This page was last updated on: January 25, 2014
Fred Buglass B.E.M. 1905-1998
President LGVA
Leverstock Green residents can now say a big thank you to the unsung heroes of the village. The people who make the difference by their actions and make Leverstock Green the village it is.
Using funds from the Fred Buglass Legacy, the Leverstock Green Village Association instigated an annual award in 2002, The Fred Buglass Award to recognise and thank those people who help make the village a community. A new YOUTH AWARD was initiated in April 2003.
All Leverstock Green residents are invited to nominate someone to receive the awards, and send nomination forms to the Hall Administrator at Leverstock Green Village Hall, Leverstock Green, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. HP3 8QG. The dead-line for nominations for the adult award is 1st October in the year of the award. Nomination forms are available from the Office or downladable. (see below)
The original intention was to give the FRED BUGLASS AWARD to people judged to have contributed to making Leverstock Green a Village Community by their actions and efforts. This was to be changed slightly and the criteria for the award broadened in May 2003.
The original objective of the award was to recognise the people in the village who, by their actions, help make this a nice place to live and a community to proud of. It was hoped the award would promote positive images of Leverstock Green as a counter to the negative feelings caused by petty vandalism and crime.
It should not be seen just as a "pat on the back" for the LGVA committee. It should not be regarded just for people who sit on committees or local councillors but for ANYONE who contirubutes significantly to the Leverstock Green community.
Click here to read the criteria for nomination:
By the deadline of 1st October several nominations had been received from the local community. The following persons having received at least one nomination, and in a some cases two:
Frances Lawson
Roy Tittle
Keith Goddard
Barbara Chapman
Audrey Armstrong &
Russell Matthews
The 2002 winner of the Fred Buglass Award:
(photo, right)
The following is the report made by the Chairman of the Award Committee David Wilkinson:
Fred Buglass Award/Judging 17th October 2002
The judges for this year's Fred Buglass Award were: -
- Mr Alan Phair ~ Headmaster Leverstock Green Primary School.
- Mr Terry Perry ~ Church Warden Holy Trinity and Leverstock Green resident.
- Mrs Margaret Rayner ~ Vice Chair LGVA, Leverstock Green WI, and resident.
David Wilkinson acted as chairman and facilitator for the meeting, without voting rights.
David opened the meeting by thanking the three judges for giving up their time to judge the first Fred Buglass Award. He outlined the purpose of the award. "To recognise those people in the village who, by their actions, help make Leverstock Green a community and help make it a village rather than just part of Hemel Hempstead". He confirmed that there were no fixed criteria other than the nominee must live in Leverstock Green. He went on to advise the judges that there were no losers with this award. All nomination letters will be used to form "The Village Journal," so everyone can see who are the 'doers' in the village and make the difference. He advised them the Award has no monitory value but the winner will receive a crystal trophy to keep, and a trophy board in the hall would record the annual winners.
There were seven nominations however one of these was for Audrey Armstrong who left the village before the award was announced. It therefore failed the only criterion. However it was felt that as Audrey had worked so hard for the village over many years her nomination should be recognised and included in the Village Journal. It was also noted that one of the nominations for Russell Matthews was sent in anonymously. Strictly speaking this nomination should be rejected. The chairman felt it was worth including it as it helped give some back ground information that would be useful.
The judges started by reading through the nominations themselves. Then the meeting opened up, discussing each nominee in turn. The judges adding any further information they personal had of a nominee. After this it was felt that the decision was going to be very difficult and that all the nominees were worthy of the award. The judges decided to concentrate on the nominees that are involved with groups or organisations and whose actions benefit a wide number of residents of the village. After further discussion and a great deal of agonising each judge put forward the nominee they felt should get the Fred Buglass Award. The unanimous decision of the judges was for the inaugural Fred Buglass Award to be presented to Mrs Barbara Chapman.
Each of the judges commented on a different activity that Barbara is involved in. These included being Chairman of the LGVA, her historical research of Leverstock Green leading to the Web sites and a book, her involvement with the Church, the research and work she put in to the villages submission to the Public Enquiry.
The judges felt they had six very worth nominees all of which, by their actions, make Leverstock Green a village and a great place to live. It was difficult to divide them except Barbara was involved in most areas of village life and through the web site and the LGVA has helped to make Leverstock Green a village and not just part of Hemel Hempstead.
The award was presented to Barbara Chapman at the LGVA Annual General Meeting on November 18th 2002.
Barbara having just received the reward.
In May 2003, and following the introduction of the Youth Award, the LGVA committee voted to widen the scope of the adult award slightly, and to bring the nomination procedure in-line with that established for the Youth Award.
The basic criteria for the adult award are from now on to be as follows:
To be eligible for this award nominees must
be resident in Leverstock Green Village Association's area of benefit
or have their permanent place of employment within the Leverstock Green area of benefit.
have contributed to the life of the Leverstock Green Community
To be eligible, nominees must fulfil one or more of the following criteria:
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Have worked to help the local community
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Have made a major contribution to the life of the village community
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Have helped promote the identity of Leverstock Green as a village community
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Have made a major contribution towards conserving or improving the environment of Leverstock Green
As with the Youth award, nominations must now be received on the official nomination form. Previous nominees can be re-nominated provided they have not already received the award and that a new nomination form is submitted. Notes concerning the award and nomination forms can be obtained from the LGVA Office at the Village Hall Leverstock Green, or can be downloaded here. Nominations can be submitted at any time of year, but the deadline for a particular year's award is usually about 7-8 weeks prior to the presentation of the award at the LGVA Annual General Meeting in November.
Three nominations were received for the 2003 Buglass Award. The winner, was announced by Margaret Rayner, LGVA's Vice-Chairman and one of the panel of judges, at the LGVA AGM on the evening of 17th November 2003 in Leverstock Green Village Hall.
Larry Carr
Frances Lawson
Mary Phipps

The Judges for the 2003 award were:
~ Mrs. Margaret Rayner, Vice-Chairman LGVA
~ Mr. Tim Bourne
~ Mrs. Pauline Spendlove
~ Mrs Madge Field &
~ Mr David Miller.
They considered all three nominees would have made worthy winners, but that the timing was perfect for giving Mary Phipps the award given her retirement the previous year. The nomination had been made by David Wilkinson and read as follows:
Mary Phipps (Aunty Mary to hundreds of Leverstock Green Children) provide a safe, exciting and educational haven for children aged 2 to 5. Giving them the opportunities to develop, build their confidence and self-esteem. Aunty Mary’s Bartel Nursery was this haven for over 30 years, until she was forced, through ill health, to retire in 2002.
I feel Aunty Mary meets all the criteria the Fred Buglass Awards lists.
She provided a valuable asset to our community. Giving parents a safe place to leave their young children. An environment where they could learn and develop.
She has helped to teach generations of Leverstock Green Children basic manners and good behaviour that has helped our village community. The Bartel Nursery was a regular contributor to the annual Arts and Craft Exhibition. Showing the children's work, allowing them to contribute to the life of their community.
By helping the young develop the idea of their own identity, has contributed to the identity of Leverstock Green as a village community.
Giving young people, here the under 5's, a sense of right and wrong, confidence and self esteem she has helped to conserve and improve our environment.
Aunty Mary provided a service to our village that was for her a labour of love. She has the affection of hundreds of children who passed through the Bartel Nursery over the post 30 years. I f eel the village should acknowledge the great debt we owe Mary Phipps. The Fred Buglass Award is our way of saying thank you for the great start she has given to so many Leverstock Green Children.
Many people work hard f or our village, Mary did it quietly and very effectively. She was a positive influence on hundreds of young people at the very time it has the most effect. She helped these children move on and develop with the benefits going on to primary school, through to secondary school and beyond.
Mary was presented with her trophy by the previous year's winner, and LGVA Chairman, Barbara Chapman.
Four nominations were received for the 2004 Fred Buglass Award:
Larry Carr
Keith Goddard
Frances Lawson
Richard Haynes
The Judges for the 2004 award (Margaret Rayner, LGVA Vice-Chairman, Cllr Hazel Bassadone, Madge Field, Peter Webber, Terry Perry & Rex Stubbings) all felt that any of the four would make worthy winners. However, after considerable discussion, as only one person could receive the award, their unanimous decision was that the award should go to:
The nomination had been made by Martin Chapman and read as follows:
Frances has made a major contribution to the community by her work in many areas for at least the 22 years I have known her – and for longer.
Her work with children, building their confidence and self discipline through music, has been notable. She has run music groups at home for 4-7 year olds encouraging skills with recorder and percussion, providing team work and plain fun not available elsewhere. More recently she has furthered this work with the Mini Music Group in the village Hall. She has worked as a music teacher at Woodfield School where I believe that her work was much valued – and to which she still devotes some of her time in helping to maintain their gardens.
Her work for Holy Trinity Church has been unstinting – not only as a Church Warden for many years, but also as a member of the Parochial and District Church Councils, Reader and often arranger of services, music & meditation presenter, and organist or pianist when required. She has taken part in Baptism preparation and contributed to many of the social activities arranged by the Church. The church musical quiz evenings she has run with her husband have been most entertaining – and hard work for the Lawsons.
In addition to “official” church activities Frances also organises the Traidcraft stall in the church Trinity Room on Saturday mornings. This organisation seeks to bring fair and free trade to the 3rd world and the stall provides a focus for coffee and a chat for local people.
Her work in the wider community through the Parish Trust, on which she has served since 1992, and through her support of Village Association functions has been considerable.
She is always prepared to help if she can – and I have never heard her speak ill of anyone. She is one of the most courteous people I know, and a great asset to our community.
Frances Lawson (left) recieving her trophy from Mary Phipps at the LGVA AGM, Monday November 15th 2004
There were two nominations for the award: Karin Frampton & Keith Goddard. The judges selected Keith, particulaly given the reason for the nomination and the fact that he was retiring as pyrotechnitian for the LGVA Firework Display after a great many years.
The nomination for the award cited Keith for “establishing a wonderful tradition within the village by creating an annual fireworks display”. This display has now become in the words of the nomination: “ legendary across Dacorum and the huge crowds are evidence of his success and determination”. Keith was “dedicated to developing a first class display, co-ordinated to music, that was absolutely safe and visually extraordinary.”
Unusually, this year's nomination was signed by nearly 20 signatories- that is those people who at the time made up the LGVA Main Management Committee plus one or two more. The statement in support of her nomination explains why her nomination was so widespread.
Margaret has for several decades worked in a variety of ways to help and support the local community; as a Primary teacher at Hobbs Hill Wood School, for many years she taught and supported numerous local children; she has been actively involved in Leverstock Green WI for many years; and she has been on Holy Trinity’s flower rota, arranging flowers for the church, again for many years. For the last 8 years she has been on the LGVA Committee, initially as the WI rep, but latterly as an elected member.
In 2002 she took over as Chairman of the Hall Management S/C, and Vice-Chairman of the Association. Margaret has always worked tirelessly for the Association, her Chairmanship of HMSC has been exemplary, and since becoming Vice-Chairman she has been a good friend, and a great support to the Chairman. She can always be relied on to give thoughtful consideration to any problem and gives sound advise. She is an estimable diplomat, and has been invaluable in liaising between the Parish Trust and Leverstock Green Village Association, to the advantage of the whole community.
In an emergency situation, such as the Buncefield Explosion, she again can always be relied on to give practical help where needed.Over the last few years there have been several projects for which Margaret has taken responsibility, and into which she has expended a great deal of time, thought and energy on behalf of us all. All of them, in addition to everything else, have involved the filling in of reams of paperwork, and the additional research into what was required.
It was Margaret who undertook the brunt of the work with regard to the original plan to extend the hall, and now that this is sadly no longer feasible, to rethinking, and starting all over again to see how we can improve the hall within its existing structure. Work which has now thankfully got underway. The work involved on one aspect alone - making the initial application to the Big Lottery - took very many hours and included lots of background reading and meetings with various officials etc. in order to try and find the best way forward and fill in the mountains of compulsory paperwork.
Undaunted by the decision of the Lottery Fund not to grant us the money, she turned her energies to seeing what could be done instead. This of course has led to yet more paper work and numerous meetings, but now as a result of all Margaret’s hard work, we are well on the way to having a very much improved Village Hall providing first class facilities for all of Leverstock Green’s residents. 
On top of all this, as Chairman of the HMSC, she was very heavily involved in the need to apply for a new premises license. As the legislation was new, there was a lot to get to grips with and understand, before passing that information to the rest of us – as well as once again filling in lots of forms.But most remarkably to us all has been Margaret’s perseverance with all her responsibilities connected with LGVA since January, despite major health problems. Most people in Margaret’s situation would have said “Sorry, I am unable to continue this at present”, but for Margaret it has been “Business as usual” Margaret is a remarkable woman who continuously puts others before herself, and who works tirelessly for the benefit of her local community. She is an inspiration to us all, a great role-model, and a worthy recipient of the 2006 Fred Buglass Award.
Mick Reeve received his award from previous winner Margaret Rayner,
at the LGVA AGM, November 2008.
In a nutshell, Mick received his award because he
"Works tirelessly for the benefit of the local community".
"Mick has worked tirelessly for the benefit of he Village as a whole, never seeking recognition or reward.
He has saved LGVA many pounds by undertaking maintenance and electrical jobs including fencing, installing a gate to the playground and making shelves for the LGVA garage. He has also made and hung curtains for the stage and acts as a stand-in caretaker when needed.
He supports all LGVA fundraising activities if possible and readily volunteers to undertake various tasks in relation to these, eg buying and/or preparing refreshments, collecting tickets, etc. He is happy to use his van to transport items and on occasions such as the fete, fireworks, etc, he is always on hand to assist with quite arduous physical work which is often required.
When committee members were asked to suggest or organise events to raise funds for the building improvements Mick arranged a Variety Show which raised over £2000.
He is a member and ex-chair of the Leverstock Green Players where he makes scenery and costumes and organises the refreshments.
He is also involved with the Scouts, albeit in another part of Dacorum."
Helen Glass pictured here receiving her award from Mick Reeve.
Briefly, Helen has received this award
In recognition of 6 years of service
as Chairman of Levertsock Green School's PTA
"As I understand it, this award was designed to recognise the exceptional personal contribution made by an individual to the life of our village and I think that Helen's outstanding efforts as Chair, in promoting the work of the PTA at our village school shows a commitment and dedication far beyond the norm.
She has organised, with the help of her Committee, numerous summer fetes; Christmas bazaar children and adults discos etc. and in so doing has been largely responsible for raising in excess of £35,000 towards the provision of new playground equipment, IT equipment and interactive whiteboards to name but a few. This fundraising is a vital element of our village school’s funding and 6 years stewardship of the PTA is a significant contribution
All this, of course, has definitely been a team effort but Helen has been instrumental in leading this team to their outstanding achievements. She has personally devoted much of her time, whilst also juggling the challenges of two young children and a “weekend husband”, to complete many of the tasks. Hours of planning & preparation go into these events. Her infectious enthusiasm helps to engage many helpers ranging from fellow parents to teachers, friends and, of course, family. All of whom need organising and co-coordinating to achieve the best result."
The LGVA Trustees wish to congratulate Simon Bounds, this year’s recipient of the Fred Buglass Award for service to the Leverstock Green Community. Simon had been nominated for the award for the many hours and years of dedicated work he had given to keeping Holy Trinity’s churchyard clean and tidy for all village residents and visitors to enjoy. His trophy was presented to him at the AGM by the previous year's recipient, Helen Glass.
LGVA received two nominations for this years' award:
An independant panel of judges (Made up of Madge Field, Rev'd Hitesh Dodhia and Dr. Tup Dutta, (all of whom are village residents) decided that although both were worthy winners, the 2011 recipient should be NICK TAYLOR. The anouncment and presentation were made at the LGVA Anual General Meeting on November 28th 2011.
Tracey was nominated for: "Serving the Community by running Bumble Club/Toddler Club as a volunteer for over 13 years."
Nick was nominated because he had been "an active member of the LGVA for some 10 yers or more, and more recently had given help to the cricket club. He has made a strong contribution to the life of the community.
The Trustees also decided that given the judges recomendation, Tracey would be awarded a Certificate of Merit. This was presented to her after a morning session of Playgroup where she now works, by LGVA Vice-Chairman Margaret Rayner.
ABOVE: Simon Bounds presents Nick Taylor with his trophy.