This page was last updated on: October 23, 2018
an in-depth history of one village in Hertfordshire UK.
On 1st September 2017 LGVA became a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and this is reflected in the change of our formal title to Leverstock Green Village Association CIO and our new charity number, 1172784. 

LGVA exists to represent the views of local people, and to maintain and run the Leverstock Green Village Hall. It concerns itself with the needs of the neighbourhood and all issues involving the area. Additionally, it presents the Community’s view to the outside world.

All residents living in our area of benefit (see map to the left) are automatically members, and membership is free. Our area of benefit is larger than the current ward of Leverstock Green and includes the Buncefield area and other areas “over” the dual carriageway, as well as the part of Westwick Row within St. Albans jurisdiction.

The Association is run by a committee of local people elected at the Annual General Meeting and nominated representatives of Leverstock Green based organisations. Anyone over eighteen who lives in Leverstock Green is eligible for election. All work for the Association is voluntary and the only qualification for potential committee members is enthusiasm.

The committee meets once a month to discuss matters affecting the Village and there are specialist sub-committees looking after such diverse matters as the Environment, and the running of the annual Village Fete.