This page was last updated on: January 25, 2014
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Leverstock Green Village Association Newsletters
Leverstock Green Village Association has been publishing and distributing newsletters ever since its founding in 1962.  The aim of the newsletter has always been the same, to help engender community spirit by keeping local residents informed of any issues affecting the village, and to let them know of any activities intended for the whole community. It also served to help recruit volunteers to run both the Village Association and the various “village” events such as the annual fete. Initially the Village Association was fighting to get a new village hall built in Leverstock Green, as the existing Parish Hall in the Village was rapidly becoming unusable. (See History of the Parish & Village Hall.) But it soon got involved in many other issues such as the fight to prevent the development of a Heliport on the site of today’s Breakspear Park, and community occasions such as the Leverstock Green Festival held in July.  All these and more were helped by the circulation to each household in the village of the LGVA newsletter.

Originally just a basic typed foolscap sheet, the modern newsletter has been transformed into a two-fold A3 sheet, professionally printed, though produced “in-house” by a volunteer editor - currently Martin Chapman -  with the aid of modern computer technology.   It is still distributed to every household in Leverstock Green – now totalling nearly 3000 (see 2001 census figures) – by a team of volunteers.  Most years three newsletters are produced: in February, June and October; however occasionally an extra edition is published if there is something of special concern.

Local organisations/individuals who have any copy they would like included in the newsletter, or who are willing to be added to the volunteer distributors, please contact the LGVA office at or  The Administrator, Leverstock Green Village Hall, Leverstock Green, HP3 8QG. (Tel 01442 268723) No guarantees can be given that any article will be included as space is limited.  The Editor reserves the right to withhold or alter any copy given him and will in any case not accept anonymous items. 
Latest 2 Newsletters
Copy deadline.

Chronicle pre-20th CenturyMaplinks page (for large scale and old maps of the area.)
20th Century Leverstock GreenGlossary
To view either the latest or past editions of our newsletters, please go to the LGVA Website