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an in-depth history of one village in Hertfordshire UK.
This page was last updated on: March 12, 2017
The images below of the scrapbook pages were photographed by me a few days before they were deposited at HALS for safekeeping. The pages were larger than A4 so scanning was not an option, but in any-case many of the reports which were stuck in the scrapbook, were obviously poor photocopies from the original printed article in issues of Chambersbury News , and as such were not particularly clear to read, made worse by the "muddy" colour of the sugar-paper pages of the book & the way glue or double sided tape used to fix the items, had soaked through the pages. Nevertheless I felt it was worth recording here as not everyone would have access to HALS.  Barbara Chapman
APRIL 2016: To date a regular "gang" of Church members meet on the first Saturday of each month in the churchyard to work on the gardens, and I hope in the near future to publish some photographs of the area and the considerable wildlife to be found there.                             Barbara Chapman