1937 - According to Kelly’s Directory for this year, the land was now chiefly owned by the Crown ( presumably as a result of the Grimston family having to sell as much as possible after the Wall Street crash ), and Leverstock Green was now part of the borough of Hemel Hempstead. (This did not apply to the area of the village in St. Michaels district, i.e. from Green Lane eastwards, though boundaries were later changed.)
An interesting change in the commercial listings, is that generally those previously listed as being beer retailers, are now fully licensed and their premises have names. e.g. The White Horse.. The village was still primarily agricultural, although the number of middle-class private residences was increasing. The list was as follows:
Those residents marked with a + get their mail direct from Hemel Hempstead. (I assume this to mean that other people collected their post from the post office in the village.)
+Eric William Alder, Belsize Lodge,B.E.
+Hugh Gray, Tile Kiln Cott. B.E.
+Joseph Bailey, Chambersbury 

+Chs. Lamond Henderson, Ben. End Ho.
Ralph Henry Barbour, Westwick House 
Sidney Herbert Lee M.B. Logandene
Captain Charles Moulton-Berrage,Pax 

John Arthur Marston, Orchard Lea B.E.
Mrs. Bessant, Tile Kiln, B.E. 

Rod. Hamilton Purvis, Hill Fm .House
Rev. T.Binns, Vicarage 

Capt. H.B.Secretan,M.C. The Dells
Peter Edward Bromley-Martin, Pancake 
+Roger Waller’s, Rooks Nest
Charles William Child, Hill Side 
Capt. Arthur Webber, Leverstock Green Farm
Mrs. Sidney Clarke, Wood Lane End 
Malc. R. Webster, St. Michaels End
Miss M.O.Dell, 1,Pancake Lane 
Percy Webster, Sibleys Orchard
Mrs. Drake, Hill House
Those marked with * farm 150 acres or more.
Joseph Bailey, farmer, Chambersbury. Boxmoor 255
Frederick Charles Boatwright, farmer
* William A. Bothwell, farmer, Westwick farm. Boxmoor 358
Frederick Bowron, newsagent, 3 Vauxhall Road. Boxmoor 619
Albert Mitchell, CRABTREE P.H.
Albert Edwards, dairyman,Wellswood Farm
Thomas Arthur Field timber merchant, Hillside Cottage
* George, Albert & Herbert Finch, farmers, Corner Farm
Miss Mary E. Hendry, district nurse, Curtis Road
Miss Kyrke-Penson, Hertfordshire Society for the Blind, home teacher,
Cassa Lasea.
Roland Frederick Houston, grocer and post office,Boxmoor 50
Alfred Charles Ison, farmer, North End Farm
Mrs. Lily Seabrook, LEATHER BOTTLE P.H., Boxmoor 463
* George Douglas Little, farmer, Westwick Hall farm
Arthur George Mears,A.F.C.L. smith
Perkins Brother, builders
Frederick Boatwright, PLOUGH P.H.
* Arthur James Rae, farmer, Westwick Row farm. Boxmoor 588
Joseph Rance, smallholder, 3 Coxpond
Rodney (or Roderick) Sears, builder
+ Mrs. Elsie Short, beer retailer (off license) Bennetts End
William Alfred Skeggs, grocer
George Frederick Sygrave, refreshment rooms, Fordside
THREE HORSESHOES FILLING STATION, proprietor George Membery & Leonard F. Wells. Boxmoor 522
James, Meads Porter, WHITE HORSE P.H.
Arthur Dennis Wiles, farmer Little Coxpond Farm
Robert William Wright, wheelwright and parish clerk.
21st January 1937 – regrettably one of the younger members of the community died on this date. The Gazette the following week reported: Youth’s Death - The death took place on Thursday if Maurice Desmond Arthur Johnson, son of Mr & Mrs H Johnson Great Rd Adeyfield, Hemel Hempstead . Aged 17 years he had been ill for a considerable time and was well known in Leverstock Green where he attended the village school. The deepest sympathy will be felt for the bereaved relatives. The funeral is at Leverstock Green Sunday. [Gazette 23rd January 1937]
21st January 1937 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 640/ Deceased: Johnson, Maurice
DATE OF DEATH: 21.1.1937
NOTE: He was 17 years old and the funeral was held on 25.1.1937 at Leverstock Green churchyard
ADDRESS: Chalfont St. Peter
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co ]
22nd January 1937 – At the annual PCC Meeting presided over by The vicar, the Rev TA Binns The following were elected: Representatives on the Diocesan Conference, Dr. S.Lee; Reps of the Rural decanal conference Miss D Palmer, Mrs S Clark, Mrs M B Grimwood, Mr `W Ayre, The PCC: Mrs S Lee, Mrs Collins, Miss Mortimer, Mr `W Wright, Mr T. Ingham Mr C Ingham, Mr W J Seabrook. The most urgent problems discussed were the heating and cleaning of the church and were left to the PCC to carry out. [Gazette Jan 30th 1937]
25th January 1937 - Funeral of Maurice Johnson – The Gazette reported: On 25th January, St. Paul’s Day. The funeral of Maurice Johnson took place in the churchyard at Leverstock Green, the first part of the service being held in HT church conducted by the vicar the Rev. TA Binns.
The 23rd psalm was repeated and the hymn the King of Love MY Shepherd is was sung., this being his favourite hymn. Voluntaries O Rest in the Lord, and I For hr wings of a Dove were played my Mrs Grimwood.
Many friends and relations were gathered on the little church for Maurice was much beloved in the village by old and young.
The grave was lined with winter jasmine,\ mimosa and ivy, and afterwards covered by many floral tributes.
Maurice was 17 years if age, was a quick intelligent lad and took keen interest in both work and sport in the village, taking part in activities when possible until he was called away to that other life of higher service.
The deepest sympathy goes out from all at Leverstock Green and many other friends and acquaintances in the neighbourhood to his parents, his little sister grandparents and uncle.
(There then followed a list of cheif mourners and floral tributes.) [Gazette January 30th 1937]
27th January 1937 - A public meeting, to discuss Coronation celebrations was held in the parish Hall on Wed night. The Rev A Binns occupying the chair. There were a good number of villagers present and the financial report showed that there was a steady inflow of contributions. Various suggestions made in regard to the giving of a tea to all the schoolchildren, aged widows and residents over 60 year’s of age were considered in a variable light. The question of music for the afternoon and evening was also debated, while a decoration committee was formed. It had been arranged previously to give a full sports programme on the afternoon of Coronation day and with suitable entertainment in the evening. [Gazette Jan 30th 1937]
May 8th 1937 – The Gazette carried details of the following arrangement for activities in celebration of the forthcoming Coronation in Leverstock Green:
8am – celebration of Holy Communion
9.30.am - Special coronation service in the church.
1:30-1:45 – Assembly of fancy dress parade – five sections:


1:45-2pm judging
2pm – procession led by Boxmoor Silver band to sports field kindly lent by Mr A. Ison, Northend farm
2;10-2;55 – Massed singing, maypole and country dancing
3pm – sports
4pm – tea for people over 60 and widows
5pm – tea for children
(Interval in sports programme from 4;45- 5 :35pm)
5:35 – 8pm – sports and general games continued
9;30 – Bonfire on Village Green
10pm- 2am – Dance in the Parish Hall MC Mr F Leat Band – the Arcadians. [Gazette 8th May 1937]
May 15th 1937 – The Gazette carried considerable details of Leverstock Green's coronation festivities, headed by a photograph of the King & Queen. See Right Royal Ocassions for full details.
30th July 1937 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 701/ Deceased: Mitchell, Bertha
DATE OF DEATH: 30.7.1937
NOTE: She was ? years old and the funeral was held on 4.8.1937 at Leverstock Green Church.
ADDRESS: 18 Wood Lane End, Hemel Hempstead
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co ]
31st October 1937 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 722/ Deceased: Sells, Joan Pamela
DATE OF DEATH: 31.10.1937
NOTE: She was 3 years old and the funeral was held on 4.11.1937 at the cemetery.
ADDRESS: 1 Wood Crescent, Wood Lane End, Hemel Hempstead
Parents: Sells, Frederick William and Edith May
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co]
24th July 1937 – A Tennis Tournament, organised by the Parish Hall Committee was held between 3.30pm & 8.30pm. Those who wished to take part were charged a fee of 5/-. [L.G.10]
30th July 1937 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 701/ Deceased: Mitchell, Bertha
DATE OF DEATH: 30.7.1937
NOTE: She was ? years old and the funeral was held on 4.8.1937 at Leverstock Green Church.
ADDRESS: 18 Wood Lane End, Hemel Hempstead
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co]
10th September 1937 - the Boys Band ( like the boys Brigade) held a Dance at the Parish Hall. Profits were divided 50/50 between the band and the Parish Hall Committee. [L.G.10]
31st October 1937 - The records of Horn & Co, Undertakers from Marlowes show the following entry:
Ref 722/ Deceased: Sells, Joan Pamela
DATE OF DEATH: 31.10.1937
NOTE: She was 3 years old and the funeral was held on 4.11.1937 at the cemetery.
ADDRESS: 1 Wood Crescent, Wood Lane End, Hemel Hempstead
Parents: Sells, Frederick William and Edith May
[DCHT Undertaker’s Records, Horn & Co]