This page was last updated on: March 17, 2014
May 2008 is the official Centenary of Leverstock Green Cricket Club, and a programme of matches and social activities have been arranged to celebrate this occasion. (See the LGCC website). However, we do have evidence to show that there must have been some kind of village cricket team before that date as the Gazette reported on 4th September 1886:
Leverstock Green v Kings Langley 2nd – A match was played at Kings Langley between Kings Langley 2nd eleven and Leverstock Green CC and resulted after an exiting game for Leverstock Green CC by 4 runs. The following is the score:
J. Halsworth, c W Lane, C. Lane
T. Marshall, c William b C Lane
M A Young, b J Hopkins
J. Hopkins, c Halsworth, b A Young 39
L Foreman, c A Young, b Halsworth 35
G. Hopkins, c Betts, b ditto
C Lane, c. Glenister, b Halsworth
J. Bailey, c Marshall b A Young
T. Latchford, b Halsworth
[Gazette Sept 4th 1886]
Just over 20 years later on Friday 22nd March 1907 - The Gazette reported on the LGFC dinner at the Leather Bottle, which included a remark made by Mr Ingham who in giving the vote of thanks said :
“the matter of ground had always been a great drawback to arranging a cricket club and a football club at Leverstock Green.”
Friday 24th May 1908 - The inaugural meeting of the Leverstock Green Cricket Club was held. The following report appeared in the Hemel Hempstead Gazette the next day:
1 May 1909, Whit Monday. - Once again the annual Leverstock Green sports was a great success:
CRICKET CLUB:- A special meeting was held in the schoolroom on Friday evening for the purpose of forming a cricket club for the village. Mr. T.H.Ford presided and there was a good muster present. It was decided to form a club forthwith and the following officers were elected: Mr. Ford Chairman of Committee; Mr. Graham Webster Hon. Secretary; Mr. Arthur Seabrook Treasurer; Mr. J. Hallett Captain and Mr. W. Dell sub captain; with seven others to constitute a committee. During the proceedings sixteen members were enrolled.” [Gazette 23rd May 1908]
A 26 page booklet compiled by Brian & & Marian Latchford, the Offical History of the Cricket Club, including details of the match between the Lords Taverrners in 1978, and containing 10 black & white photos. Published in the year 2000.
~ 100 NOT OUT ~
A 47 page booklet Compiled by Michael Wood & Barry Deadman, published in 2008 in LGCC's centenary year, builds on "Almost A Century" with additional information, plus
10 Black & White and 20 Colour Photos.
Wed 14 July 1909 : The report of the garden fete held at Sibleys Orchard, shows how both the football & cricket clubs in the village owed much to Percy Webster.
The fifth annual sports and fete at Leverstock Green took place on Whit-Monday and the result will probably reveal the fact that the proceedings from all points of view were the most successful of the whole series. The gloriously fine weather made the conditions ideal for such a function and in the midst of picturesque surroundings the visitors had a jolly and health giving time. It should be stated that the fete this year was organised by the joint committees of the village Cricket and Football Clubs and that the proceeds were in aid of the funds of these recreative organisations instead of the parish room FUND, WHICH HAD BENEFITED IN PREVIOUS YEARS.
The village of Leverstock Green has for many years had a keen struggle to maintain its various institutions, and it has had to deprive itself of many necessities for the social welfare of the villagers, through the very small proportion of the very small proportion of the population who are in a position to render financial and other assistance. S But ion the words of a popular song “Things are begging to hum!”, and progress in regard to the Parish Room Fund the cricket and football clubs, and other organisations has been very marked since Mr. Webster and his family came to reside at Sibley’s Orchard.
1926 - There are records in 1926 of the Cricket Club playing matches in the field in Pancake Lane where the Football Club now is. By the end of the 1920's the Club had moved to grounds off Cherry Tree Lane (where the Buncefield oil depot can now be found. [S102 ]
In 1927, Edmund Perkins was known to be the Captain of the LGCC as this fact was mentioned in the Gazette in the write-up of his marriage to Sybil Seabrook. [Gazette 23rd April 1927]
In the 1930’s, according to Syd Dollimore:
“We had a good cricket team although the ground was away from the village being situated at Cherry Trees Farm which belonged to a well known & liked farmer,Bill Gale, a member of the team. We often had to drive the cows from the field and clear away the cow pats before the game got under way. At that time the side possessed a demon fast bowler Albert Sters, a tall lean individual who I can remember having a trial for the Middlesex County eleven.”
A photo of Albert Steers as a boy.
Friday 15th February 1935 – The second annual supper for the Leverstock Green Cricket Club was held at the Leather Bottle. The supper comprised of roast veal & Beef, Ham and potatoes, followed by plum pudding, apple tart or lemon pie, with cheese to finish up with. A loyal toast to the King was given, followed by a toast to the Leverstock Green cricket club proposed by Walter Ayre. The reply was given by C M Latchford. There then followed a song and two further toasts: to the ladies (given by W. Gale) and to the Chairman ( given by E Perkins). The evening finished with a rendition of Auld Lang Syne. [S410]
July 1939 - The Leverstock Green Cricket Club was disbanded and not reformed until 1948/49. [ S102]
1948/49 - The Leverstock Green Cricket Club was reformed, but it had no ground! The Leverstock Green Club therefore played on the Greenhills Club ground at the back of Vauxhall Road, near Cox Pond. (Now Hemel Hempstead Football Club) They soon merged with the Greenhills Cricket Club, which was the club for the Brox employees. [ S102]
1953 – The first suggestion was made (ultimately undertaken), that the Village Green should be enlarged to form a cricket ground.
LEFT: Greenhills Cricket Club c. 1949/50
1958 - The Leverstock Green Cricket Club was reformed much as it is today, breaking away from the Greenhills Club (see entry for 1948/49 ). They had no pavilion then and used to change in two tents on the newley extended village green. [ S102 ]
1964/5 - The Leverstock Green Cricket club opened their pavilion . It was built for them by Alec White, a local builder. [S102]
5th August 1978 - LGCC v Lord's Taverners. The Lords Taverner's Team included: Willy Rushton, John Snow, Bill Edrich, Dennis Compton, Patrick Mower, Patrick Moore, Jasper Carrot and other personalities, including Eric Morecome, the then President of ther Lords' Taverners. [Almost A Century/100 Not Out]
3rd April 1995 - Camera crews were once again to be seen on the village green when GMTV's weather man moved in to give his half-hourly weather bulletins from the village green, whilst the players of the cricket club, together with some members of their families, played cricket. (Above right)
In order to take part in the morning's television programme, cricket club members had to be on the green at 5.45 am. The club's captain Michael Wood is reported as saying " GMTV decided the night before that they wanted to make a play of the fact that the summer had arrived so decided to show some people playing cricket. We were able to provide a few people throwing a ball about....I think we must be the first team in the country to be practicing ecause our season doesn't begin until the last week of this month." [Gazette 6/4/95]
100 NOT OUT costs just £5
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100 NOT OUT is obtainable from the bar at the Cricket Club pavillion in Bedmond Road, Leverstock Green or from any LGCC Official.
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For additinal material on the cricket Club's history, keep scrolling down.
Ackowledgement: I would like to thank LGCC, and in particular Tony Williams, for giving me access to, and allowing me to use material from, their books.
Friday July 9th 1994 - Leverstock Green Cricket Club members had to get up early and don their cricket whites before leaving for work, as a television crew from TVAM descended on the club to film them. The shots were then used throughout the morning's programme as a backdrop for the weather forecast. Reporters and photographers from the Hemel Hempstead Gazette were also present to report on the filming. [S102]
Extract from 100 Not Out, published with permission of LGCC.
an in-depth history of one village in Hertfordshire UK.
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