This page was last updated on: August 22, 2020
an in-depth history of one village in Hertfordshire UK.
Click to link to principle LG Chronicle web pages.

For a variety of reasons I can no longer spend the same amount of time as in the past on my research and updating this website, though I DO still explore our local history and continue to find new historic items of interest. e.g.from which now publishes items online.
It is still my intention to update existing pages on the Leverstock Green Chronicle website and to add new information as and when time permits. With Social Media, and the digitisation of many national archives new information and images surface regularly. AS well as saving all this information to my computer, I ensure all new information is documented and printed and added to the growing number of Chronicle Archive Albums. The contents of these albums are catalogued and added to a spread sheet enabling myself (or anyone else in the future) to readily find the information, even should the website itself no longer exist.
If YOU have any information relating to Leverstock Green's history and members of your family who lived here, including photographs, ephemera etc.please contact me so I can arrange a meeting and/or exchange email addresses so I can include your information in my archive of Leverstock Green's history.
Thankyou, Barbara Chapman 08/06/2019
With Luton airport a short (Crow Flies) distance away, and with the Heathrow Stack in the region of airspace roughly above Bovingdon, planes are not an unusual site over Leverstock Green. Occasionally a different kind of aircraft can be seen over the village, be it a Police Helicopter, an Air Ambulance, a Hot Air Baloon, an Airship or Vintage or other aircraft of especial interest. With the aid of digital photography, mobile phones and social media these craft are more likely to be captured photographically, and shared with the wider world. I hope this site will help to record these "Special Occasions".
When we first moved to Leverstock Green in 1981, the Goodyear Airship was a regular site over the village as it was frequently docked at the Leavesden Airfield just the other side of Kings Langley. (Initially became the Warner Brothers Studios and back lots where various Bond and Harry Potter Movies were made. Today it i the home of "Harry Potter World".
I can remember too when a Hot Air Baloon made an emergency landing in the playing field belonging to Hobbs Hill Wood School, opposite our house. I will see if I can dig out the original photos and scan them.
This weekend there have been two seperate sightings of a Lancaster Bomber flying overhead, beautifully captured on camera by at least three individuals, and a week or so ago, the Red Arrow sped past overhead, streaming their red-white and blue smoke behind them. Again well captured.
If you have in the past - or manage to in the future, capture on camera interesting aircraft over the village, then please contact me and give me permission to post them here. Thank you Barbara Chapman 30/06/2019

17 June 2019 - Red Arrows with their iconic red, white and blue trails over Leverstock Green.
Photograph © Tony Wotsy Watts and published on LGVA Facebook page the same day
Several residents managed to capture the Lancaster as it flew overhead on both Saturday and Sunday June 29th/30th. 2019. Part of Armed Forces Day celbrations.
© J D LOWE - (As yet I have been unable to find any of the pictures I took in the 1980s of this airship. If and when I find one I shall replace this one. I did learn however, that the Airship had been based at Leavesden since the early 1970s, and a festival was held at the airodrome every year in the summer.
17 June Red Arrows © Chris Wately Smith, published on Facebook.
ARMED FORCES DAY (or rather weekend!) 29/30 JUNE 2019
RIGHT © Beena Mistry 29/06/2019
LEFT; ©Julie Dell 30/06 2019 taken from Poynders Hill.
RIGHT: Lancaster Bomber Chat on LGVA Facebook Page
BELOW: Series of three pictures © Tony Wotsy Watts
Click on 1st picture to enlarge and navigate.