This page was last updated on: May 21, 2019
an in-depth history of one village in Hertfordshire UK.
Click to link to principle LG Chronicle web pages.
For a variety of reasons I can no longer spend the same amount of time as in the past on my research and updating this website, though I DO still explore our local history and continue to find new historic items of interest. e.g.from which now publishes items online.
It is still my intention to update existing pages on the Leverstock Green Chronicle website and to add new information as and when time permits. With Social Media, and the digitisation of many national archives new information and images surface regularly. AS well as saving all this information to my computer, I ensure all new information is documented and printed and added to the growing number of Chronicle Archive Albums. The contents of these albums are catalogued and added to a spread sheet enabling myself (or anyone else in the future) to readily find the information, even should the website itself no longer exist.
If YOU have any information relating to Leverstock Green's history and members of your family who lived here, including photographs, ephemera etc.please contact me so I can arrange a meeting and/or exchange email addresses so I can include your information in my archive of Leverstock Green's history.
Thankyou, Barbara Chapman 12/10/2018

I am indebted to Richard Starling,a resident of Leverstock Green, for introducing me to Heritage England's Places Photo Collection which is now available online (see link above left.) and for finding Images and Memories recalled by persons who knew the area well in the 1950s and 60s and were willing to share them on Facebook. I also found that I had more of the early photographs than I had immediatly recalled, thanks to the occasional "donation", for example the picture taken by Irene Hall shown above.
For anyone not familiar with Hemel Hempstead or Leverstock Green, I should mention here that Hemel Hempstead was designated as a New Town in 1946. [See ] It was as a result of the New Town Corporation's development of what was to become the neighbourhood area of Adeyfield, that Wood Lane End Farm was demolished and replaced by modern flats. Had this taken place today rather than the late 1950s I feel sure that with recognition of the house's historical importance ( see....
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This site is still under construction and editing. Please come back another time to see what has been added.
RIGHT: This photograph taken from the junction of Woodlane End and Leverstock Green Road in 1955/56 shortly before it was demolished. It was taken by Irene Hall and passed to me by Irene on 11 April 2013 (when she attended a local history talk given by me in Leverstock Green Village Hall). Barbara Chapman