My usual practice with these albums containing a mixture of documents, photographs and some ephemera relating to Leverstock Green, is to include them in the order I come across the information. Some items can be over 100 years old, other written the day before.
The first occasion the virus was brought to the attention of the World Health Organisation was on 31 December 2019, and a few days later it became apparent that there was a newly mutated Covid Virus causing major problems in the Chinese district of Wuhan.
0-12 January 2020
The World Health Organisation (WHO) published a comprehensive package of guidance documents for countries, covering topics related to the management of an outbreak of a new disease:
Infection prevention and control
Laboratory testing
National capacities review tool
Risk communication and community engagement
Disease Commodity Package (v1)
Disease Commodity Package (v2)
Travel advice
Clinical management
Surveillance case definitions
Full details of the growth and knowledge of this new disease during January can be found on the previously listed website. With the rapid increase and spread of the disease, mostly in China, but spreading to other countries, by 5 February 2020 WHO's headquarters began holding daily media briefings on the novel coronavirus, the first time that WHO has held daily briefings by the Director-General or Executive Director of the WHO Health Emergencies Programme.
On the 5 March the first death from COVID-19 was recorded in the UK. The first Hertfordshire death occurred on 9 March, with more deaths following from 21 March.
I was due to attend the Ulcer Clinic at Gossoms End (near Berkhamstead) on 13 March, and I contacted the clinic to ask if indeed I should attend. As I was assured that the nurse I was seeing was indeed the only member of staff there that day, and that there was only one other patient due at the clinic that day, I attended. Thankfully this subsequently led to my referral to the Lymphoedema Specialist nurses, who have come out to me regularly twice a week, covered in their protective clothing.
The Government first published its “Stay at Home & Stay Away From Others” – i.e. “Safe distancing” guidance on 23 March. By this time Supermarkets were being totally emptied of goods due to panic buying, and we had already decided to have groceries delivered from Sainsbury’s for the foreseeable future.
My “Historian’s” brain had quickly realised how important the whole problem was to the World, and that it presented an opportunity as Leverstock Green’s local historian to document what was happening locally, so I decided to give residents a challenge, and post details of our village, and how our residents lives’ changed on Facebook.
Firstly, only a few people formally signed up to the challenge, however it soon became apparent that with so much time on their hands following “Lockdown” lots of people were documenting their local environment, their gardens, and other aspects of life during lockdown, mostly on the LGVA Facebook page. It also very quickly started to show the compassion of many people, and the desire to help others if at all possible during such difficult times.. One way in which this materialised was the way in which locals offered many items they had now decided they no longer needed, to others locally and mostly for FREE. Another was by using their own skills to make masks and in some instances other related items such as Scrubs. (See photos below)
Secondly I had originally intended to keep specifically COVID related items and all other items separate. However, I now realise that it would make much more sense to arrange ALL items, wherever possible in chronological order of when they happened. The document I created, mostly from Facebook and occasional other social media pages, I headed with “LEVERSTOCK GREEN CHALLENGE (number), POSTED BY....... (DATE). The only problem with this being that for a variety of reasons, the number of each document as I created it chronologically, was not the same necessarily as the date when it was published. In part this was due to the fact that each time I logged on, I was naturally taken to the head of the column, but also I noticed, as I often had in the past, that even given the date they were published, the list itself could be in a muddled order. Why? I do not know, possibly to do with the speed at which different Internet providers published their clients information.
In any case I continue to give the documents a number in the order I created them, but once printed, I decided I would re-arrange the documents in order of their original date of publication, and slot in, also in original publication date, the other items I had saved. The idea being that eventually the overall picture given would give a true picture of life in Leverstock Green during the pandemic as it progressed.
Lastly, I am today starting on printing the 130 plus documents I have amassed since the end of February 2020. Today – 4 July 2020 – is also the first day in England when lockdown is being officially eased with the opening of venues such as certain shops, pubs and other venues. However, as an individual, and one within the more vulnerable category, we shall continue to stay predominantly at home, not least because the photographs of the thousands who flocked to the beaches recently, where you could barely put a pin-prick between people, let alone 1 meter plus ( the new guidance) makes me fearful of things getting worse again before continuing to improve. We shall have to wait and see.
Also I today received an email from HALS re contributing to their COVID 19 catalogue. This I shall print out when I get to the July section of documents.

Barbara Chapman 4 July 2020