Fred Buglass B.E.M. 1905-1998
President LGVA
This page was last updated on: January 25, 2014
Fred Buglass was Leverstock Green Village Association's founder, & Life President until his death in 1998.  He devoted most of his time to working for our local community, and on his death left us a generous legacy, part of which will be used to fund this annual award.

In 2002 The Leverstock Green Village Association inaugurated The Fred Buglass Award which has the objective of  recognising the people in the village who, by their actions, help make this a nice place to live and a community to proud of; and who contribute positively to the village.  The first award was made in November 2002.

Already recognising the contribution made by adults to the local community, The Leverstock Green Village Association  feels it is important that the contributions made by young people do not go unnoticed.  LGVA  wish to publicly recognise the fact that young people are often prepared to help others, undertake responsibilities and make a positive contribution to their local community.  With that object, therefore, the Buglass Youth award was inaugurated in 2003.

The criteria for the award was updated in 2007 in-line with those for the Hertfordshire Young Persons of the Year Award (YOPEY - and are now as follows:

1.Any adult who has contact with the nominee may make nominations.
2.Nominations for the current year’s award must be for young people aged under 19 years of age as of 31st July. Nominations will also be accepted for groups of young people who fulfil the criteria set out below.
3.The award will be judged by an independent group of local residents appointed by the Leverstock Green Village Association, who may short-list up to 20 nominees.
4.An awards evening will be arranged in the autumn,to which all short -listed nominees and their families will be invited. 
5.The overall winner will receive an engraved glass trophy, a certificate and a cash-prize, and have their name or names engraved on the plaque in the Village Hall. Short-listed nominees will also receive recognition at the awards evening.
6.To be eligible for this award young people must
A - Either be resident in Leverstock Green Village Association’s area of benefit (SEE DOWNLOADABLE MAP BELOW)
or   B - be attending one of the following: 
Youth Group or Sports Club within our area of benefit, 
Junior Church/Sunday School within our area of benefit, 
Leverstock Green Primary School, 
Hobbs Hill Wood Primary School, 
Woodfield Special School, 
Longdean School, 
St. Albert the Great RC Primary School.
or   C - contribute to the Leverstock Green Village Association’s area of benefit in some other way. 
7.To be eligible, the nominee has to have contributed to the wellbeing of the local community.              For example (but not exclusively) by: 

8.The closing date for the current year’s nominations is 31st July 
9.The award will be made annually at the same time each year.
10.    Nominations may be made at any time during the preceding year.
11.    As with the adult award, all short-listed nominations will be kept in “The Village Journal” so the work of all nominees can be recognised in the future.
The 2003 Award
NB Photos may take a few minutes to download.
was awarded to


In recognition of service
 in the Leverstock Green 

Abbey can be seen here just having been presented with her award at the Village Fete on Saturday 12th July 2003.

The judges for this year's award: Mrs. Margaret Rayner, Vice-Chairman Leverstock Green Village Association;  Mr. Ron Harris, Chairman of the Leverstock Green Parish Trust; Mrs Cynthia Groves; Mrs Frances Lawson & Mr. David Wilkinson were all agreed that deciding on a winner from the five nominees was extremely difficult. It was felt that all of the nominees would have made very worthy winners, and that there was "less than a cigarette paper's width between them."  However, after considerable discussion it was eventually agreed that the award this year should go to Abbey Bryant.

Other nominees were:
The 1st Leverstock Green Scouts
Ben Pilgrim
Holly & Gregory Verney Smith
Daniel Stainer 

Details of their nominations are held in the "Village Journal" at the Village Hall Leverstock Green.

The photo of the plaque (left) will be added once it has been delivered from the Jewelers.
ABOVE: Daniel Stainer

LEFT::Holly & Gregory Verney-Smith
ABOVE: Ben Pilgrim
1st Leverstock Green Scouts
LGVA received two nominations for the 2004 Fred Buglass Youth Award - both for the same organisation, the 1st Leverstock Green Scouts. 

The LGVA Trustees had no hesitation in endorsing the Scouts as the winner of this year's award.  For as long as any of the existing Trustees can remember - and probably for much longer - the local Scout Group (including the Cubs and Beavers when appropriate) have been the extra hands and muscles helping with major events such as the annual Village Fete and the Fireworks display. They have worked tirelessly over the years to help wherever possible and with accompanying ready smiles. It is probably true to say that without their help, many of these activities could not have taken place.

It was therefore with great pleasure, that LGVA Chairman Barbara Chapman, presented this year's glass trophy to Cub Scout James Povey during the  Village Fete held on Saturday 10th July 2004.
2003 Award
2004 Award
R: LGVA Chairman Barbara Chapman presents James Povery with the FB Youth Award for 2004
2005 Award
This year's award has been made jointly to two very deserving young people: Hannah Luck & Michael Tarver.  Both can seen below having just received their trophies from LGVA Chairman Barbara Chapman at the Village Fete on Saturday 9th July.
The LGVA Trustees had no hesitation in endorsing Hannah & Michael as the joint winners of this year's award. Their  nomination stated the following:

Both Hannah & Michael have given exceptional service to Holy Trinity Junior Church, faithfully and consistantly committed to attend weekly, prepare and present activities, and generally assist withthe children, by whom they are well loved.  They are both totally reliable and conscientious in their work.

Leverstock Green ChronicleMaplinks page (for large scale and old maps of the area.)

20th Century Leverstock GreenGlossary
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Nominations need to be made on the correct forms and submitted to LGVA Office, to arrive no later than 31st July  in any particular year. The address to hand in/send forms to is, LGVA Buglass Youth Award,The Village Hall, Leverstock Green, Herts.  HP3 8QG. They can be ontained from the office directly, or downloaded here.
Click on map to enlarge.
2007 Buglass Youth Award Winner
Duncan Radband
Duncan was our youngest award winner yet, being 11years old when nominated, and receiving his award on his 12th birthday. He was nominated by Holy Trinity Church D.C.C. on three main counts:

At a short ceremony held at Holy Trinity CHurch on Thursday September 20th 2007, ateneded by well-wishers, family and friends, Duncan was presented with his trophy, certificate and cheque by LGVA CHairman Barbara Chapman after first hearing from the Rev Simon Cutmore, Vicar of Holy Trinity, and Alan Phair, Headmaster at Leverstock Green Primary School where Duncan had been a pupil till the summer.

As the Rev Simon said, Duncan is an inspiration to us all.
Duncan seen here with his mother, 
collecting his trophy.
2007 Award
Amy Carl
Amy, also 11 years old when nominated, for 

Amy's award was presented to her by the LGVA Chairman at Holy Trinity Church on the evening of  Wednesday 11th November 2009
2009 Award
Jana (L) and Emma(R) beneath the picture of Fred Buglass, having received their awards.
In 2012 LGVA received 3 nominations for the Youth Award, one of which was for a joint award.

The nominees were:
    Jana Hoyt and Emma Collisson, both aged 18

     Amera Yani aged 14

     Josh Rolph aged 13

A team of three judges comprising Madge Field, Rev'd Lizzie Field, & John Walker met to discuss the entries.  They all agreed any would make a deserving winner, but felt that the work done by Jana Hoyt and Emma Collisson made them the winners for 2012.

On Tuesday 20th November, Chairman Barbara Chapman presented two very deserving young ladies with the 2012 Buglass Youth Award.  Jana Holt and Emma Collisson, both 18, were jointly given the award for the work they undertook with the anti-bulling group at Longdean.  Having trained as student mentors, the two girls started a student support programme for the younger students which they sustained and developed over time. Longdean’s Headmaster Mr Graham Cunningham, together with members of the girls’ families and LGVA Trustees were there to support Jana and Emma and to wish them well in their future careers. 
2012 Award