This page was last updated on: March 16, 2014
The Hemel Hempstead Local History & Museum Society
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Leverstock Green Chronicle pre 20th Home Page

Maplinks page (for large scale and old maps of the area.)

20th Century Leverstock Green   21st century Leverstock Green   
In 2012 Bravenet altered the rules for operating a free website with them. I had a few years before set up a website for the society with them utilising their free software, and this had built up into a very comprehensive site with many additional articles and photographs. With the change in 2012 and very limited funds at the time, the society elected not to pay to upgrade the site, but instead use Bravenet's offer of a different free site which had considerably greater restrictions on the number of pages allowed, the overall size and the amount of images.

 At the end of February 2014 when trying to update the website, it became obvious that the rules had in the meantime changed yet again and the officers decided the best thing to ensure we maintained a reasonable website was to upgrade to Bravenet's professional package, which we did.

 Having done this successfully, I found that I could also access our previous website which had now become accessible and its running time had been extended to 2017.   You can access the site at