree at His Majesties, notably in The Darkening of the Gods and "Colonel Newcome"" Has the best speaking voice on the stage today, but is not the best dressed actor off it. So conscientious when playing Bill Sikes smoked shag every night to get the right atmosphere. Got it; so did others. Is a practical farmer down in Wales and walks his own meat to market.
[Gazette 5 November 1921]
19 November 1921 - The Gazette reported: Another successful whist drive was held in the PARISH hall on Wednesday evening and was well attended. The first prize in the ladies section was won by Miss Peddar whilst the gents was awarded to Mr Sygrave
19 Novemebr 1921 -Today (Friday) Armistice Celebrations were marked by the assembling of the village schoolchildren round the Memorial at 10.45 They sang 2 hymns and placed a large wreath of poppies at the base of the memorial.
18 November 1921 - The celebrations of Armistice day was marked by a dance in the Parish hall and were well supported. "Mrs Durrant's orchestra rendered excellent dance music and the programme was enthusiastically carried out. The weekly whist drive on Wednesday was substituted by a performance of the Hemel Hempstead Borough Concert Party, who gave an excellent display of their talents in ventriloquism, humorous and other songs. The concert was greatly appreciated many of the artistes receiving an encore." [Gazette 18 November 1921]
26 November 1921 - The Gazette once again carried a long article about Lyn Harding:
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes never fail to provide a thrill of excitement to the reader who desires adventure combined with mystery. The elucidations of the apparently baffling problems so easily unravelled by the mastermind of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes leave one aghast at their amazing simplicity. As always difficulties become simple when explained by on who has mastered them, and the dramatised version the adventures of "The Speckled Band" now running at St James Theatre is no exception. Mr Lyn Harding is responsible for the production and his exceedingly fine performance of a retired anglo-Indian surgeon, DR Grimsby Rylott leaves nothing to be desired. A man of commanding personality, Mr Lyn Harding, portrays the role of the villainous step-father, who with a veneer of simulated gentleness endeavours to cover his lust for the wealth of his stepdaughter and ward which can only become his upon her death. He has already covered his tracks in such a manner that no suspicion may fall upon him in the matter of the death of an elder girl, and with the curious reasoning of the criminal brain seeks to recreate his former success in a similar fashion. The familiar figure of Mr Sherlock Holmes is cleverly represented by Mr. H A Sainstbury who by his deductions discovers that a snake of particular poisonous variety was the cause of the first death, and in the guise of the new butler, arrives on the scene in time to prevent a repetition of the previous tragedy. The furious reptile, robbed of its prey, falls upon its master with fatal results. The caste is extremely well balanced, the characters equally well presented and the drama is in no wise overdone. A light touch is added by Holmes valet Billy, whose humour of the typically Cockney type does not fail to raise a laugh. To thoroughly appreciate the plot and the methods of Sherlock Holmes in elucidating the problem also the particularly fine portrayal of the parts by Mr Lyn Harding and his company, it is necessary to see the play. For the convenience of readers contemplating a visit it may be mentioned that the nearest Tube stations to the theatre are Piccadilly and Dover-Street, .also that St. James' is in King Street SW1 and easily accessible form either station. [Gazette 26 November 1921]
31 November 1921 - Another successful whist drive took place in the Parish Hall ..........and was well attended. The prizes were as usual of a very appreciable description. The gents prize was won by Mr Brooks and the ladies by Miss Hobday. [Gazette 3 December 1921]
10 December 1921 - Further info in Gazette re whist drives - also it eulogised over the "new winter enterprise" at the Parish Hall in the form of dances on Thursday nights.